Biden declared Jackson non qualified

White liberals are choosing to marry and reproduce mixed race babies at a greater pace than white ones

In fact white conservatives go for babes who are not just good looking but smart too

which means whites, asians and hispanics

the leftover go to the guilt-ridden white libs
No racism to see here, folks.
I suggest you read the law moron, US territories and US bases over seas are US so anyone born to an american citizen there is a NATURAL BORB Citizen. The argument for Obama was that he was born in Kenya not Hawaii.
Even if he were...(he wasn't) his mother was a citizen making HIM a natural born citizen.

That whole thing was insane
Funny, since so many previous president would only consider white men. And nobody jumped on them for being racist.
SC has not been largely white males for 30 years. Libs living in past falsely trying to present as present
Were she to be confined that would be 2 of 9 or 22% which is actually an Overrepresentation as to percentage of population.
I know-Numbers!! So pearl clutch and let some lib loons who think they comprehend math and starts make a “response”
Don’t ask me to defend Obumbler’s own PR guy. The better and more honest question is why did Obumbler not correct the PR guy’s blurb immediately?
Because it appeared in some third rate collection of such blurbs that got wasn't well circulated, in fact few copies existed, and it got little attention until somebody unearthed it years later.

And BTW, they did ask Obamas PR guy about the error, and she apologized for the mistake.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
I love it when white nationalists tell on yourselves.

First, how you see all brown people as a scary month. Else you would use the word "plurality" instead of minority. Black, Mexican,'s all brown to you.

Second, you spend 99% of your time and energy swearing up and down that minorities don't really have anything to complain about. Then you pause to whine about how scary it would be to be a minority.

You guys really are not the brightest crayons in the box.
You are the morons who “correct” all references by whites people to other people. Is it “people of color” or is that so “last week?” The problem is many of us no longer give a shit about the supercilious “woke” pc demands for such things. You are the assholes who are alway and forever race conscious.

It is very difficult to take seriously any of your lectures on alleged racism when you are always so entirely focused on race. Libs used to believe in a color blind society as an ideal. Now? You castigate people who still seek a color blind society.

You morons can go off into you corner of your favorite fantasy land and squabble amongst you selves. Many of us no longer give a shit about your lecturing and posturing.

To those who oppose Judge Brown Jackson’s probable confirmation because of her skin color, I say “fuck off.” And to those who waste time worrying about her LSAT score, I say “snap out of it.” Is she “qualified”? I say, “yes.”

Do I support her confirmation? No. Why? Because she is almost certainly going to base judicial decisions on liberal orthodoxies but not on the law and on the Constitution.
Qualified black women. You have a problem with believing black women can be qualified.
Lib trick to restate my policy incorrectly and then try to pin it on me
Thinkers see thru that sort of bullshit you simpleton
To repeat the facts-he illegally stated the limitations of race and sex and is now trying to implement the illegal declaration
Maybe they should have questioned the publicist? And not what they submitted for publication. Which BTW claimed Obama wrote a book, he never wrote.
Just like it claimed he was born in Kenya, which he was never born in.

See the pattern.
Your issue is with the publicist. And you duck the question: why didn’t Obumbler promptly “correct” his publicist’s misinformation?
SC has not been largely white males for 30 years. Libs living in past falsely trying to present as present
Were she to be confined that would be 2 of 9 or 22% which is actually an Overrepresentation as to percentage of population.
I know-Numbers!! So pearl clutch and let some lib loons who think they comprehend math and starts make a “response”
A lib thumb down on Fact
See facts just dont match their feelings or wishes so in their “minds” the facts are nonexistent and/or the presenter is racist.
White liberals are choosing to marry and reproduce mixed race babies at a greater pace than white ones

In fact white conservatives go for babes who are not just good looking but smart too

which means whites, asians and hispanics

the leftover go to the guilt-ridden white libs
Who are you trying to fool? The conservative party is overwhelming white. 😄
SC has not been largely white males for 30 years. Libs living in past falsely trying to present as present
Were she to be confined that would be 2 of 9 or 22% which is actually an Overrepresentation as to percentage of population.
I know-Numbers!! So pearl clutch and let some lib loons who think they comprehend math and starts make a “response”
Except as a woman, the court would still be under represented compared to women being the majority of the population.
I realize that Farty ^ is a lost cause. He simply refuses to be honest. But the basis for the claim about (or questions concerning) Obumbler’s status as a “native born American” (a mere Constitutional requirement) was Obumbler’s own PR guy.

Nobody else to blame — unless you count the Shrillary campaign staffer that first tried to use it against then candidate Obumbler. You know how those racist Democrats are.
Once again, boredtoseeya offers her dishonest downvote but lacks the honesty to support her “disagreement.” Typical of her.

The facts remain. It was an Obumbler publicist who wrote the blurb. Obumbler didn’t correct it. Some person working on the Shrillary Rotten Clinton campaign chose to make use of it to initially attack Obumbler.

Resort to racism isn’t a new thing for Dumbocraps.
You are the morons who “correct” all references by whites people to other people. Is it “people of color” or is that so “last week?” The problem is many of us no longer give a shit about the supercilious “woke” pc demands for such things. You are the assholes who are alway and forever race conscious.

It is very difficult to take seriously any of your lectures on alleged racism when you are always so entirely focused on race. Libs used to believe in a color blind society as an ideal. Now? You castigate people who still seek a color blind society.

You morons can go off into you corner of your favorite fantasy land and squabble amongst you selves. Many of us no longer give a shit about your lecturing and posturing.

To those who oppose Judge Brown Jackson’s probable confirmation because of her skin color, I say “fuck off.” And to those who waste time worrying about her LSAT score, I say “snap out of it.” Is she “qualified”? I say, “yes.”

Do I support her confirmation? No. Why? Because she is almost certainly going to base judicial decisions on liberal orthodoxies but not on the law and on the Constitution.
It's you clowns who can shuffle on off to your trailer parks and fringe sites, we're the mainstream. 😄
Because it appeared in some third rate collection of such blurbs that got wasn't well circulated, in fact few copies existed, and it got little attention until somebody unearthed it years later.

And BTW, they did ask Obamas PR guy about the error, and she apologized for the mistake.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
Lol. Sure. A meaningless claim of acceptance of blame for a fact checking “mistake.” How convenient.

Kinda misses the mark though. Where did the PR flak get the information from in the first place? 🤣
Your issue is with the publicist. And you duck the question: why didn’t Obumbler promptly “correct” his publicist’s misinformation?
When Breitbart made an issue of it, the publicist promptly "corrected" the record.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

The person who wrote it, admitted they were wrong.
When Breitbart made an issue of it, the publicist promptly "corrected" the record.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

The person who wrote it, admitted they were wrong.
I’ve already addressed this ^ blather. According to your attempt to rewrite the historical record, the editor failed a fact checking duty.

But that doesn’t explain how the alleged “mistake” was made in the first place.

Presumably, the flak heard “born in Hawaii” and mistook that for “born in Kenya.” Give us a fucking break.
The stupid bitch won't release her LSAT test scores so she is hiding the fact that she never was really qualified to admitted to the law school on merit. Affirmative action got the bitch in and that was unfair and racist for the more qualified non Negros that were passed over.

The fact that she is overturned so much is positive proof that she is crummy at her job. She has the kind of record that we always see with affirmative action hires. They never do a good job.

The only reasons she is being appointed is that Potatohead wants to kiss the ass of the BLM Negro insurrectionists and put in a bat shit crazy Libtard.
Graduated Magna cum laude.

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