Biden declared Jackson non qualified

It's funny. John McCain was born in Panama, and Barry Goldwater was born in Arizona before it became a state.
Yet nobody ever questioned their qualification for president.
Meanwhile Obama was born in Hawaii after it became a state, and they wanted to see his "papers".
It's funny. John McCain was born in Panama, and Barry Goldwater was born in Arizona before it became a state.
Yet nobody ever questioned their qualification for president.
Meanwhile Obama was born in Hawaii after it became a state, and they wanted to see his "papers".
Well that's because Obama was born in Kenya obviously. I mean look at him. 😄
If you have a decoder ring, please send it over. Your babbling bullshit is generally incomprehensible. Your premises appear to be counter factual which makes all of your “logic” absolutely invalid.
Republicans ran two presidential candidates who weren't born in the USA. And nobody questioned their citizenship.
Obama was born in the USA (play the Bruce Springstein music) and they demanded to see his "papers".
Capitalism is an on going theft. It began with colonialism and slavery (the forceful appropriation of land, resources and human labor) at the hands of a few (white male land owners) and has slowly expanded to eventually let all Americans in on the heist. Some of us are mob boses, money launderers or low level bag men, but we all get a slice of the action as we now rob the rest of the world of its resources.
I'd argue that it began long before that, but no need to split hairs there. Greed is one shared weakness. I'd also agree that racism and sexism have always been primary drivers. I see unfettered capitalism as ongoing evil, not simply capitalism. Both socialism and capitalism exist, side by side, nearly everywhere now. Even in China and Russia. It's no longer optional and feudalism was certainly no better. Yes, "some of us." But how can all those barely having a pot to piss in be legitimately accused of robbing "the rest of the world's resources"?:
Almost 40% of American adults wouldn’t be able to cover a $400 emergency with cash, savings or a credit-card charge that they could quickly pay off, a Federal Reserve survey finds.

About 27% of those surveyed would need to borrow the money or sell something to come up with the $400 and an additional 12% would not be able to cover it at all, according to the Federal Reserve's 2018 report on the economic well-being of U.S. households released on Thursday.
^That from back in 2019. I'd bet it's only gotten worse now. Yes, very generally speaking, we live high on the hog in many senses compared to most. Yet our lives still suck compared to many in other ways such as overall happiness. Yes, we still burn way too much fossil fuel and consume meat like there's no tomorrow. We're working on it, but should have been setting the world standard from the start. Why? Because we remain the wealthiest nation on Earth.

Even so, "we" too are no monolith. The responsibility for correcting our societal failures logically falls squarely upon the shoulders of the wealthiest among us. Those holding and controlling the vast majority of "our" capital. They would likely give up much of that responsibility gladly if they were ever forced to take it seriously.
It's funny. John McCain was born in Panama, and Barry Goldwater was born in Arizona before it became a state.
Yet nobody ever questioned their qualification for president.
Meanwhile Obama was born in Hawaii after it became a state, and they wanted to see his "papers".
I suggest you read the law moron, US territories and US bases over seas are US so anyone born to an american citizen there is a NATURAL BORB Citizen. The argument for Obama was that he was born in Kenya not Hawaii.
They did, actually. That's why the senate voted unanimously to declare McCain eligible.

While many of them demanded to see the brown guy's birth certificate. Like, literally at the same time.
I realize that Farty ^ is a lost cause. He simply refuses to be honest. But the basis for the claim about (or questions concerning) Obumbler’s status as a “native born American” (a mere Constitutional requirement) was Obumbler’s own PR guy.

