Biden/Democrats Lying about Trump Plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan

Sorry dude. We are talking about Afghanistan here and both men share responsibility in that. More so Biden as he made the final call. But to hear all the Trumpsters playing righteous after supporting trump taking the same actions that would lead to the Taliban taking over the country… well thats too rich to let go.
You are sorry. Trump talked a big game but never pulled our troops out as he respected our military like Rob O’Neill. Biden did not so he bears all the blame as you admitted. If you can’t even be honest with yourself then we have zero to discuss. Try not mentioning Trump and see how that goes for you.
That's what's being conflated here.

Democrats and Media are trying to deflect and make it about whether we should still be there at all. That's a different discussion.

The actual discussion is how Biden abruptly pulled all support and cover for friendly, innocent Afghanis to be slaughtered by the Taliban, and how Joe's actions has allowed the Taliban to take over an entire nation and inherit hundreds of millions of dollars of our military equipment.. Apache helicopters, missiles, humvees, etc. All in the hands of 8th century Taliban terrorists.

What a massive F up.
Obama did the same damn thing in Iraq. There were CONVOYS of us military equipment being moved by ISIS terrorists from Iraq to Syria across the desert. Easily targeted and bombed by any competent leader but not Obama
You are sorry. Trump talked a big game but never pulled our troops out as he respected our military like Rob O’Neill. Biden did not so he bears all the blame as you admitted. If you can’t even be honest with yourself then we have zero to discuss. Try not mentioning Trump and see how that goes for you.
He pulled over 10k troops out and release thousands of Taliban fighters that were captured and he told the Taliban we would be fully out by May 1 2021
It doesn’t matter what the Taliban were doing. Either way they were waiting for the troops to bug out then were going to make their move. Trump even admitted on Hannity the other night they he knew the Afghan army would fold after our troops left.
Which is why we shouldn't have just abandoned them in one swoop.

Trump wouldn't have done that, nor would Obama. You're just a Biden apologist trying to say anyone would have done it. You said Biden was a failure, but you're trying to drag Trump down with him. Stop. This is a unique failure. Biden has MASSIVE blood and terror on his hands. Stop trying to downplay it.
He pulled over 10k troops out and release thousands of Taliban fighters that were captured and he told the Taliban we would be fully out by May 1 2021
He also said if one US soldier dies he would demolish them and no deaths for 18 mos. hmmmm. Again, try being honest. Exit I agree with. How it was done, I disagree with.
He also said if one US soldier dies he would demolish them and no deaths for 18 mos. hmmmm. Again, try being honest. Exit I agree with. How it was done, I disagree with.
The Democrats argument here is that if you need a lung transplant just do it by a back alley surgeon NOW, not wait for a certified doctor. I mean, it's just replacing a lung, so just replace it, NOW.

What a horrible blunder

and then on his interview he said that no matter what he did this would happen. LOL. What a pathetic BS lie. If you didn't suddenly pull the US forces, and covered the Afghans and civilians who needed to leave.. it would have been eons different. Biden is lying.. again. He's putting Trump to absolute shame.

Biden "Guys, no matter WHAT we did... people would be begging to board plains, dying, trampling each other, falling thousands of feet off planes, getting murdered door-to-door by Taliban who are seeking US friendlies and Christians.. That was all part of the plan guys!"

What an idiot
Which is why we shouldn't have just abandoned them in one swoop.

Trump wouldn't have done that, nor would Obama. You're just a Biden apologist trying to say anyone would have done it. You said Biden was a failure, but you're trying to drag Trump down with him. Stop. This is a unique failure. Biden has MASSIVE blood and terror on his hands. Stop trying to downplay it.
I’m saying anybody that pulled our troops out of Afghanistan would be giving the country to the Taliban. Trump had that agenda, put it in motion, tried to expedite it, and criticized Biden for slow playing it. Are you really trying to say that Trump was full of shot and really wouldn’t have pulled the troops had he won the election? You gonna claim that with a straight face?
The left is lying about what this plan is all about.

They're portraying it that it was set in stone, and that we were late already, so Joe only did what Trump was supposed to do, and we can't back down on an agreement...

The actual reality is, the Trump plan involved withdrawal provided the Taliban meet certain criteria, which they weren't meeting. So, we were under no obligation to pull our troops out.

