Biden claims Army warned in Early February that coronavirus could kill 150,000 Americans ...HUH?

Newsflash. Trump was being given PDBs routinely telling him how serious this was going to be
You are lying again.....
It's not a lie.

"The system was blinking red," one US official with access to the intelligence told The Post. Agencies "have been warning on this since January."

"Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it," the official added.

The intelligence documents were disseminated to White House officials as well as congressional lawmakers and their staff. Congress also began receiving daily briefings on the virus earlier this year as it rapidly spread across the globe.

By the end of January and beginning of February, a majority of the intelligence contained in Trump's daily briefings was about the coronavirus, according to The Post.

I think there IS a reason Trump wouldn't act on the information. He was trying to protect the economy. He didn't want to panic the stock market. That was a valid concern, but he could have had the government working quietly to make sure our stockpiles were ready, etc. Couldn't he?

Don't believe everything you read from Washington Compost or Business Insider. But let's say it's true. Where the hell was Nancy and the rest of the gang of eight. Half were trying to impeach Trump.

So, the bottom line is if Trump was getting the information then Nancy Pelosi was getting it too and she didn't do shit.

BTW, January 12 China told the WHO that there was no human to human transmission.
He was impeached December 18 and the House voted to send the articles to the Senate on January 15. She was done with it.

What did you think the Speaker of the House was supposed to do, over and beyond the President?

That's the point. She can't rail at Trump when she had every bit of the same information as he did.

You worry me, you're falling into libtardation and you're smarter than that.
Your last post had nothing to do with "railing." Let's stick to one bitch at a time, okay?

I can multi-task. She didn't do shit then railed about Orange Man Bad. Then you rail Orange Man Bad. Now Trump's poll numbers are at an all time high. Which means a lot of people who didn't think he was doing a good job now do. You're behind the curve, and falling fast.
FEMA reediness was uncle Joes job as VP...m
"Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it," the official added.
What official OL? many times are you going to fall for an unnamed news source?...

The intelligence documents were disseminated to White House officials as well as congressional lawmakers and their staff. Congress also began receiving daily briefings on the virus earlier this year as it rapidly spread across the globe
And that was when Pelosi and NY dems were telling their constituents to not be alarmed...that the virus wasn't contagious....Pelosi was trying to make Trump out to be a racist at the time....

Trump was on this from the beginning we all know that now....if you find someone that says otherwise close to the white house have them be brave enough to give their name....otherwise its just more fake news.....
I know WaPo uses sources that they have found accurate and reliable in the past. I knew when I put it up that most of you would conveniently dismiss it as fake news. I had to try.

Btw, could you link me to Pelosi telling us that the virus wasn't contagious?

“It’s exciting to be here, especially at this time, to be able to be unified with our community,” Pelosi said on Feb. 24. “We want to be vigilant about what is out there in other places. We want to be careful about how we deal with it, but we do want to say to people ‘Come to Chinatown, here we are — we're, again, careful, safe — and come join us.'”

That was Feb 24. Almost a month before California shut down bars and restaurants..and TWO months before Florida did so.

Oh and San Fan has not had any huge it appears they WERE careful
Newsflash. Trump was being given PDBs routinely telling him how serious this was going to be
You are lying again.....
It's not a lie.

"The system was blinking red," one US official with access to the intelligence told The Post. Agencies "have been warning on this since January."

"Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it," the official added.

The intelligence documents were disseminated to White House officials as well as congressional lawmakers and their staff. Congress also began receiving daily briefings on the virus earlier this year as it rapidly spread across the globe.

By the end of January and beginning of February, a majority of the intelligence contained in Trump's daily briefings was about the coronavirus, according to The Post.

I think there IS a reason Trump wouldn't act on the information. He was trying to protect the economy. He didn't want to panic the stock market. That was a valid concern, but he could have had the government working quietly to make sure our stockpiles were ready, etc. Couldn't he?

Don't believe everything you read from Washington Compost or Business Insider. But let's say it's true. Where the hell was Nancy and the rest of the gang of eight. Half were trying to impeach Trump.

So, the bottom line is if Trump was getting the information then Nancy Pelosi was getting it too and she didn't do shit.

BTW, January 12 China told the WHO that there was no human to human transmission.
He was impeached December 18 and the House voted to send the articles to the Senate on January 15. She was done with it.

What did you think the Speaker of the House was supposed to do, over and beyond the President?
Looks like she delayed delivery until her ChiCom owners gave her the go ahead
Newsflash. Trump was being given PDBs routinely telling him how serious this was going to be
You are lying again.....
It's not a lie.