Nobody else to blame — unless you count the Shrillary campaign staffer that first tried to use it against then candidate Obumbler. You know how those racist Democrats are.
I'd argue that it began long before that, but no need to split hairs there. Greed is one shared weakness. I'd also agree that racism and sexism have always been primary drivers. I see unfettered capitalism as ongoing evil, not simply capitalism. Both socialism and capitalism exist, side by side, nearly everywhere now. Even in China and Russia. It's no longer optional and feudalism was certainly no better. Yes, "some of us." But how can all those barely having a pot to piss in be legitimately accused of robbing "the rest of the world's resources"?:

^That from back in 2019. I'd bet it's only gotten worse now. Yes, very generally speaking, we live high on the hog in many senses compared to most. Yet our lives still suck compared to many in other ways such as overall happiness. Yes, we still burn way too much fossil fuel and consume meat like there's no tomorrow. We're working on it, but should have been setting the world standard from the start. Why? Because we remain the wealthiest nation on Earth.

Even so, "we" too are no monolith. The responsibility for correcting our societal failures logically falls squarely upon the shoulders of the wealthiest among us. Those holding and controlling the vast majority of "our" capital. They would likely give up much of that responsibility gladly if they were ever forced to take it seriously.
Well I think as Americans we have to acknowledge even the poor among us benefit from American imperialism. My family is from Jamaica there you can see how the wants and desires of American capitalism shape much of our economy from the exportation of our food as citizens go hungry, to the reckless mining of bauxite for aluminum production that destroys our mountains and causes runoff and mudslides that destroys towns and roads in heavy rains, and the development of our coastlines (fertile farming land) into luxury districts Jamaican citizens can't afford to live in but provide playgrounds for tourists.
I suggest you read the law moron, US territories and US bases over seas are US so anyone born to an american citizen there is a NATURAL BORB Citizen. The argument for Obama was that he was born in Kenya not Hawaii.
That was not the law. It was not clarified in law. Only addressed in legal opinion, with no definitive Supreme Court ruling on the matter. .

Thus the senate vote.
Well I think as Americans we have to acknowledge even the poor among us benefit from American imperialism. My family is from Jamaica there you can see how the wants and desires of American capitalism shape much of our economy from the exportation of our food as citizens go hungry, to the reckless mining of bauxite for aluminum production that destroys our mountains and causes runoff and mudslides that destroys towns and roads in heavy rains, and the development of our coastlines (fertile farming land) into luxury districts Jamaican citizens can't afford to live in but provide playgrounds for tourists.
I suggest you go back to Jamaica and do something about it, please.
I suggest you read the law moron, US territories and US bases over seas are US so anyone born to an american citizen there is a NATURAL BORB Citizen. The argument for Obama was that he was born in Kenya not Hawaii.
They even looked at the Hawaii newspapers and found his birth announcement, along with his "short form" birth certificate. But that wasn't good enough.

And ironically their source of Obama being born in Kenya came from the same publicist pamphlet that didn't even what books Obama wrote.
RETARD alert RETARD alert, Both of them WERE BORN on US SOIL,
I didn't say they weren't. I'm just pointing out that McCain, Goldwater, and Obama were all born on US soil, yet only one of them had his qualification for president questioned.

Guess which one.
I suggest you go back to Jamaica and do something about it, please.
No cuck. I think a better strategy for the growing population of 1st and 2nd generation Americans from immigrant parents is to take over your country, politically and culturally and redirect American tax dollars away from the military industrial complex and the subsidizing of multi-national corporations and put into investing in the economies and people of the third world countries America and Europe have exploited over the past few centuries.
I forgive your ignorance and stupidity. No problem. And of course, you’re both wrong and miss the point. The good justice was selected because she is faithful to the rule of law and the Constitution.

Except we really do not have any way of knowing that since she had basically no experience on the bench.

You like her because you think she matches your polotics.
Republicans ran two presidential candidates who weren't born in the USA. And nobody questioned their citizenship.
Obama was born in the USA (play the Bruce Springstein music) and they demanded to see his "papers".
The GOP ran no candidate who wasn’t a natural born US citizen. So, your lie is of no value.
And people only asked for proof of Obumbler’s natural born citizenship status because of his own publicist. Sucks to be dishonest.

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