Obama and Trump, especially Trump, wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but they listened to their military intelligence and realized it was a very very very stupid thing to do that would cause lives lost and give the Taliban a nation along with hundreds of millions in Grade A military weapons.

Biden? He just goes and does it with no plan whatsoever. People are being slaughtered in their homes that were supporters of the Afghan regimes that fought the Taliban. Biden left them to die. Blood is absolutely on his hands. What.. an.. idiot.

And yet, he has the gall to lie that he was just following Trump's plan. He didn't follow it, because if he had, he wouldn't have left Afghanistan, because the Taliban didn't do jack to fulfill their end of the deal.

A person shouldn't even need to look to know that, but thanks
I’m saying anybody that pulled our troops out of Afghanistan would be giving the country to the Taliban. Trump had that agenda, put it in motion, tried to expedite it, and criticized Biden for slow playing it. Are you really trying to say that Trump was full of shot and really wouldn’t have pulled the troops had he won the election? You gonna claim that with a straight face?
Conjecture vs facts. Trump was full of hyperbole and again we agree on if not on how.
I’m saying anybody that pulled our troops out of Afghanistan would be giving the country to the Taliban. Trump had that agenda, put it in motion, tried to expedite it, and criticized Biden for slow playing it. Are you really trying to say that Trump was full of shot and really wouldn’t have pulled the troops had he won the election? You gonna claim that with a straight face?
Are you going to say that you'd know he would have suddenly and immaturely pulled them? You can't know that, you're desperately trying to cover Biden's ass. It's pathetic. Your "what ifs" are pathetic, especially with so many possible solutions that I, (and you if you were honest) can easily think of, much less a military general.

Remember, Biden downplayed the Taliban, GUARANTEED that they were'nt capable of this. Said it would take 30-90 days when it took just 30 hours for the Taliban to attack.. and said people would NEVER have to be evacuated on a US embassy, which they were.

Dude.. what are we even TALKING about here.
Are you going to say that you'd know he would have suddenly and immaturely pulled them? You can't know that, you're desperately trying to cover Biden's ass. It's pathetic. Your "what ifs" are pathetic, especially with so many possible solutions that I, (and you if you were honest) can easily think of, much less a military general.

Remember, Biden downplayed the Taliban, GUARANTEED that they were'nt capable of this. Said it would take 30-90 days when it took just 30 hours for the Taliban to attack.. and said people would NEVER have to be evacuated on a US embassy, which they were.

Dude.. what are we even TALKING about here.
I doesnt matter if he prematurely pulled them or not. he could have led the cleanest and smoothest withdrawal possible and gotten everybody out before the troops… but once they were all gone the Taliban was going to take over. Again I’ll say, Trump said that would happen a couple nights ago on fox.
I doesnt matter if he prematurely pulled them or not. he could have led the cleanest and smoothest withdrawal possible and gotten everybody out before the troops… but once they were all gone the Taliban was going to take over. Again I’ll say, Trump said that would happen a couple nights ago on fox.
Even if I ceded what you're saying, and that's just for a theory... you still have to answer for:
- The people that have died and will be murdered by the Taliban that would have escaped had we covered for them
- The hundreds of millions of military equipment we gave the Taliban by evacuating suddenly.

Biden owns the lives and the support of the Taliban with these weapons no matter what. It's a massive blunder.

6 Questions we NEED to ask about Afghanistan​

So, what’s REALLY going on? Is the apparent Taliban “victory” masking the true narrative?​

1. Did the Taliban really just win?​

2. Is the chaos real?​

" . . .All of this serves a purpose, aside from the distraction of emotive metaphors and lurid headlines. It all aids in the construction of a narrative.

In this case, the ideas of US “mistakes” and “incompetence” and “wishful thinking” are discussed at length, without ever touching on the true mendacity at the heart of the Afghan invasion.

The “end” of the Afghan war is being used to re-brand its beginnings. The Taliban are propped up as villains, again, and associated with Al Qaeda, as if they were ever anything but a Western tool in the first place.

People are talking about “spreading democracy” and “counter-terrorism” as if they were the real aims of the war, instead of long-discredited lies.

Marketing Afghanistan as a “defeat” for the US camouflages the truth of it – the war was a VERY profitable business venture.

