Biden declared Jackson non qualified

Except as a woman, the court would still be under represented compared to women being the majority of the population.
I think itā€™s 5-4 men and with 9 members canā€™t get it even so another math failure from you
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Lol. Sure. A meaningless claim of acceptance of blame for a fact checking ā€œmistake.ā€ How convenient.

Kinda misses the mark though. Where did the PR flak get the information from in the first place? šŸ¤£
She admitted Obama nor any of his representatives claimed Kenyan origin. It was a mistake, like the name of Obama's book, that was never fact checked.
Remember, it's not really about any particular nominee!

It's about The Democrat Party's jonesing to bring back quotas.

Oh....and those are NOT re-education camps Xiden is building.
They're merely new plantations.
Iā€™ve already addressed this ^ blather. According to your attempt to rewrite the historical record, the editor failed a fact checking duty.

But that doesnā€™t explain how the alleged ā€œmistakeā€ was made in the first place.

Presumably, the flak heard ā€œborn in Hawaiiā€ and mistook that for ā€œborn in Kenya.ā€ Give us a fucking break.

Are you alleging a conspiracy? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

By who? And to what end?
Iā€™ve already addressed this ^ blather. According to your attempt to rewrite the historical record, the editor failed a fact checking duty.

But that doesnā€™t explain how the alleged ā€œmistakeā€ was made in the first place.

Presumably, the flak heard ā€œborn in Hawaiiā€ and mistook that for ā€œborn in Kenya.ā€ Give us a fucking break.
Maybe someone looked up Obamas father, the subject of a book they claimed Obama wrote, but never did, and figured he was born where his father was born.

A mistake that was never "fact checked", until it became an issue, and then the publisher corrected the record.

But that wasn't good enough for you.
Well I think as Americans we have to acknowledge even the poor among us benefit from American imperialism. My family is from Jamaica there you can see how the wants and desires of American capitalism shape much of our economy from the exportation of our food as citizens go hungry, to the reckless mining of bauxite for aluminum production that destroys our mountains and causes runoff and mudslides that destroys towns and roads in heavy rains, and the development of our coastlines (fertile farming land) into luxury districts Jamaican citizens can't afford to live in but provide playgrounds for tourists.
I hear you. But Jamaica still "ranked first in the Caribbean on the World Happiness Report for 2021." The average West Virginian has suffered those same ravages at least comparably and likely could also never afford to be a tourist in Jamaica.
I think a better strategy for the growing population of 1st and 2nd generation Americans from immigrant parents is to take over your country, politically and culturally and redirect American tax dollars away from the military industrial complex and the subsidizing of multi-national corporations and put into investing in the economies and people of the third world countries America and Europe have exploited over the past few centuries.
No argument there. We should do the same with Russia and Ukraine immediately. Bribe them to stop warring so that all the soldiers and refugees can go back home and help clean up their own mess. Well worth it.
I think itā€™s 5-4 and with 9 members canā€™t get it even so another math failure from you
Remember, up until now, the best was 6-3 with men being over represented, and 5-4 with white men being over represented.

Women have always been a majority of the population, and a minority on the Supreme Court.
She doesn't trigger me---she isn't expected to make it in. Think the dems are using her as a sacrificial lamb to try to get the republicans namely her distant relative Ryan, when he refuses to vote for her based on SHE is INCAPABLE of UPHOLDING THE LAW.

Manipulative dishonest people on the message board trigger me---I hate liars and I use you guys as simple stress release punching bag in order to force the trolls to provide some positive effect in your little lives and to insure that I have researched enough while on the web to slap idiots out in public for being stupid. What can I say.. I am triggered by tools but that it isn't all bad.
Well you better get your crying towel out, because she is IN like FLYNN. It is going to kill you racist to see another person of color on the Supreme Court and I love it.
She admitted Obama nor any of his representatives claimed Kenyan origin. It was a mistake, like the name of Obama's book, that was never fact checked.
ā€œAdmitted?ā€ Or ā€œclaimed?ā€ If she didnā€™t write the blurb,but merely failed to do a proper ā€œfact check,ā€ then it seems unlikely that she was even part of the initial chat with Obumbler. How would she have had any cause to ā€œdouble checkā€ the claim?

