Biden is already more popular than Trump has ever been

Let's see...we have one man that is trying to bring the country together and warning Americans about a disease that is ravaging the country. While the other man is trying to take our democracy down. Pretty easy decision.
Taking Biden down isn't the same as taking the country down, moron. In fact, it's the exact opposite.

History will record this time in US history when a sitting president tried to take down American democracy as he tried to disenfranchise millions of voters. Nixon never came close to the treasonous actions of trump and his Mafia.

In just a few days, you trumpsters can cry in your eggnog as Joseph R Biden will be the 46th president of the United States and Donald trump will STILL BE IMPEACHED.
And Trumptards wonder why he lost by 7 million votes. :laugh:

Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that President-elect Joe Biden has a 55% favorable rating and a 41% unfavorable rating.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 42% favorable rating and a 57% unfavorable rating.
Oh, so you're saying that the msm is telling the left how to feel about Biden, huh? figures
gallup isnt part of any media.
For other pollsters, sometimes they are connected to a media company, but they operate as an independent division.
And Trumptards wonder why he lost by 7 million votes. :laugh:

Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that President-elect Joe Biden has a 55% favorable rating and a 41% unfavorable rating.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 42% favorable rating and a 57% unfavorable rating.

Lol, yeah sure. He's a pedo.
Even the tRumplings have dropped that particular slur. You're behind.

As usual.
and what about the pedophile loving demonRATs.....just saying
What is with you Trumptards and your obsession with pedophilia?
what is it with you asshole demonRATs in denial? xiden and his family are pedophiles and mommy condones it
Why would your mommy condone it and what difference does it make if she does?
And Trumptards wonder why he lost by 7 million votes. :laugh:

Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that President-elect Joe Biden has a 55% favorable rating and a 41% unfavorable rating.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 42% favorable rating and a 57% unfavorable rating.

Lol, yeah sure. He's a pedo.
Even the tRumplings have dropped that particular slur. You're behind.

As usual.
and what about the pedophile loving demonRATs.....just saying
What is with you Trumptards and your obsession with pedophilia?
Ask Joe Biden what his obsession with it is, turd.
He's not the one obsessed.

You are.

Were I you (thank whatever powers there are in the universe that I'm not!) I'd be taking a long hard look in the mirror.
He is a pedophile, dumbfuck. He's obsessed with little girls. You voted for this piece of shit, so I suggest you look in the mirror.
So why do support the guy in the White House now, considering he's got an eye for the young ones..
That's total fucking horseshit. You leftwing douchebags just flat out lie all the time. You don't even attempt to square you claims with the truth.
Oh shit the irony!!!

I vote this guy as "next to shoot up a pizza place looking for a non-existent basement".

I actually believe there will be another Tim McVeigh type shortly after Biden is sworn in just because Trump has incited his base to violence...
And Trumptards wonder why he lost by 7 million votes. :laugh:

Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that President-elect Joe Biden has a 55% favorable rating and a 41% unfavorable rating.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 42% favorable rating and a 57% unfavorable rating.
Oh, so you're saying that the msm is telling the left how to feel about Biden, huh? figures
gallup isnt part of any media.
For other pollsters, sometimes they are connected to a media company, but they operate as an independent division.
So you still believe what the polls tell you, huh? :rolleyes-41:
And Trumptards wonder why he lost by 7 million votes. :laugh:

Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that President-elect Joe Biden has a 55% favorable rating and a 41% unfavorable rating.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 42% favorable rating and a 57% unfavorable rating.

Lol, yeah sure. He's a pedo.
Even the tRumplings have dropped that particular slur. You're behind.

As usual.
and what about the pedophile loving demonRATs.....just saying
What is with you Trumptards and your obsession with pedophilia?
Ask Joe Biden what his obsession with it is, turd.
He's not the one obsessed.

You are.