And, of course, it all serves to reinforce the frail official story of 9/11, a vital keystone in the construction of our geo-political “reality”. . . "

3. What about the heroin?​

4. Will there be any Political Fallout?​

" . . .Geo-politically, the talk is of Russia and China – the only two counties to officially recognise the Taliban government – “stepping into the void”. This is being played as a victory for America’s enemies (and another stick with which to beat Biden), but does that really mean anything?

The Covid “pandemic” has been an eye-opener in terms of conflict between nations. They’ve shown us that, when they really need to, they work together to the same end. They tell the same lies, sell the same stories, and want the same thing. The wall at the back of the theatre has been revealed, in that regard.

The truth is, no matter which nations notionally hold sway in Afghanistan, the profits from the war, the lithium and the heroin will all end up going to the same few pockets. Corporations rule, not countries. Nation-states are no longer the players of the Great Game, they are the pieces. Toys for corporate megaliths. Their owners can make them fight each other, or bump them together and make kissy noises. Each is equally meaningless. . . ."

5. Is there another “Refugee Crisis” on the way?​

". . .That importing asylum seekers, undocumented, from a near-failed state could be suggested at all during an allegedly “deadly pandemic” is a sign of just how contrived both narratives are.

It’s not said much – but corporations love refugees. Just like illegal immigrants, undocumented refugees can be used as cheap labour, with none of the legal protections of full citizens. They can then be blamed for deteriorating living standards, unemployment and wage stagnation. They act as a heat-sink for public anger.

Further, “refugees” with no passports are a great way to get your trained mercenaries, agitators, saboteurs, and/or special forces across national borders without leaving a trail. . . . "

6. Will we see a major terrorist attack?​

Even if I ceded what you're saying, and that's just for a theory... you still have to answer for:
- The people that have died and will be murdered by the Taliban that would have escaped had we covered for them
- The hundreds of millions of military equipment we gave the Taliban by evacuating suddenly.

Biden owns the lives and the support of the Taliban with these weapons no matter what. It's a massive blunder.
What answers do I need to give? Biden absolutely owns the mess. I’ve only made the simple point that anybody who supported trumps efforts to pull out all troops and Bidens efforts should fully understand that meant the Taliban would take over. There is no magic reality where that wouldn’t have happened under trump. The two men had the same objectives
What answers do I need to give? Biden absolutely owns the mess. I’ve only made the simple point that anybody who supported trumps efforts to pull out all troops and Bidens efforts should fully understand that meant the Taliban would take over. There is no magic reality where that wouldn’t have happened under trump. The two men had the same objectives

You're clearly ignoring the point.. Biden's blunder in how he did it. You're lying to yourself, just as Democrats and the media are. Basically, you're saying as long as you and I both wanted a lung transplant, it doesn't matter how it got done. Whether by a back alley hack or a surgeon. Well, there's a HUGE difference there. And you're clearly just making excuses for Biden here by dialing up a false equivalency. It's pathetic.
Our elected leaders are doing a great job of blaming each other. Not a single one of them seem to be able to sit down look at the facts about ANYTHING. See what went wrong or right & figure out what to do next & how to do it. There all Useless, work little for us but take our money, & work hard to raise funds to get reelected.
Yet no US deaths for 18 mos. 2,500 was enough and I still would have left but in a more orderly fashion.

Then why withdraw? There were no American casualties to speak of. Don't forget we have been in Korea for over 40 years. Trump and Biden are responsible for this mess. Trump negotiated with the Taliban and left the government out of it. He agreed to release dangerous Taliban fighters. The Taliban broke the treaty from day one and increased their attacks. Despite this, Trump withdrew troops which sent a message to both the Taliban and government troops. The message for the Taliban was they could violate the treaty with no consequences and to government troops, it said we are abandoning you. Mark Esper and military leaders wanted to slow down the withdrawal until the Taliban did what they agreed to do and they recommended 4,500 troops. This was ignored by Trump. Biden's failure was not recognizing this and to reverse course.
You're clearly ignoring the point.. Biden's blunder in how he did it. You're lying to yourself, just as Democrats and the media are. Basically, you're saying as long as you and I both wanted a lung transplant, it doesn't matter how it got done. Whether by a back alley hack or a surgeon. Well, there's a HUGE difference there. And you're clearly just making excuses for Biden here by dialing up a false equivalency. It's pathetic.
I haven’t made one excuse for Biden. I’ve blamed him.

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