Biden claims the $3.5 TRILLION spending bill costs "zero dollars'.

OK, then right back at you. If you think income taxes are too high then quit your fucking job and quit paying them, that is how the "free market" flippin works. Lead by example of STFU.
Damn you are desperate aren't you?

Its MY MONEY TO BEGIN WITH. Of course that's the part you and all the idiots like you don't get. You think it belongs to the govt. and I should just get to keep what THEY ALLOW.

So tell me, how much extra you gonna voluntarily send in this year?

Oh, and im 51 and retired. I DID QUIT MY FUCKING JOB and no longer pay them. :D
OK, then right back at you. If you think income taxes are too high then quit your fucking job and quit paying them, that is how the "free market" flippin works. Lead by example of STFU.
Um, when someone believes they are taxed too much they can't voluntarily decide to pay a lower tax according to what they think the govt should take.

Dimtard fuckwit billionaires who piss and moan they aren't taxed enough can send the Feds every last dollar they have without penalty.

See the difference, Dipshit?
Um, when someone believes they are taxed too much they can't voluntarily decide to pay a lower tax according to what they think the govt should take.

Dimtard fuckwit billionaires who piss and moan they aren't taxed enough can sent the Feds every last dollar they have without penalty.

See the difference, Dipshit?
No. People like him are incapable of seeing the difference. They are mentally challenged that way.
Your graph doesn't show a massive decrease in "corporate taxes" dues to the across the board Trump tax cuts, Dipshit.

In fact, it shows a spike in the last year.

:oops8: :oops8: :oops8:
I believe you are confused. The second graph was not corporate tax revenue as a percentage of GDP, it was corporate profits as a percentage of GDP. Damn, wonder why such a spike, LOL.
I believe you are confused. The second graph was not corporate tax revenue as a percentage of GDP, it was corporate profits as a percentage of GDP. Damn, wonder why such a spike, LOL.

Your first graph shows decline since the 50s. Tell us how this is Trump's fault. :itsok:
The problem here is that the debt limit has to be raised, not because of a bill that has not even been passed, but because of allocations that have already been authorized. Pretty sure all the most recent allocations were approved by a Republican senate and signed by a Republican president. McConnell and his Republican comrades are grandstanding. They want Democrats on the hook for approving a debt increase due to spending that THEIR FAWKING ASSES APPROVED. Where the hell is Preston Brooks when you need him.
Am I wrong that Dems has the house since 2018? :rolleyes:
Um, when someone believes they are taxed too much they can't voluntarily decide to pay a lower tax according to what they think the govt should take.

Dimtard fuckwit billionaires who piss and moan they aren't taxed enough can send the Feds every last dollar they have without penalty.

See the difference, Dipshit?
Do I don't see the difference. If you believe a car is too expensive, you don't buy it. If you believe a service charges too much for that service, you don't hire them. Taxes are the price you pay to live in this country, enjoy the benefits and protections provided, and it is the price you pay to work. If a good is overpriced, and no one buys it, well they drop the price. If a service is over priced and no one uses it, well they drop the price or go out of business. You got three choices, work and pay the price, quit work and don't pay the price, or just fawking leave. In your case, I am leaning toward the later.
Approving a raise to the debt ceiling is little different than writing the check to pay for obligations you already agreed to.

And in this case that's largely Republican obligations they don't want to pay for

Your first graph shows decline since the 50s. Tell us how this is Trump's fault. :itsok:
It's an illustration of the loss of revenue caused by cuts to capital gains taxes genius

Try and keep up
Why is mentioning something trump preached and said 100's of time considered TDS to you?
I'm embarrassed by trump, you are too, and your only saving grace, is TDS.

Con Man cons the cons.

Biden is the biggest fuck up ever and will pull the entire American Marxist Party down with him!!
Do I don't see the difference. If you believe a car is too expensive, you don't buy it. If you believe a service charges too much for that service, you don't hire them. Taxes are the price you pay to live in this country, enjoy the benefits and protections provided, and it is the price you pay to work. If a good is overpriced, and no one buys it, well they drop the price. If a service is over priced and no one uses it, well they drop the price or go out of business. You got three choices, work and pay the price, quit work and don't pay the price, or just fawking leave. In your case, I am leaning toward the later.
Theres another option. You can VOLUNTEER to pay more.
The impact of the ACA on entrepreneurship, health care inflation, and child welfare cannot be overstated. It was a landmark piece of legislation that will go down as one of the best investments the government has ever made.
Whatever drugs you are on, I think they're working.

Your first graph shows decline since the 50s. Tell us how this is Trump's fault. :itsok:
Actually, if you look at the tail in of that chart you can see the negative effective of the Trump tax cut. But the charts themselves, when compared together, paint a clear picture, that corporate taxes at a higher rate are better, not only for the economy as a whole, but for the profits of corporations as a percentage of GDP. Look what happened in the Reagan years. And then, as I have said before, look how good Clinton was for corporate profits. Then came Bush, holy shit did they get hammered, then came Obama, they made out like bandits, and then came Trump whose only saving grace was his corporate tax cut, and even with that he never approached the level of corporate profits to GDP that Obama had.

The moral of the story is clear. Republicans, and the corporations that support them, are far to focused on the short term and have no ability to analyze the long term. Ironically, while the right often complains about citizens that are looking for "free money", when corporations lobby for corporate income tax cuts they are merely asking for "free money". The get more profit with the same effort. The very epitome of something for nothing. But that is only in the short term. Lower corporate tax rates mean corporations are taking more risk with every dollar of capital spending. They become more risk averse, they don't make the necessary capital investment to expand the frontier curve, to make more pie, and instead focus on garnishing more of the pie that is already there. That is at the core of why our economy is not like it was more than fifty years ago. That is at the core of why wages have been stagnant for decades. That is at the core of why entire sectors of the economy have became dominated by just a few players. That is why we never experience double digit GDP growth. Four percent GDP growth would be considered a home run today. Fifty years ago, four percent GDP growth would have been considered anemic.
How does that work ?

You have no income?

That's not retirement. That's living under a bridge
Actually, proper retirement planning, utilizing the ROTH IRA, and accepting a lifestyle that is somewhat limited, can result in a zero tax liability and still provide for a comfortable living.
Nope, the House drafts the spending proposals, the Senate approves, and the president signs off. Any other questions?
What do you mean no??? your trying to rewrite history only make you look stupid and give leftists a bad name :rolleyes:
It's an illustration of the loss of revenue caused by cuts to capital gains taxes genius

Try and keep up
Still waiting for you to tell us how Trump is responsible for that happening since the 1950s, Dipshit. :auiqs.jpg: :itsok:
Obamacare will not cost a dime.
It will pay for itself.
- Barak Obama

'Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me rwice....
....and you're just a dumb, indoctrinated sheep and / or a idiot snowflake...


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