"The system was blinking red," one US official with access to the intelligence told The Post. Agencies "have been warning on this since January."

"Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it," the official added.

The intelligence documents were disseminated to White House officials as well as congressional lawmakers and their staff. Congress also began receiving daily briefings on the virus earlier this year as it rapidly spread across the globe.

By the end of January and beginning of February, a majority of the intelligence contained in Trump's daily briefings was about the coronavirus, according to The Post.

I think there IS a reason Trump wouldn't act on the information. He was trying to protect the economy. He didn't want to panic the stock market. That was a valid concern, but he could have had the government working quietly to make sure our stockpiles were ready, etc. Couldn't he?

Don't believe everything you read from Washington Compost or Business Insider. But let's say it's true. Where the hell was Nancy and the rest of the gang of eight. Half were trying to impeach Trump.

So, the bottom line is if Trump was getting the information then Nancy Pelosi was getting it too and she didn't do shit.

BTW, January 12 China told the WHO that there was no human to human transmission.
He was impeached December 18 and the House voted to send the articles to the Senate on January 15. She was done with it.

What did you think the Speaker of the House was supposed to do, over and beyond the President?

That's the point. She can't rail at Trump when she had every bit of the same information as he did.

You worry me, you're falling into libtardation and you're smarter than that.
Your last post had nothing to do with "railing." Let's stick to one bitch at a time, okay?

I can multi-task. She didn't do shit then railed about Orange Man Bad. Then you rail Orange Man Bad. Now Trump's poll numbers are at an all time high. Which means a lot of people who didn't think he was doing a good job now do. You're behind the curve, and falling fast.
You still haven't answered my question: What "shit" was Pelosi supposed to do, over and beyond the President? I don't want to hear a bunch of political belly achin, Ricky. Just answer the question.
Newsflash. Trump was being given PDBs routinely telling him how serious this was going to be
You are lying again.....
It's not a lie.

"The system was blinking red," one US official with access to the intelligence told The Post. Agencies "have been warning on this since January."

"Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it," the official added.

The intelligence documents were disseminated to White House officials as well as congressional lawmakers and their staff. Congress also began receiving daily briefings on the virus earlier this year as it rapidly spread across the globe.

By the end of January and beginning of February, a majority of the intelligence contained in Trump's daily briefings was about the coronavirus, according to The Post.

I think there IS a reason Trump wouldn't act on the information. He was trying to protect the economy. He didn't want to panic the stock market. That was a valid concern, but he could have had the government working quietly to make sure our stockpiles were ready, etc. Couldn't he?
Anonymous sources of unknown origin.

You are a joke.
Newsflash. Trump was being given PDBs routinely telling him how serious this was going to be
You are lying again.....
It's not a lie.

"The system was blinking red," one US official with access to the intelligence told The Post. Agencies "have been warning on this since January."

"Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it," the official added.

The intelligence documents were disseminated to White House officials as well as congressional lawmakers and their staff. Congress also began receiving daily briefings on the virus earlier this year as it rapidly spread across the globe.

By the end of January and beginning of February, a majority of the intelligence contained in Trump's daily briefings was about the coronavirus, according to The Post.

I think there IS a reason Trump wouldn't act on the information. He was trying to protect the economy. He didn't want to panic the stock market. That was a valid concern, but he could have had the government working quietly to make sure our stockpiles were ready, etc. Couldn't he?

Don't believe everything you read from Washington Compost or Business Insider. But let's say it's true. Where the hell was Nancy and the rest of the gang of eight. Half were trying to impeach Trump.

So, the bottom line is if Trump was getting the information then Nancy Pelosi was getting it too and she didn't do shit.

BTW, January 12 China told the WHO that there was no human to human transmission.
He was impeached December 18 and the House voted to send the articles to the Senate on January 15. She was done with it.

What did you think the Speaker of the House was supposed to do, over and beyond the President?
What DID she do? Anything? Nope.
Newsflash. Trump was being given PDBs routinely telling him how serious this was going to be
You are lying again.....
It's not a lie.

"The system was blinking red," one US official with access to the intelligence told The Post. Agencies "have been warning on this since January."

"Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it," the official added.

The intelligence documents were disseminated to White House officials as well as congressional lawmakers and their staff. Congress also began receiving daily briefings on the virus earlier this year as it rapidly spread across the globe.

By the end of January and beginning of February, a majority of the intelligence contained in Trump's daily briefings was about the coronavirus, according to The Post.

I think there IS a reason Trump wouldn't act on the information. He was trying to protect the economy. He didn't want to panic the stock market. That was a valid concern, but he could have had the government working quietly to make sure our stockpiles were ready, etc. Couldn't he?

