Biden declared Jackson non qualified

I suggest you read the law moron, US territories and US bases over seas are US so anyone born to an american citizen there is a NATURAL BORB Citizen. The argument for Obama was that he was born in Kenya not Hawaii.
Yet there was historical proof, and his "short form" birth certificate that says he was born in Hawaii. But that wasn't good enough. They wanted to see his "long form" birth certificate.

Kinda like asking for their LSAT scores. To see if they were qualified to get into the school, they graduated from with honors.
No cuck. I think a better strategy for the growing population of 1st and 2nd generation Americans from immigrant parents is to take over your country, politically and culturally and redirect American tax dollars away from the military industrial complex and the subsidizing of multi-national corporations and put into investing in the economies and people of the third world countries America and Europe have exploited over the past few centuries.

the official lib talking point is to deny wanting to make white Americans a minority in America

you cant be a loyal lib and be honest at the same time
I will consider only black women-illegal and racist
I hereby nominate based on race and sex-illegal, sexist and racist.
I realize that Farty ^ is a lost cause. He simply refuses to be honest. But the basis for the claim about (or questions concerning) Obumbler’s status as a “native born American” (a mere Constitutional requirement) was Obumbler’s own PR guy.
Yeah, why didn't you realize his PR guy didn't know shit (or care). He didn't even know what books Obama wrote. He got that wrong in his submission too.
No cuck. I think a better strategy for the growing population of 1st and 2nd generation Americans from immigrant parents is to take over your country, politically and culturally and redirect American tax dollars away from the military industrial complex and the subsidizing of multi-national corporations and put into investing in the economies and people of the third world countries America and Europe have exploited over the past few centuries.
Good, get that on the Democrat platform. I'm sure the skank squad would be on board. In the meantime, go back to Jamaica.
It's for the same reason they hid Obabble's transcripts.
Not just the transcripts. The application for admission and any paperwork associated with student loan aid or grants. Anything that might have shown that Obumbler claimed immigrant status when it suited his (then) purpose. And sure. It might have been a lie, then. But that would have shown that he committed a crime. Or, if it wasn’t a lie, then it might be evidence of his non-eligibility. Either way, he would have had good reason to hide it.

But, if he never claimed to be a foreign born student for either admission purposes or for loan or grant purposes, then it is damn strange that he insisted on hiding those papers.

Either way you slice it, the meager theory that any of it is part of some massive ‘anti person of color conspiracy’ is obviously just nonsense. But I do agree that the request for Brown Jackson’s LSAT score is just meaningless. It is a seriously Stupid basis on which to challenge her probable confirmation.
Yeah, why didn't you realize his PR guy didn't know shit (or care). He didn't even know what books Obama wrote. He got that wrong in his submission too.
Don’t ask me to defend Obumbler’s own PR guy. The better and more honest question is why did Obumbler not correct the PR guy’s blurb immediately?
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Kinda like asking for their LSAT scores. To see if they were qualified to get into the school, they graduated from with honors.
See, this kind of grammar and punctuation would get even someone like Kentaji into Harvard and graduate with honors.

Diversity obviously necessitates the lowering of standards, the question now being how low can we go.

the official lib talking point is to deny wanting to make white Americans a minority in America

you cant be a loyal lib and be honest at the same time
I love it when white nationalists tell on yourselves.

First, how you see all brown people as a scary monolith. Else you would use the word "plurality" instead of minority. Black, Mexican,'s all brown to you.

Second, you spend 99% of your time and energy swearing up and down that minorities don't really have anything to complain about. Then you pause to whine about how scary it would be to be a minority.

You guys really are not the brightest crayons in the box.
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It’s an extremely easy question
The numbers were insufficient for anyone other than a minority female named Her.

the official lib talking point is to deny wanting to make white Americans a minority in America

you cant be a loyal lib and be honest at the same time
But you are being replaced. Demographic trends show that quite clearly and I don't just mean ethnically. Ideologically as well. White liberals are choosing to marry and reproduce mixed race babies at a greater pace than white ones. White liberals are choosing anti-racist ideology over the deplorable ideology of slaver idolaters. I don't care if no one else wants to talk about it, that's not going to stop me from pointing and laughing at you as your culture goes extinct.
The GOP ran no candidate who wasn’t a natural born US citizen. So, your lie is of no value.

Yo BITCH. I never said they weren't "natural born US Citizens", I said that being white guys, nobody questioned it. Even though neither was born in the continental US.
Good, get that on the Democrat platform. I'm sure the skank squad would be on board. In the meantime, go back to Jamaica.

You do know that when you give orders that I'm not obliged to follow it just reinforces how low you've fallen in your own country that a brand new American like me with no loyality to this country can come and piss all over everything you love and all you can do is take it. 😁
I love it when white nationalists tell on yourselves.
I was responding to an off color diversity whack who was letting the lib cat out of the bag

you guys do want to make whites a minority for reasons he explained.
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And people only asked for proof of Obumbler’s natural born citizenship status because of his own publicist. Sucks to be dishonest.
Maybe they should have questioned the publicist? And not what they submitted for publication. Which BTW claimed Obama wrote a book, he never wrote.
Just like it claimed he was born in Kenya, which he was never born in.

See the pattern.
I will consider only black women-illegal and racist
I hereby nominate based on race and sex-illegal, sexist and racist.
Funny, since so many previous president would only consider white men. And nobody jumped on them for being racist.
But you are being replaced. Demographic trends show that quite clearly and I don't just mean ethnically. Ideologically as well. White liberals are choosing to marry and reproduce mixed race babies at a greater pace than white ones. White liberals are choosing anti-racist ideology over the deplorable ideology of slaver idolaters. I don't care if no one else wants to talk about it, that's not going to stop me from pointing and laughing at you as your culture goes extinct.
White liberals are choosing to marry and reproduce mixed race babies at a greater pace than white ones

In fact white conservatives go for babes who are not just good looking but smart too

which means whites, asians and hispanics

the leftover go to the guilt-ridden white libs

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