Biden DOJ arrests LADYBALLERS star for J6 misdemeanors after premiere of film, seems political

Nazis don't want people who committed crimes locked arrested?

I don't think you know what Nazis mean or your just trolling...I suspect the latter but it could be both.
NAZIs want people who haven't committed any crimes locked up, just like the Biden DOJ does.
A Banana Republic does what a Banana Republic does and it ain't pretty.

You can't protest against a stolen election when the people that stole the election are in power.

You can't be in a movie making fun of transsexuals when the party in power is mostly made up of queers and transsexuals.
You can protest. You can’t riot.

It’s the same rules we’ve always had.
It's blatant, unless you're a leftist demagogue that would support virtually anything they did and told you was for everyone's own good. People like you will be the downfall of this country, I just want to be around to watch you assholes cry about it when it happens.
Translation: you couldn't argue it if your life depended on it.

Like I said. Your crybabying won't help you.
Oh you think there was cheating? Obviously you just submit and deal with it later in court.

Fighting about it will result in consequences for the Trump brain diseased rioters.
There were only a few violent trump supporters of the 100 million that voted for him

And some of those were double agents
There were only a few violent trump supporters of the 100 million that voted for him

And some of those were double agents
Hundreds to thousands of Trump supporters broke the law. Many on January 6th. Many before. Many after.

100 million people didnt vote for him unless you’re going by the Saddam Hussein vote counting methods.

Either way, if you think it was stolen, take it to court.
Hundreds to thousands of Trump supporters broke the law. Many on January 6th. Many before. Many after.

100 million people didnt vote for him unless you’re going by the Saddam Hussein vote counting methods.

Either way, if you think it was stolen, take it to court.
There were not thousands of people inside the capital building

And even they were guilty of little more than tresspassing

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