Don't believe everything you read from Washington Compost or Business Insider. But let's say it's true. Where the hell was Nancy and the rest of the gang of eight. Half were trying to impeach Trump.

So, the bottom line is if Trump was getting the information then Nancy Pelosi was getting it too and she didn't do shit.

BTW, January 12 China told the WHO that there was no human to human transmission.
He was impeached December 18 and the House voted to send the articles to the Senate on January 15. She was done with it.

What did you think the Speaker of the House was supposed to do, over and beyond the President?

That's the point. She can't rail at Trump when she had every bit of the same information as he did.

You worry me, you're falling into libtardation and you're smarter than that.
Your last post had nothing to do with "railing." Let's stick to one bitch at a time, okay?

I can multi-task. She didn't do shit then railed about Orange Man Bad. Then you rail Orange Man Bad. Now Trump's poll numbers are at an all time high. Which means a lot of people who didn't think he was doing a good job now do. You're behind the curve, and falling fast.
You still haven't answered my question: What "shit" was Pelosi supposed to do, over and beyond the President? I don't want to hear a bunch of political belly achin, Ricky. Just answer the question.

Well, for starters she shouldn't have been in China Town telling everyone to come on down and party 3 weeks ago. Virtue signaling and pandering. So she has no moral high ground blaming Trump for anything. Now tell me that was a smart thing to do? Trump was already going balls to the walls on it. Bidum was calling Trump a xenophobe for shutting down travel from China. Deblasio was doing the same thing, come on out and party.
Okay, just tell me why it is okay for Trump not to have known back then, but not okay for Nancy?
Same time frame, the President's tweets
Trump never encouraged people to go out to show how racists Pelosi was....but that is what Pelosi did and why she did it...she was trying to pin the China racist pin on Trump because he shut down travel from China...the lives and health of her constituents be damned....
Newsflash. Trump was being given PDBs routinely telling him how serious this was going to be
You are lying again.....
It's not a lie.

"The system was blinking red," one US official with access to the intelligence told The Post. Agencies "have been warning on this since January."

"Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it," the official added.

The intelligence documents were disseminated to White House officials as well as congressional lawmakers and their staff. Congress also began receiving daily briefings on the virus earlier this year as it rapidly spread across the globe.

By the end of January and beginning of February, a majority of the intelligence contained in Trump's daily briefings was about the coronavirus, according to The Post.

I think there IS a reason Trump wouldn't act on the information. He was trying to protect the economy. He didn't want to panic the stock market. That was a valid concern, but he could have had the government working quietly to make sure our stockpiles were ready, etc. Couldn't he?

Don't believe everything you read from Washington Compost or Business Insider. But let's say it's true. Where the hell was Nancy and the rest of the gang of eight. Half were trying to impeach Trump.

So, the bottom line is if Trump was getting the information then Nancy Pelosi was getting it too and she didn't do shit.

BTW, January 12 China told the WHO that there was no human to human transmission.
He was impeached December 18 and the House voted to send the articles to the Senate on January 15. She was done with it.

What did you think the Speaker of the House was supposed to do, over and beyond the President?

That's the point. She can't rail at Trump when she had every bit of the same information as he did.

You worry me, you're falling into libtardation and you're smarter than that.
Your last post had nothing to do with "railing." Let's stick to one bitch at a time, okay?

I can multi-task. She didn't do shit then railed about Orange Man Bad. Then you rail Orange Man Bad. Now Trump's poll numbers are at an all time high. Which means a lot of people who didn't think he was doing a good job now do. You're behind the curve, and falling fast.
You still haven't answered my question: What "shit" was Pelosi supposed to do, over and beyond the President? I don't want to hear a bunch of political belly achin, Ricky. Just answer the question.

Well, for starters she shouldn't have been in China Town telling everyone to come on down and party 3 weeks ago. Virtue signaling and pandering. So she has no moral high ground blaming Trump for anything. Now tell me that was a smart thing to do? Trump was already going balls to the walls on it. Bidum was calling Trump a xenophobe for shutting down travel from China. Deblasio was doing the same thing, come on out and party.
Okay, but you need a new calendar. It wasn't three weeks ago
It's not fair to accuse only the Democrats of what Trump himself did.
Okay, just tell me why it is okay for Trump not to have known back then, but not okay for Nancy?
Same time frame, the President's tweets
Trump never encouraged people to go out to show how racists Pelosi was....but that is what Pelosi did and why she did it...she was trying to pin the China racist pin on Trump because he shut down travel from China...the lives and health of her constituents be damned....
She was encouraging people to celebrate Chinese New Year because it is the biggest holiday of the year for businesses that cater to the Chinese community. San Fran has a big Chinatown. She was supporting local businesses in her district. And I bet now she wishes she hadn't.
FEMA reediness was uncle Joes job as VP...m
"Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it," the official added.
What official OL? many times are you going to fall for an unnamed news source?...

