Biden Campaign Intimidating Jurors

Because you all made him the face of your cult. I mean, I could just as easily say demafasict party. But that’s too many words, when just saying xiden is much easier
Trump and the Republicans rakes in the Chinese money, due to how they're Xi's buttbois.

Biden? He doesn't.

Just highlighting the difference. Your side takes commie money. Our side doesn't. You support American be bought off by commies, we opposie it.

Again, remember that your gaslighting doesn't work on anyone outside of your cult.
Trump and the Republicans rakes in the Chinese money, due to how they're Xi's buttbois.

Biden? He doesn't.

Just highlighting the difference. Your side takes commie money. Our side doesn't. You support American be bought off by commies, we opposie it.

Again, remember that your gaslighting doesn't work on anyone outside of your cult.

Trump releasing all Jan. 6th victims will represent the end of the old and completely corrupt American system, but will usher in a new and much improved system of political justice.

And it will be finally concluded that the election was stolen!
Clearly was, they made the statement right outside the Court house, right after the jury got the case.

Klan style tactics.
I doubt that the jury deliberation room has windows. It did in 12 Angry Men, but that was a long time ago.
Their lies get dumber and dumber as the Trump cult losers get more desperate.

You can smell their commie flopswear across the internet.

You slimewads are in full panic mode.

This is your ONLY chance of not having Trump in the WH come Jan 25.

Does Alinsky have a chapter on "What to do when it looks like you are going to get the shit kicked out of you" ?
What thugs. First Biden says he will make a statement after the verdict, before he supposedly even knows what the verdict is and now he is sending his team to intimidate the jury.

Please show the proof that Biden sent anyone....

Fuck sake ye are getting a desperate....
Decades of observations have confirmed that every Republican accusation is a confession, and that you're trying to deflect from your party's reliance on Chinese money by projecting that behavior on to Democrats.

Why did Trump decide he loves TikTok, the Chinese spy network?


This isn't a debate. TikTok's Chinese masters bought Trump's support with Chinabucks. And you're good with that.
Telling the truth about Trump is never the wrong thing. If the wanna be fascists support him because of his corruption, that’s their fault and nothing I can do about it.
Trump is doing well in the polls because voters don't believe you. So, for that, we thank you. Trumps thanks you.
This is the way a corrupt government in banana republics would operate. The government indicts their political opponents, and then holds political speeches to condemn their opponents in front of the very court house where the government's lackeys are trying to convict them.
Fucks Sake...

Have you any proof of Biden's involvement in this case...

You have fucking nothing... Nothing now, Nothing Nothing again...

If you want to say Biden has anything to do with this case then show the proof first....

Otherwise you a political wanking, using your imagination to believe in you fantasies...
Frank also said the same thing in 2020, that Hillary would swoop in.

At least he's consistently dumb.

Yes, I did say that!

I thought after Biden died they would HAVE to call on Hillary, I didn't think they would go to a Body Double
You slimewads are in full panic mode.
It's good that you're not even pretending you can address the current topic. It's not like you could ever debate any liberal on issue, so deflecting with hyterical insults is your only option.

Let's do what enrages you most, and bring you back to the topic you're trying to deflect from, which is how pathetic this current Trump cult Alinsky-style BigLie is.

Are you claiming Biden personally ordered the press conference?

Are you claiming the location matters?

Are you claiming jurors saw it?

Are you claiming it was threatening to jurors?

Be specific. Just how far will you go to lie and humiliate yourself for the glory of fascism? Is there any limit to how low you'll go?

See you in November, losers. We're looking forward to it.
Not surprising, coming from the side that believed the farce about the valid search warrant was actually an attempted assassination.

You guys will believe anyfuckingthing.
Decades of observations have confirmed that every Republican accusation is a confession, and that you're trying to deflect from your party's reliance on Chinese money by projecting that behavior on to Democrats.

Why did Trump decide he loves TikTok, the Chinese spy network?


This isn't a debate. TikTok's Chinese masters bought Trump's support with Chinabucks. And you're good with that.
Cool story, PSYCHOPATH.
Tell us more, Trump cult losers, how someone holding a press conference is Biden intimidating the jurors.

Do you people even listen to yourselves?
How is that several judge boys have edicted that Trump talking is intimidation and influence and gagged him
Could you possibly be more dumb dum dishonest?
How is that several judge boys have edicted that Trump talking is intimidation and influence and gagged him
Could you possibly be more dumb dum dishonest?
Because they have the death threats from his loyal minions to substantiate it.

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