Biden Family Overwhelming Evidence of Corruption

So clearly it is about interpretation. Trump didn’t tell Zelensky that he wouldn’t give them aid if they didn’t investigate Hunter. He asked him to do so. There is no crime in that. None.

Trump never told people to physically and violently attempt to disrupt Congress and most certainly didn’t tell them to try to overthrow the government.
In the case of Ukraine, it is extortion, "I'll give you X, if you give me Y". Since impeachment is a political process, not a legal one, it was entirely appropriate.
January 6th?...clearly, there were many things that went on that day that he can be held accountable for. And my guess is, one day, he will be. Trump's MO is
that he never says anything or encourages people to do things directly. It's always implied. I would have thought if you paid attention to the a lot of the J6 trials,
you would have picked up on that. As far as the election went, he was telegraphing six months in advance if he lost it was because of fraud. His speech at the Elipse
implied he wanted his followers to march to the Capitol and overturn the results of the election....and that is EXACTLY what his followers heard that day.

Bottom line here is that both impeachments were warranted.
Then why do conservatives still trust Republicans and conservative media?

For the same reason Democrats trust the MSM. You have to take what they tell you with a grain for salt. The MSM and Fox don’t lie, but they often embellish stories for political gain.
People tend to lose trust in organizations that lie to them. The FBI and the CIA have lied on several occasions to help one policial party. That is dangerous for our country and shouldn’t sit well with any American of any political persuasion.
UM, except there wass nothing wrong with the phone call nor what he did leading up to Jan. 6th. Biden point blank said he wouldn’t give money to Ukraine if they didn’t do as the US wanted. That was on video, but somehow that is different?

Biden was sent by Obama, the IMF, the World Bank, the EU and NATO to get the corrupt Russian prosecutor fired. The whole world knew about it. Everybody congratulated in him when he succeeded.

It was nothing like Trump’s phone call. And it was in all of the papers when it happened. It wasn’t hidden away in some folks in the lighthouse, so that no one even knew about it.
It is amazing seeing the same fucking demented LEFTIST posters here, that twist into pretzels to deny what is so OBVIOUSLEY total corruption of the Biden Crime Family, that squealed for YEARS that Trump was a Russian asset criminal.
You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are SO brainwashed and PATHETIC!!!
In the case of Ukraine, it is extortion, "I'll give you X, if you give me Y".

Of course, he never said that did he? You are fabricating information. He said, ”Do me a favor…”. He never said “or else…”. If you want to get technical, a favor doesn’t require anything in return.
Biden was sent by Obama, the IMF, the World Bank, the EU and NATO to get the corrupt Russian prosecutor fired. The whole world knew about it. Everybody congratulated in him when he succeeded.

It was nothing like Trump’s phone call. And it was in all of the papers when it happened. It wasn’t hidden away in some folks in the lighthouse, so that no one even knew about it.

So the fact that Trump prefaced a sentence with “Do me a favor…” is all you got? He was never removed from office because the “evidence” was simply not there.
Of course, he never said that did he? You are fabricating information. He said, ”Do me a favor…”. He never said “or else…”. If you want to get technical, a favor doesn’t require anything in return.
Quid Pro Quo (Clarice :)). Again, it's implied. He never says anything directly (because he's a coward). But the request is there.
For the same reason Democrats trust the MSM. You have to take what they tell you with a grain for salt. The MSM and Fox don’t lie, but they often embellish stories for political gain.
I never saw MSM lie in the obvious naked way that Fox News was caught lying about the election.

Moreover, conservative media relentlessly lies about what MSM says, which is easy to get away with since you guys both want to believe that MSM is lying and because you don’t really consume MSM.
For the same reason Democrats trust the MSM. You have to take what they tell you with a grain for salt. The MSM and Fox don’t lie, but they often embellish stories for political gain.

The main stream media subscribes to journalistic standards of verification and fact checking prior to publication. That’s why leftists trust them.

Fox News Does does not subscribe to standard journalistic practises of verification or facts, and have been caught knowingly broadcasting stories that are completely false on multiple occasions. They have failed so many fact checks, that the network is listed as “borderline questionable”.

To claim that the MSM is no different than FOX or other right wing outlets, is a complete fallacy. Even the Wall Street Journal has had their reliability and trustworthiness downgraded since Rupert Murdoch purchased the paper.
Then why do conservatives still trust Republicans and conservative media?
I don't trust the RNC or the GOP or FAUX news, and I'm as conservative as you can get. But just because I don't trust them doesn't mean that I DO trust the Marxist/Democrats, CNN, or MSNBC either.
Quid Pro Quo (Clarice :)). Again, it's implied. He never says anything directly (because he's a coward). But the request is there.

Nope. “Do me a favor” alone does not qualify as a Quid Pro Quo. In fact, a favor, by definition, does NOT require anything in return. Nice try, but wrong.
I don't trust the RNC or the GOP or FAUX news, and I'm as conservative as you can get. But just because I don't trust them doesn't mean that I DO trust the Marxist/Democrats, CNN, or MSNBC either.
I bet you’re one of the “I don’t trust anyone” while simultaneously perpetuating the conservative media bullshit such as this story.
Of course, he never said that did he? You are fabricating information. He said, ”Do me a favor…”. He never said “or else…”. If you want to get technical, a favor doesn’t require anything in return.

To get technical, he said “But first, I need a favour”. “But first” is the “or else” you speak of. “I have what you want, but before I will give it to you . . .”

It’s it’s always a “favor” or “a little help with something”. It’s always very friendly. I have something you want. You have something I want. Let’s help each other.

Trump called his phone call “perfect” because he successfully conveyed his terms to president Zelensky while maintaining “plausible deniability” that this was extortion.
I don't trust the RNC or the GOP or FAUX news, and I'm as conservative as you can get. But just because I don't trust them doesn't mean that I DO trust the Marxist/Democrats, CNN, or MSNBC either.

BBC, Time, the Guardian, the Atlanta Journal Constitution and Fox all said Comer had no evidence.
It is amazing seeing the same fucking demented LEFTIST posters here, that twist into pretzels to deny what is so OBVIOUSLEY total corruption of the Biden Crime Family, that squealed for YEARS that Trump was a Russian asset criminal.
You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are SO brainwashed and PATHETIC!!!
Nope. “Do me a favor” alone does not qualify as a Quid Pro Quo. In fact, a favor, by definition, does NOT require anything in return. Nice try, but wrong.
Something for something. Sorry.


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