Biden: End of Quote. Repeat the line

When are Americans going to learn? A byproduct of prosperity is inflation. Deflation is a byproduct of recession.


What was inflation for Reagan during his prosperous years?
All leftards repeat this truth:

I put that man’s finger on the nuclear button.

It should be easy you’ve all been practicing it for four years.
You got nothing except an empty headed charge or were members of your boy's own administration lying when they told him that the election being stoles was bullshit?


Empty headed? That describes you, and every empty headed twat who voted for the turnip.
Someone's bound to 'trip over the cord' of the teleprompter soon. Leaving Biden standing there all confused. That clown needs to go. At least with Harris, we'd know who's running things into the ground. Time for the shadow government to go.
Empty headed? That describes you, and every empty headed twat who voted for the turnip.
Can't dispute that people like Barr told Trump he was full of shit with his election fraud rants, can ya, mouth breather?

Where's that proof I asked for, halftard?

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