Biden Escalates Barry's War

I read your cite. Wow, I don't normally read a Pro Assad Syrian Government owned News outlet. The attention to detail and facts are about as bad as if a Pro Party of the Rumper wrote it. This is a great way to just disregard anything the poster has to say.

I read your cite. Wow, I don't normally read a Pro Assad Syrian Government owned News outlet. The attention to detail and facts are about as bad as if a Pro Party of the Rumper wrote it. This is a great way to just disregard anything the poster has to say.
You don't normally read the NYT? Good for you!

You have trucks loaded with something though the 'reporting' does not actually seem aware of what they are transporting. You do know we have forces in the are and have had forces there for a long time. Where do you think those forces get their supplies?

Come back when there is actually something there. This is Biden, its not like we will not get there at some point over the next 4 years.
I read your cite. Wow, I don't normally read a Pro Assad Syrian Government owned News outlet. The attention to detail and facts are about as bad as if a Pro Party of the Rumper wrote it. This is a great way to just disregard anything the poster has to say.
Are you trying to argue that Barry did NOT drag the US into another war, committing a United Nation's-defined INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIME BY INVADING A SOVEREIGN NATION WITHOUT THAT NATION'S GOVERNMENTS' OR PRESIDENT'S PERMISSION OR REQUEST?

Are you trying to claim Barry did NOT leave US forces in Syria to continue to fight HIS war as he left office?

Are you attempting to claim Biden did not launch a strike in Syria?

All of this is 100% FACTUAL, substantiated by multiple sources, sources that have been repeatedly posted in numerous threads on this board.

Despite all of this being proven true, you are now saying it could not be possible that, with US troops still in Syria, these troops would be re-supplied?!


Why isn't Joe instead ending BARRY'S war and withdrawing US troops from Syria?
Same as it ever was.

Oct. 26, 2019

ERBIL, Iraq — A convoy of U.S. military vehicles has crossed the border from Iraq and made its way across northeastern Syria in an effort to prevent oil fields from falling into the hands of ISIS, NBC News has confirmed.

The U.S. has begun reinforcing its positions in the Deir ez-Zor region in coordination with its partners in the Kurdish-led Syrian Defense Forces and with additional military assets to prevent oil fields from coming under the control of ISIS or other destabilizing actors, according to a U.S. defense official.

"We will not discuss details or timelines of those forces for security reasons," the official said

Reality: Trump only POTUS since Hoover not to involve us in war

So when Trumpybear moved some troops and equipment back into Syria why didn't ya'll call that an escalation of Bushes war for oil?

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon is deploying a small number of U.S. troops to Syria after a series of escalating encounters between the U.S. and Russian militaries, according to three U.S. defense officials.

The troops and vehicles will serve as a show of presence to discourage the Russian military from crossing into the eastern security area where U.S., coalition, and Syrian Democratic Forces operate, the officials said.

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