Biden claims his son Beau “lost his life in Iraq”.

I think he did battle addiction but got clean for about 3 years and then got cancer and died. I had email contact with his secretary. No talk about Iraq.


Should I have read responses first and realized President Bibble Babble was off script again.!?
Every single day I come home and feel compelled to check the news for what idiotic thing our president has said that day. Every single day I get a new answer. Today was no exception . And tomorrow ???? Well, I won't know until I get home from work..... The heavy, syrupy sadness of this "situation" weighs heavy for all patriots.
He enabled his drug addicted son to make shady deals with Ukraine, Russia and China using (Air-force 2), that was financing is own son's self destructive behavior. What a good dad!....Just what Hunter (his son) needed was 80 grand a month from sketchy deals.
He didn't ENABLE....Biden flew Hunter to the source and pimped him out.
Shitlibs do love them some stolen valor.

Beau is the lucky one. The other two are drug-addled, tortured souls that require interventions and rehab on a regular basis just to keep the flicker alive. Their parents are human shit.

ashley biden shower 3.jpg
Is Biden a lying sack, completely dementia riddled, or both?

My money is on both.

He's also claiming that two firefighters almost lost their lives in his small kitchen fire too. xiden is no longer on speaking terms with reality.

Of course MAGAts attack Beau Biden.

No one is attacking Beau, his cancer is now considered a presumptive illness for service in the middle east. His wife can now apply for a VA pension based on his service and his kids are eligible for benefits as well.

he was in Iraq and like many others who was around burn pits died of a terrible brain cancer, brainwashed functional asshole.... The reason hunter Biden had problems for a couple of years

Hunter was fucked in the head long before his brother died.

Too bad you have no evidence for any of that, all investigated, no problem. now it's time to investigate the trump kids who actually did stuff.... Sorry about your scumbag heroes super dupe.

You're a liar, the FBI blocked investigations.

My my, you people are brainwashed functional swine. Too bad you don't have any evidence for any of these charges in fact all your evidence has been proven totally wrong, and your heroes would never put them in court because that would be a crime, they are ridiculous lies, ignoramus. Change the damn channel and rejoin humanity

She said the pills helped her forget.

What he meant you fucking lying pile of shit is that Beau's brain cancer was the result of him being exposed to burn pits in Iraq. It's well known by the medical community that those who served in Iraq have suffered numerous health issues including CANCER as a result of being exposed to toxins from those burn pits.

Nothing is off limits to you vicious right wing fucks is it?

Not what xiden said, was it? He said Beau died in Iraq.


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