Biden/Democrats Lying about Trump Plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan

A big part of the plan should have been to remove all of our sophisticated weapons. We just armed the Taliban bigger than ever. I think the hope was that the Afghan people would take over and defend themselves but that didn't happen. They were going to be screwed without us but we just put the entire world in danger by ensuring that some of the worst people on the planet now have control over so many weapons. Look how far they came with the more primitive weapons. This is going to get really bad. We already had China to worry about and now this. Very stupid move on Biden's part. While most agreed it was time to get out, the how part of it was the most crucial. Biden has no idea what he is doing. Or did he purposely do this? That makes it even worse.
Obama and Trump, especially Trump, wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but they listened to their military intelligence and realized it was a very very very stupid thing to do that would cause lives lost and give the Taliban a nation along with hundreds of millions in Grade A military weapons.

But that was the problem, we needed to get out ten years ago, and Obama and Trump let themselves get bullied by the Military and Intelligence agencies into staying.

Everyone knew the minute we pulled out, the Afghans would lay down their weapons the minute we stopped writing them checks.

Biden? He just goes and does it with no plan whatsoever. People are being slaughtered in their homes that were supporters of the Afghan regimes that fought the Taliban. Biden left them to die. Blood is absolutely on his hands. What.. an.. idiot.

First, people have been getting slaughtered over there for 20 years.... NOW you are concerned?

Second, the point is, these people didn't fight the Taliban very effectively, did they? Frankly, so far, the Taliban have been pretty restrained, compared to what has happened in other cases where one side one a long civil war.

And yet, he has the gall to lie that he was just following Trump's plan. He didn't follow it, because if he had, he wouldn't have left Afghanistan, because the Taliban didn't do jack to fulfill their end of the deal.

Trump is the guy who let 5000 Talibans go and then negotiated with them behind the backs of the Afghan Quislings to get us out. I'm sure his brilliant plan on Afghanistan was up there with his brilliant plan on Covid, his Brilliant plan on Police Reform and his brilliant plan on the economy.
A big part of the plan should have been to remove all of our sophisticated weapons. We just armed the Taliban bigger than ever. I think the hope was that the Afghan people would take over and defend themselves but that didn't happen. They were going to be screwed without us but we just put the entire world in danger by ensuring that some of the worst people on the planet now have control over so many weapons. Look how far they came with the more primitive weapons. This is going to get really bad. We already had China to worry about and now this. Very stupid move on Biden's part. While most agreed it was time to get out, the how part of it was the most crucial. Biden has no idea what he is doing. Or did he purposely do this? That makes it even worse.

Oh, get real... Sophisticated weapons don't mean all that much if you can't maintain or operate them.

We knew that the end game in Afghanistan was going to look like this, because we knew the people we were supporting were fucking worthless.

Next time you want to fight a war, have a draft and do it yourself. Don't outsource it to other people and then complain when they don't do a good job.
Xiden reversed every other Trump EO or agreement, so why didn't he revise this one? I call bullshit on your "duty bound" deflection attempt.
The AFG withdrawal fiasco is 100% Xiden, period.
From 11000 troops in Afghanistan less than a year ago, to the 2500 troops left there that Biden inherited on Jan 21, 2021.....

What exactly could Biden have done with just 2500 military left there? Should he have ordered 10,000 troops back in to Afghanistan? :dunno:
The left is lying about what this plan is all about.

They're portraying it that it was set in stone, and that we were late already, so Joe only did what Trump was supposed to do, and we can't back down on an agreement...

The actual reality is, the Trump plan involved withdrawal provided the Taliban meet certain criteria, which they weren't meeting. So, we were under no obligation to pull our troops out.

Obama and Trump, especially Trump, wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but they listened to their military intelligence and realized it was a very very very stupid thing to do that would cause lives lost and give the Taliban a nation along with hundreds of millions in Grade A military weapons.

Biden? He just goes and does it with no plan whatsoever. People are being slaughtered in their homes that were supporters of the Afghan regimes that fought the Taliban. Biden left them to die. Blood is absolutely on his hands. What.. an.. idiot.

And yet, he has the gall to lie that he was just following Trump's plan. He didn't follow it, because if he had, he wouldn't have left Afghanistan, because the Taliban didn't do jack to fulfill their end of the deal.

Oh please. Trump made a deal with the Taliban in Doha and got himself another headline, but NEVER talked to the Afghan president.
From 11000 troops in Afghanistan less than a year ago, to the 2500 troops left there that Biden inherited on Jan 21, 2021.....

What exactly could Biden have done with just 2500 military left there? Should he have ordered 10,000 troops back in to Afghanistan? :dunno:
Xiden should have gotten all civilians out and then the equipment and then the 2,500 out by May 1st as per the Trump agreement, OR re-negotiated a new agreement with the Taliban.
"Raheem Kassam revealed on Wednesday that under President Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo’s State Department had ordered the creation of a “Contingency and Crisis Response” office whose job would be avoiding “a future Benghazi-style situation for Americans overseas.”