Were I you (thank whatever powers there are in the universe that I'm not!) I'd be taking a long hard look in the mirror.
He is a pedophile, dumbfuck. He's obsessed with little girls. You voted for this piece of shit, so I suggest you look in the mirror.
So why do support the guy in the White House now, considering he's got an eye for the young ones..
That's total fucking horseshit. You leftwing douchebags just flat out lie all the time. You don't even attempt to square you claims with the truth.
Oh shit the irony!!!

I vote this guy as "next to shoot up a pizza place looking for a non-existent basement".

Yup...there are some whacky crazy trumpsters on this board. You got to wonder which on will be the first to go over the edge as the Inauguration approaches.
And Trumptards wonder why he lost by 7 million votes. :laugh:

Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that President-elect Joe Biden has a 55% favorable rating and a 41% unfavorable rating.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 42% favorable rating and a 57% unfavorable rating.

Lol, yeah sure. He's a pedo.
Even the tRumplings have dropped that particular slur. You're behind.

As usual.
and what about the pedophile loving demonRATs.....just saying
What is with you Trumptards and your obsession with pedophilia?
Ask Joe Biden what his obsession with it is, turd.
He's not the one obsessed.

You are.

Were I you (thank whatever powers there are in the universe that I'm not!) I'd be taking a long hard look in the mirror.
He is a pedophile, dumbfuck. He's obsessed with little girls. You voted for this piece of shit, so I suggest you look in the mirror.
So why do support the guy in the White House now, considering he's got an eye for the young ones..
That's total fucking horseshit. You leftwing douchebags just flat out lie all the time. You don't even attempt to square you claims with the truth.
Oh shit the irony!!!

I vote this guy as "next to shoot up a pizza place looking for a non-existent basement".

I actually believe there will be another Tim McVeigh type shortly after Biden is sworn in just because Trump has incited his base to violence...
Sadly I'm worried there may be dozens.
And Trumptards wonder why he lost by 7 million votes. :laugh:

Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that President-elect Joe Biden has a 55% favorable rating and a 41% unfavorable rating.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 42% favorable rating and a 57% unfavorable rating.

Lol, yeah sure. He's a pedo.

Donald should have Billy Barf prove that Biden is a pedo.
Good luck with that! ;)

There's plenty of proof. Unfortunately, you don't have eyes to see or ears to hear. You're not alone.

With 40 years of public service, if there were "plenty of proof" or any proof, someone would have complained, filed charges, etc. - certainly a parent would.

Maybe it's time to quit slandering him on that front.
47 years of being a pathetic, waste of oxygen, sellout to china--- piece of shit
you wouldnt disagree if you could control your own mind, coyote....until then, all you can do is thumbs must obey the fake propaganda the demonRATs tell you
Sometimes a thumbs down is the only appropriate answer to bullshit.
you wouldnt disagree if you could control your own mind
And Trumptards wonder why he lost by 7 million votes. :laugh:

Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that President-elect Joe Biden has a 55% favorable rating and a 41% unfavorable rating.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 42% favorable rating and a 57% unfavorable rating.

Lol, yeah sure. He's a pedo.

Donald should have Billy Barf prove that Biden is a pedo.
Good luck with that! ;)

There's plenty of proof. Unfortunately, you don't have eyes to see or ears to hear. You're not alone.

With 40 years of public service, if there were "plenty of proof" or any proof, someone would have complained, filed charges, etc. - certainly a parent would.

Maybe it's time to quit slandering him on that front.
47 years of being a pathetic, waste of oxygen, sellout to china--- piece of shit
you wouldnt disagree if you could control your own mind, coyote....until then, all you can do is thumbs must obey the fake propaganda the demonRATs tell you
Sometimes a thumbs down is the only appropriate answer to bullshit.
you wouldnt disagree if you could control your own mind

People control their own mind but what upset those like you is you can not control what others think...
And Trumptards wonder why he lost by 7 million votes. :laugh:

Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that President-elect Joe Biden has a 55% favorable rating and a 41% unfavorable rating.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 42% favorable rating and a 57% unfavorable rating.

Lol, yeah sure. He's a pedo.