What youā€™re peddling doesnā€™t pass a sniff test, meager.
Remember, up until now, the best was 6-3 with men being over represented, and 5-4 with white men being over represented.

Women have always been a majority of the population, and a minority on the Supreme Court.
So fucking what? Is a correct ruling dependent on oneā€™s gender? :cuckoo: Is there some actual rule that a court needs proportional representation? :cuckoo:
Maybe someone looked up Obamas father, the subject of a book they claimed Obama wrote, but never did, and figured he was born where his father was born.

A mistake that was never "fact checked", until it became an issue, and then the publisher corrected the record.

But that wasn't good enough for you.
Which book is it that you now claim Obumbler didnā€™t write?
Graduated Magna cum laude.

What we don't know is did she really earn her grades or were she given the grades as part of an affirmative action promotion program that we see all the time at these Libtard schools?

The fact that she has a horrendous record of being overturned by appellate courts is a a good indication she didn't learn jackshit in law school.

Stop trying to defend the stupid Negro bitch. It just makes you look like a stupid Moon Bat.

We already have a Black on the Supreme Court. He is the best Justice on the Court. However, you Libtard turds can't stand the fact that he isn't one of your Liberal Plantation Slaves so you want to get your own bat shit crazy far Left Negro bitch on the Court. Despicable!
Who are you trying to fool? The conservative party is overwhelming white. šŸ˜„
I can assure you conservative men go for attractive conservative women no matter what the skin color

Even Arabs as long as they are not wacked out muslims

and men being men sometimes even that isnt a deal breaker as a repub congressman from Texas recently showed
Remember, up until now, the best was 6-3 with men being over represented, and 5-4 with white men being over represented.

Women have always been a majority of the population, and a minority on the Supreme Court.
It is true for past And I donā€™t think in the present moment and for about last 10 years itā€™s been anything other than 5-4. More women is good but itā€™s mostly balanced now and if you would try addressing present moment issues in the present moment you might gain some traction.
What we don't know is did she really earn her grades or were she given the grades as part of an affirmative action promotion program that we see all the time at these Libtard schools?

The fact that she has a horrendous record of being overturned by appellate courts is a a good indication she didn't learn jackshit in law school.

Stop trying to defend the stupid Negro bitch. It just makes you look like a stupid Moon Bat.

We already have a Black on the Supreme Court. He is the best Justice on the Court. However, you Libtard turds can't stand the fact that he isn't one of your Liberal Plantation Slaves so you want to get your own bat shit crazy far Left Negro bitch on the Court. Despicable!
Is just under 50% really the amount of rulings overturned.?
I can assure you conservative men go for attractive conservative women no matter what the skin color

Even Arabs as long as they are not wacked out muslims

and men being men sometimes even that isnt a deal breaker as a repub congressman from Texas recently showed
View attachment 611180
Your anecdotal evidence doesn't discount Republican demographic realities... šŸ˜„
ā€œAdmitted?ā€ Or ā€œclaimed?ā€ If she didnā€™t write the blurb,but merely failed to do a proper ā€œfact check,ā€ then it seems unlikely that she was even part of the initial chat with Obumbler. How would she have had any cause to ā€œdouble checkā€ the claim?

What youā€™re peddling doesnā€™t pass a sniff test, meager.
She later became owner of the company, and admitted in her former position as a mere assistant, she dropped the ball, and didn't fact check.

The origin was probably the source of both errors in the pamphlet. Both the book about Obama's father he never wrote, but they claimed he did. And his origin being the same as his father.

Why do you gloss over the TWO errors being from what they ass-u-med from Obama's father.

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