Biden Impeachment

But the process in the House will expose Biden for the corrupt sell-out he is. That in itself does a great deal of good. We cannot afford a man who is taken bribes from out enemies to hold onto the presidency for the next term.


So we can't afford a president who's taken bribes but we can afford a president who tried to steal an election he lost?

But the process in the House will expose Biden for the corrupt sell-out he is. That in itself does a great deal of good. We cannot afford a man who is taken bribes from out enemies to hold onto the presidency for the next term.
Begs the question of why Biden is so full bent on funding Ukraine.
This one won't be. This one will help Democrats beat Trump in the 2024 election.

In 2020, America did not want Trump in office. Just about anybody would have beaten him. Now, America doesn't want Trump OR Biden. So now, if it comes down to choosing between the two of them, Trump actually has a pretty good chance of winning next year.

So g'head, impeach Biden. Please! Then watch Democrats vote with Republicans to convict him. Takes him out of the race. Makes Harris president who becomes an incumbent running against Trump in the election. Gives America a choice for president that's neither Trump nor Biden.

Makes Harris president who becomes an incumbent running against Trump in the election.
You seriously believe Harris could beat Trump?
They sure as hell don't want Harris.

America didn't want Biden in 2020 either. The only reason he won, and won handedly, was because he was running against the only person in America he could beat.

So please, Republicans. Please give America a Democrat to run who's NOT Biden!
The House is expected to pass an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden.

Good news of the day.

The filthy libtarded scumbag Democraps need to learn that sometimes you reap that which you sew.

Naturally, we all realize that it won’t ultimately mean anything. Impeachment for impeachment’s sake is kind of silly. And there’s no way the Senate would ever convict and remove.

But, still, it is a good thing to hitch slap Potato the way the Sims tried to “get” Trump.
They're so pathetic they couldn't impeach a gnat with mountains of evidence. Blah blah blah.
Ah, Republican activist lawyers, the absolute worst, with the least ability or understanding of law. Luckily, impeachment attempts are political events, usually without much to do with law. Just fun and games so they do not have to actually create / pass legislation and be blamed for that, too.
America didn't want Biden in 2020 either. The only reason he won, and won handedly, was because he was running against the only person in America he could beat.

So please, Republicans. Please give America a Democrat to run who's NOT Biden!
He "won" because he and his Communist handlers outright cheated.
Good news of the day.

The filthy libtarded scumbag Democraps need to learn that sometimes you reap that which you sew.

Naturally, we all realize that it won’t ultimately mean anything. Impeachment for impeachment’s sake is kind of silly. And there’s no way the Senate would ever convict and remove.

But, still, it is a good thing to hitch slap Potato the way the Sims tried to “get” Trump.
Exercise in futility. However, it would be refreshing to see this stretch out until after the next election with a turnover in the senate. What a wonderful thought--a total conservative government.

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