"But while Biden lied to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday that “We planned for every contingency,” behind the scenes Biden’s State Department had already “revoked the funding and the approval” for Trump’s response team, according to Kassam."

Biden scrapped Trump's withdrawal plan.

“Don’t,” Barack Obama once warned, “underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.”

The only thing Obama was correct about.
From 11000 troops in Afghanistan less than a year ago, to the 2500 troops left there that Biden inherited on Jan 21, 2021.....

What exactly could Biden have done with just 2500 military left there? Should he have ordered 10,000 troops back in to Afghanistan? :dunno:
2,500 was enough. As they have air support.
Oh please. Trump made a deal with the Taliban in Doha and got himself another headline, but NEVER talked to the Afghan president.
He made a deal stating if they kill one American he would blast them to hell like he did with ISIS. No Americans killed for 18 mos.

Do you ever tell the truth? You’re such a partisan Islamist.
The left is lying about what this plan is all about.

They're portraying it that it was set in stone, and that we were late already, so Joe only did what Trump was supposed to do, and we can't back down on an agreement...

The actual reality is, the Trump plan involved withdrawal provided the Taliban meet certain criteria, which they weren't meeting. So, we were under no obligation to pull our troops out.

Obama and Trump, especially Trump, wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but they listened to their military intelligence and realized it was a very very very stupid thing to do that would cause lives lost and give the Taliban a nation along with hundreds of millions in Grade A military weapons.

Biden? He just goes and does it with no plan whatsoever. People are being slaughtered in their homes that were supporters of the Afghan regimes that fought the Taliban. Biden left them to die. Blood is absolutely on his hands. What.. an.. idiot.

And yet, he has the gall to lie that he was just following Trump's plan. He didn't follow it, because if he had, he wouldn't have left Afghanistan, because the Taliban didn't do jack to fulfill their end of the deal.

That is a lie.

The reality is that the Taliban violated the agreement on day one. They continued to fight and take over more of Afghanistan even as Trump withdrew American troops. This is confirmed by Trump's Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

"But, Esper told CNN's Christiane Amanpour, "my concern was that President Trump, by continuing to want to withdraw American forces out of Afghanistan, undermined the agreement, which is why in the fall when he was calling for a return of US forces by Christmas, I objected and formally wrote a letter to him, a memo based on recommendations from the military chain of command and my senior civilian leadership that we not go further -- that we not reduce below 4,500 troops unless and until conditions were met by the Taliban."

"Otherwise," Esper continued, "we would see a number of things play out, which are unfolding right now in many ways."

We know that Trump reduced troop strength to 2,500 troops. That clearly was not what military leaders advised.

2,500 was enough. As they have air support.

Not according to Trump's Defense Secretary Mark Esper. Military leaders recommended that the number of US troops not fall below 4,500 until the Taliban followed the agreement. They apparently disagree with you.
Not according to Trump's Defense Secretary Mark Esper. Military leaders recommended that the number of US troops not fall below 4,500 until the Taliban followed the agreement. They apparently disagree with you.
Yet no US deaths for 18 mos. 2,500 was enough and I still would have left but in a more orderly fashion.
We are a half year into the Biden presidency and democrats are still pretending they lost the election because they suffer from buyers remorse and they can't let go of their hatred for the former administration. How long can the mainstream media continue to prop up the old dude while the Country is falling apart?
We are a half year into the Biden presidency and democrats are still pretending they lost the election because they suffer from buyers remorse and they can't let go of their hatred for the former administration. How long can the mainstream media continue to prop up the old dude while the Country is falling apart?
You guys are hysterical. The country isn’t falling apart despite how badly you want it to.
You guys are hysterical. The country isn’t falling apart despite how badly you want it to.
Maybe the Country isn't technically falling apart yet but how far will Biden supporters let it go before they say "hey this is one peculiar dude who gives us a lecture about covid booster-booster shots while Afghanistan is falling apart"?
Yet no US deaths for 18 mos. 2,500 was enough and I still would have left but in a more orderly fashion.
That was another Biden lie. In his speech he insinuated that Americans were actively dying in Afghanistan. They aren't.. well, they are now, but they weren't.
The left is lying about what this plan is all about.

They're portraying it that it was set in stone, and that we were late already, so Joe only did what Trump was supposed to do, and we can't back down on an agreement...

The actual reality is, the Trump plan involved withdrawal provided the Taliban meet certain criteria, which they weren't meeting. So, we were under no obligation to pull our troops out.

Obama and Trump, especially Trump, wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but they listened to their military intelligence and realized it was a very very very stupid thing to do that would cause lives lost and give the Taliban a nation along with hundreds of millions in Grade A military weapons.

Biden? He just goes and does it with no plan whatsoever. People are being slaughtered in their homes that were supporters of the Afghan regimes that fought the Taliban. Biden left them to die. Blood is absolutely on his hands. What.. an.. idiot.

And yet, he has the gall to lie that he was just following Trump's plan. He didn't follow it, because if he had, he wouldn't have left Afghanistan, because the Taliban didn't do jack to fulfill their end of the deal.
Its what the left does best, lie.

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