Donald should have Billy Barf prove that Biden is a pedo.
Good luck with that! ;)

There's plenty of proof. Unfortunately, you don't have eyes to see or ears to hear. You're not alone.

With 40 years of public service, if there were "plenty of proof" or any proof, someone would have complained, filed charges, etc. - certainly a parent would.

Maybe it's time to quit slandering him on that front.
47 years of being a pathetic, waste of oxygen, sellout to china--- piece of shit
you wouldnt disagree if you could control your own mind, coyote....until then, all you can do is thumbs must obey the fake propaganda the demonRATs tell you
Sometimes a thumbs down is the only appropriate answer to bullshit.
you wouldnt disagree if you could control your own mind
WTF does that even mean?
So far Biden has only repeated that we all need to wear mask. I hope his policy on the Covid virus is a little more complex. If not his ratings will drop quick. I say that as a registered democrat ,but only vote for the best candidate regardless of party. I vote policy not personality. Lets not forget Trump supported a lot of democrats .
So far Biden has only repeated that we all need to wear mask. I hope his policy on the Covid virus is a little more complex. If not his ratings will drop quick. I say that as a registered democrat ,but only vote for the best candidate regardless of party. I vote policy not personality. Lets not forget Trump supported a lot of democrats .

Uh what? He did?

But for the main of your statement, I too hope he will be more complex...nuanced. IMO the his (the federal) role should be to provide the most accurate information to the various governors along with what federal assistance is appropropriate in each case.
And Trumptards wonder why he lost by 7 million votes. :laugh:

Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that President-elect Joe Biden has a 55% favorable rating and a 41% unfavorable rating.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 42% favorable rating and a 57% unfavorable rating.

Lol, yeah sure. He's a pedo.
Even the tRumplings have dropped that particular slur. You're behind.

As usual.
and what about the pedophile loving demonRATs.....just saying
What is with you Trumptards and your obsession with pedophilia?
Ask Joe Biden what his obsession with it is, turd.
He's not the one obsessed.

You are.

Were I you (thank whatever powers there are in the universe that I'm not!) I'd be taking a long hard look in the mirror.
He is a pedophile, dumbfuck. He's obsessed with little girls. You voted for this piece of shit, so I suggest you look in the mirror.
So why do support the guy in the White House now, considering he's got an eye for the young ones..
That's total fucking horseshit. You leftwing douchebags just flat out lie all the time. You don't even attempt to square you claims with the truth.
Oh shit the irony!!!

I vote this guy as "next to shoot up a pizza place looking for a non-existent basement".

I actually believe there will be another Tim McVeigh type shortly after Biden is sworn in just because Trump has incited his base to violence...
Sadly I'm worried there may be dozens.
IN case you've already forgotten, but BLM and Antifia are the ones who have been throwing Molotav cocktails and burning American cities down.
Wow, talk about triggered. Why is Gallup bullshit? Which poll do you prefer?
I don't prefer ANY poll that compares someone who completed his first term in office
vs. someone who hasn't spent one single day as president!
There is absolutely nothing in Joe Biden's long corruption filled resume which would make any
honest person think he would be a competent president.

It will be an attempt at Obama 2.0 without Obama to carry it off.

The whole premise is bullshit and Gallup is just the dick sucking group of pollsters who would
put out such swill and act like it's a serious attempt at information gathering. It's disgraceful.
I don’t care much for polls either but Trump seems to live and breath by them which is why I asked.
I'm sure it's part of his daily reality. We can afford to ignore polls. I don't think politicians can which is unfortunate.
So far Biden has only repeated that we all need to wear mask. I hope his policy on the Covid virus is a little more complex. If not his ratings will drop quick. I say that as a registered democrat ,but only vote for the best candidate regardless of party. I vote policy not personality. Lets not forget Trump supported a lot of democrats .

Uh what? He did?

But for the main of your statement, I too hope he will be more complex...nuanced. IMO the his (the federal) role should be to provide the most accurate information to the various governors along with what federal assistance is appropropriate in each case.
. Yes, he supported the Clintons and others. I was politically active in the party years ago as a precinct captain.
And Trumptards wonder why he lost by 7 million votes. :laugh:

Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that President-elect Joe Biden has a 55% favorable rating and a 41% unfavorable rating.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 42% favorable rating and a 57% unfavorable rating.

