Biden: Higher Gas Prices Hurt Families, ‘Not Right’ For Russia And Saudi Arabia To Not ‘Pump More Oil’

Cheap gas at the expense of Domestic oil producers? You mean the ones Bidung is trying to eliminate. So he can buy the higher priced oil from socialist countries...dumbass.

Don't be stupid..Domestic oil needs the higher ppb because the US has the highest lift costs in the world.

US oil producers suffer when the ppb goes low.
Biden surrendered our energy Independence, put thousands of Americans out of work, and told fossil fuel industry he was going to destroy them ... now Biden is begging our enemies and nations that hate us - who we are now dependent on - to save his ass by pumping more oil.

The people controlling Biden are the brain-dead Fuckers who declared before the last election they intended to outlaw fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine and instead would use solar, water, and wind (which provides about 20% of our energy) and will use TECHNOLOGY THST HAS NOT BEEN INVENTED YET.


In the meantime gas prices are sky-rocketing, heating energy is about to go up 54%, and we are completely at the mercy of our enemies.


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