The intelligence documents were disseminated to White House officials as well as congressional lawmakers and their staff. Congress also began receiving daily briefings on the virus earlier this year as it rapidly spread across the globe
And that was when Pelosi and NY dems were telling their constituents to not be alarmed...that the virus wasn't contagious....Pelosi was trying to make Trump out to be a racist at the time....

Trump was on this from the beginning we all know that now....if you find someone that says otherwise close to the white house have them be brave enough to give their name....otherwise its just more fake news.....
I know WaPo uses sources that they have found accurate and reliable in the past. I knew when I put it up that most of you would conveniently dismiss it as fake news. I had to try.

Btw, could you link me to Pelosi telling us that the virus wasn't contagious?

I didn't realize Joe was still VP.
If you are going to defend someone you had better take the time to learn who it is you are defending....Pelosi doesn't give a rip about you or anyone she only cares about beating Trump.....get your head out of the sand OL....
Okay, just tell me why it is okay for Trump not to have known back then, but not okay for Nancy?
Same time frame, the President's tweets
Trump never encouraged people to go out to show how racists Pelosi was....but that is what Pelosi did and why she did it...she was trying to pin the China racist pin on Trump because he shut down travel from China...the lives and health of her constituents be damned....
She was encouraging people to celebrate Chinese New Year because it is the biggest holiday of the year for businesses that cater to the Chinese community. San Fran has a big Chinatown. She was supporting local businesses in her district. And I bet now she wishes she hadn't.
Bullshit.....and I think you know that's bullshit...
FEMA reediness was uncle Joes job as VP...m
"Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it," the official added.
What official OL? many times are you going to fall for an unnamed news source?...

The intelligence documents were disseminated to White House officials as well as congressional lawmakers and their staff. Congress also began receiving daily briefings on the virus earlier this year as it rapidly spread across the globe
And that was when Pelosi and NY dems were telling their constituents to not be alarmed...that the virus wasn't contagious....Pelosi was trying to make Trump out to be a racist at the time....

Trump was on this from the beginning we all know that now....if you find someone that says otherwise close to the white house have them be brave enough to give their name....otherwise its just more fake news.....
I know WaPo uses sources that they have found accurate and reliable in the past. I knew when I put it up that most of you would conveniently dismiss it as fake news. I had to try.

Btw, could you link me to Pelosi telling us that the virus wasn't contagious?

I didn't realize Joe was still VP.
If you are going to defend someone you had better take the time to learn who it is you are defending....Pelosi doesn't give a rip about you or anyone she only cares about beating Trump.....get your head out of the sand OL....
Of course she doesn't care about me, and I am no fan of hers. I know it's her job to be partisan, but I don't care for it and she says a lot -- and does a lot -- I don't like. HOWEVER, what I am defending here is simple fairness. Don't know why I tried. Nothing else to do I guess.
FEMA reediness was uncle Joes job as VP...m
"Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it," the official added.
What official OL? many times are you going to fall for an unnamed news source?...

The intelligence documents were disseminated to White House officials as well as congressional lawmakers and their staff. Congress also began receiving daily briefings on the virus earlier this year as it rapidly spread across the globe
And that was when Pelosi and NY dems were telling their constituents to not be alarmed...that the virus wasn't contagious....Pelosi was trying to make Trump out to be a racist at the time....

Trump was on this from the beginning we all know that now....if you find someone that says otherwise close to the white house have them be brave enough to give their name....otherwise its just more fake news.....
I know WaPo uses sources that they have found accurate and reliable in the past. I knew when I put it up that most of you would conveniently dismiss it as fake news. I had to try.

Btw, could you link me to Pelosi telling us that the virus wasn't contagious?