Lol, yeah sure. He's a pedo.
Even the tRumplings have dropped that particular slur. You're behind.

As usual.
and what about the pedophile loving demonRATs.....just saying
What is with you Trumptards and your obsession with pedophilia?
Ask Joe Biden what his obsession with it is, turd.
He's not the one obsessed.

You are.

Were I you (thank whatever powers there are in the universe that I'm not!) I'd be taking a long hard look in the mirror.
He is a pedophile, dumbfuck. He's obsessed with little girls. You voted for this piece of shit, so I suggest you look in the mirror.
So why do support the guy in the White House now, considering he's got an eye for the young ones..
That's total fucking horseshit. You leftwing douchebags just flat out lie all the time. You don't even attempt to square you claims with the truth.
Oh shit the irony!!!

I vote this guy as "next to shoot up a pizza place looking for a non-existent basement".
That isn't irony. It's simply a fact. Nothing could be more hilarious than you pretending that you're honest.
Let's see...we have one man that is trying to bring the country together and warning Americans about a disease that is ravaging the country. While the other man is trying to take our democracy down. Pretty easy decision.
Taking Biden down isn't the same as taking the country down, moron. In fact, it's the exact opposite.

History will record this time in US history when a sitting president tried to take down American democracy as he tried to disenfranchise millions of voters. Nixon never came close to the treasonous actions of trump and his Mafia.

In just a few days, you trumpsters can cry in your eggnog as Joseph R Biden will be the 46th president of the United States and Donald trump will STILL BE IMPEACHED.
Biden is the one who is taking down democracy. He's the one conducting a swiindle. I can't fathom how you turds believe Trump is taking down democracy.
And Trumptards wonder why he lost by 7 million votes. :laugh:

Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that President-elect Joe Biden has a 55% favorable rating and a 41% unfavorable rating.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 42% favorable rating and a 57% unfavorable rating.

Lol, yeah sure. He's a pedo.
Even the tRumplings have dropped that particular slur. You're behind.

As usual.
and what about the pedophile loving demonRATs.....just saying
What is with you Trumptards and your obsession with pedophilia?
Ask Joe Biden what his obsession with it is, turd.
He's not the one obsessed.

You are.

Were I you (thank whatever powers there are in the universe that I'm not!) I'd be taking a long hard look in the mirror.
He is a pedophile, dumbfuck. He's obsessed with little girls. You voted for this piece of shit, so I suggest you look in the mirror.
So why do support the guy in the White House now, considering he's got an eye for the young ones..
That's total fucking horseshit. You leftwing douchebags just flat out lie all the time. You don't even attempt to square you claims with the truth.
Oh shit the irony!!!

I vote this guy as "next to shoot up a pizza place looking for a non-existent basement".

I actually believe there will be another Tim McVeigh type shortly after Biden is sworn in just because Trump has incited his base to violence...
Who is being incited to violence, douchebag?

Wow, talk about triggered. Why is Gallup bullshit? Which poll do you prefer?
I don't prefer ANY poll that compares someone who completed his first term in office
vs. someone who hasn't spent one single day as president!
There is absolutely nothing in Joe Biden's long corruption filled resume which would make any
honest person think he would be a competent president.

It will be an attempt at Obama 2.0 without Obama to carry it off.

The whole premise is bullshit and Gallup is just the dick sucking group of pollsters who would
put out such swill and act like it's a serious attempt at information gathering. It's disgraceful.
I don’t care much for polls either but Trump seems to live and breath by them which is why I asked.
I'm sure it's part of his daily reality. We can afford to ignore polls. I don't think politicians can which is unfortunate.
No Trump has been all about the polls and ratings ever since he was a reality show personality. Like them or not they do give a rough gauge of how things are. If they didn’t then they wouldn’t be such a large industry

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