Biden Campaign Intimidating Jurors

What thugs. First Biden says he will make a statement after the verdict, before he supposedly even knows what the verdict is and now he is sending his team to intimidate the witnesses.

grounds for a mistrial
"... Donald Trump wants to destroy not only the city but the country, and, eventually, he could destroy the world.” Xiden campaign spokeman....speaking to the jury.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what a lynch mob used to say outside of court houses in the South when the Dems were desperately trying to maintain their oppressive stranglehold on power there.

This is the sort of statement we heard from the South African Govt outside the Courthouse during the Rivonia Trial

Clearly was, they made the statement right outside the Court house, right after the jury got the case.
You know juries are sequestered, right?

Basic law. It eludes conservatives, along with basic common sense.

I imagine they're not really that stupid. They're just getting their excuses for losing in place, along with their excuses to get even more violent.
Clearly was, they made the statement right outside the Court house, right after the jury got the case.

Klan style tactics.
Well yeah. The lynch mob falsely accuses a black man of rape. Then they march to the courthouse where the man's trial is taking place, and they incite the public to find him guilty of rape. you do not need evidence of a crime with the mob, you just need outrage and anger. And you need the jury to fear what might happen to them if people learn that they did not vote to convict.
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America's justice system is at great risk of being destroyed and replaced by some alternative system that is dictated by politics.

Maybe Trump has come to understand that politics dictating outcomes is always going to be risky. His first step should be in releasing all Jan 6th. victims from jails.
You know juries are sequestered, right?

Basic law. It eludes conservatives, along with basic common sense.

I imagine they're not really that stupid. They're just getting their excuses for losing in place, along with their excuses to get even more violent.
This jury is not sequestered.

Sequestering a jury is not basic law. Geez, come back when you have a clue
“We New Yorkers used to tolerate him when he was just another crappy real estate hustler masquerading as a big shot," De Niro said. “I love this city. I don’t want to destroy it. Donald Trump wants to destroy not only the city but the country, and, eventually, he could destroy the world.”


I don't understand. If Trump wants to destroy everything then why didn't he do it last time when he was president? I mean he had a chance. Hell under the guise of the COVID panics he had to best opportunity to destroy new York, the country, the world but he didn't. He didn't even try.

I still love the old deniro movies, but him as a person? He is pure dog shit anymore. He is just an old man living off his former fame now just a walking pandering machine spewing out rhetoric and lies and irrational hatred. He is still an actor, only now he is acting as a democrat stooge being sent out on stage to push their agendas.
of course not, nobody is accusing Xiden of being able to organize anything....he's senile.
Yet he still easily curbstomps your whole side, every time, while never losing his calm smile.

To let a senile guy pimpslap you like that, you all must be the biggest pajama bois to ever exist on the planet.

Of course, you're just doing what fascists always do, declaring that the enemy is simulataneously overwhelmingly powerful and pathetically weak.

Fascism doesn't have to make sense. It just has to keep the fascist base hysterical and obedient.
You know juries are sequestered, right?

Basic law. It eludes conservatives, along with basic common sense.

I imagine they're not really that stupid. They're just getting their excuses for losing in place, along with their excuses to get even more violent.
Are you saying this jury is sequestered?....
"... Donald Trump wants to destroy not only the city but the country, and, eventually, he could destroy the world.” Xiden campaign spokeman....speaking to the jury.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what a lynch mob used to say outside of court houses in the South when the Dems were desperately trying to maintain their oppressive stranglehold on power there.

This is the sort of statement we heard from the South African Govt outside the Courthouse during the Rivonia Trial

One reason more and more blacks are supporting Trump. They know kangaroo courts when they see them.
It takes a special degree of stupid to think that was addressed to jurors.

Or that it's a threat.

Or that Biden ordered it.

Why do you embarrass yourselves like this?

I suppose it's not really important, given that nobody pays attention to your idiot weeping.

On the bright side, crying hysterically about what your cult told you to cry about will earn you big brownie points with your cult.
So why not give the speech in Central Park? Oh wait...
So, Trump cultists, what source told you to repeat this crazy story?

I noticed multiple loons all racing to be the first to repeat the really dumb propaganda. The Trump cultists are obedient parrots, I'll grant them that.

There's nothing like it on the left, these organized party propaganda campaigns to get the base hysterical. The left just doesn't do hysteria.
You're saying Biden himself organizes every minor press conference?

More evidence of how BDS lobotomizes formerly normal people.
Minor press conference? He has announced a speech in the oval office, after the verdict. This is not a minor thing. You loons screwed the pooch on this one, Trump is going to gain popularity either way it goes.
“We New Yorkers used to tolerate him when he was just another crappy real estate hustler masquerading as a big shot," De Niro said. “I love this city. I don’t want to destroy it. Donald Trump wants to destroy not only the city but the country, and, eventually, he could destroy the world.”


I don't understand. If Trump wants to destroy everything then why didn't he do it last time when he was president? I mean he had a chance. Hell under the guise of the COVID panics he had to best opportunity to destroy new York, the country, the world but he didn't. He didn't even try.

I still love the old deniro movies, but him as a person? He is pure dog shit anymore. He is just an old man living off his former fame now just a walking pandering machine spewing out rhetoric and lies and irrational hatred. He is still an actor, only now he is acting as a democrat stooge being sent out on stage to push their agendas.
Democrats are blaming the current destruction on Trump. Can't possibly be their looney policies.
Minor press conference? He has announced a speech in the oval office, after the verdict. This is not a minor thing. You loons screwed the pooch on this one, Trump is going to gain popularity either way it goes.
Oh dear.

You are so out of touch with reality, and so proud of it.

We're never going to be able to bring you back to this reality.

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