I didn't realize Joe was still VP.
If you are going to defend someone you had better take the time to learn who it is you are defending....Pelosi doesn't give a rip about you or anyone she only cares about beating Trump.....get your head out of the sand OL....
Of course she doesn't care about me, and I am no fan of hers. I know it's her job to be partisan, but I don't care for it and she says a lot -- and does a lot -- I don't like. HOWEVER, what I am defending here is simple fairness. Don't know why I tried. Nothing else to do I guess.
You dare speak of fairness with how President Trump has been treated for the last 3 years.....come on....Pelosi and her ilk are making our lives harder...yours too OL....
Okay, just tell me why it is okay for Trump not to have known back then, but not okay for Nancy?
Same time frame, the President's tweets
Trump never encouraged people to go out to show how racists Pelosi was....but that is what Pelosi did and why she did it...she was trying to pin the China racist pin on Trump because he shut down travel from China...the lives and health of her constituents be damned....
She was encouraging people to celebrate Chinese New Year because it is the biggest holiday of the year for businesses that cater to the Chinese community. San Fran has a big Chinatown. She was supporting local businesses in her district. And I bet now she wishes she hadn't.
Bullshit.....and I think you know that's bullshit...
I disagree, and since you don't know the woman any better than I do, we'll leave it there since neither of us really knows.
Okay, just tell me why it is okay for Trump not to have known back then, but not okay for Nancy?
Same time frame, the President's tweets
Trump never encouraged people to go out to show how racists Pelosi was....but that is what Pelosi did and why she did it...she was trying to pin the China racist pin on Trump because he shut down travel from China...the lives and health of her constituents be damned....
She was encouraging people to celebrate Chinese New Year because it is the biggest holiday of the year for businesses that cater to the Chinese community. San Fran has a big Chinatown. She was supporting local businesses in her district. And I bet now she wishes she hadn't.
Bullshit.....and I think you know that's bullshit...
I disagree, and since you don't know the woman any better than I do, we'll leave it there since neither of us really knows.
Well fine then.....:th_waiting:
FEMA reediness was uncle Joes job as VP...m
"Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it," the official added.
What official OL? many times are you going to fall for an unnamed news source?...

The intelligence documents were disseminated to White House officials as well as congressional lawmakers and their staff. Congress also began receiving daily briefings on the virus earlier this year as it rapidly spread across the globe
And that was when Pelosi and NY dems were telling their constituents to not be alarmed...that the virus wasn't contagious....Pelosi was trying to make Trump out to be a racist at the time....

Trump was on this from the beginning we all know that now....if you find someone that says otherwise close to the white house have them be brave enough to give their name....otherwise its just more fake news.....
I know WaPo uses sources that they have found accurate and reliable in the past. I knew when I put it up that most of you would conveniently dismiss it as fake news. I had to try.

Btw, could you link me to Pelosi telling us that the virus wasn't contagious?

I didn't realize Joe was still VP.
If you are going to defend someone you had better take the time to learn who it is you are defending....Pelosi doesn't give a rip about you or anyone she only cares about beating Trump.....get your head out of the sand OL....
Of course she doesn't care about me, and I am no fan of hers. I know it's her job to be partisan, but I don't care for it and she says a lot -- and does a lot -- I don't like. HOWEVER, what I am defending here is simple fairness. Don't know why I tried. Nothing else to do I guess.
You dare speak of fairness with how President Trump has been treated for the last 3 years.....come on....Pelosi and her ilk are making our lives harder...yours too OL....
Yes. I do. I'm done pointlessly arguing in a circle with you.
FEMA reediness was uncle Joes job as VP...m
"Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it," the official added.
What official OL? many times are you going to fall for an unnamed news source?...

The intelligence documents were disseminated to White House officials as well as congressional lawmakers and their staff. Congress also began receiving daily briefings on the virus earlier this year as it rapidly spread across the globe
And that was when Pelosi and NY dems were telling their constituents to not be alarmed...that the virus wasn't contagious....Pelosi was trying to make Trump out to be a racist at the time....

Trump was on this from the beginning we all know that now....if you find someone that says otherwise close to the white house have them be brave enough to give their name....otherwise its just more fake news.....
I know WaPo uses sources that they have found accurate and reliable in the past. I knew when I put it up that most of you would conveniently dismiss it as fake news. I had to try.

Btw, could you link me to Pelosi telling us that the virus wasn't contagious?

I didn't realize Joe was still VP.
If you are going to defend someone you had better take the time to learn who it is you are defending....Pelosi doesn't give a rip about you or anyone she only cares about beating Trump.....get your head out of the sand OL....
Of course she doesn't care about me, and I am no fan of hers. I know it's her job to be partisan, but I don't care for it and she says a lot -- and does a lot -- I don't like. HOWEVER, what I am defending here is simple fairness. Don't know why I tried. Nothing else to do I guess.
You dare speak of fairness with how President Trump has been treated for the last 3 years.....come on....Pelosi and her ilk are making our lives harder...yours too OL....
Yes. I do. I'm done pointlessly arguing in a circle with you.

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