Biden is Done: Called "FRAIL" by Obama's Doctor.

If he’s the nom, he gets my vote. But I sure hope the Dems elect Harris instead

IOW, you want us to go even more deeply into debt than we're going right now--if you think we're spending too much now, just wait and see what happens if the Dems get the White House and Congress in their hands. You want no-strings amnesty for all people who have illegally entered our country--no requirement to learn English, no fine or tax of any kind for having broken our laws, no paying of back taxes, no going to the back of the immigration line (very unfair to the millions who are trying to enter the country legally), no nothing. You don't want to stop the flow of illegals across our border, which will only increase if we grant amnesty to the illegals who are already here. You want no restrictions on abortion, not even third-trimester abortions when we are undeniably talking about a viable baby. You want to renew the Iran nuke deal, even though we now know the Iranians were violating it almost as soon as the ink dried. You want to renew the war on coal and natural gas and drag us back into the silly Paris Climate Accord. You want to end the historic gains we've made in manufacturing jobs (if you repeal the corporate tax cuts in the Trump tax cuts and reimpose the regulations that Trump has nixed, that is exactly what you will do, which is why we had a net *loss* in manufacturing jobs under Obama). You want to jack up taxes on the very corporations that you are expecting to hire more people--you don't care: you just want to jack up their taxes back to 35%, while Europe and Asia only tax their companies at 18-21%. Etc., etc., etc.
If he’s the nom, he gets my vote. But I sure hope the Dems elect Harris instead

IOW, you want us to go even more deeply into debt than we're going right now--if you think we're spending too much now, just wait and see what happens if the Dems get the White House and Congress in their hands.

Trump is getting us into even more debt than Obama. Your complaints ring hollow. You are either OK with debt, or you aren't.
"Dr. David Scheiner, who served as Obama’s personal physician for more than 20 years prior to his election to the presidency, told the Washington Examiner on Friday that after having watched the debate, he was worried about the 76-year-old former vice president’s state of health.

The longtime Obama physician even drew comparison between Biden’s faculties and those of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who appeared weak, frail, and confused while testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee this week."

Obama Doctor: Biden 'Looked Frail' When Confronted by Harris at Debate


As an interested follower of the Presidential Campaign, I have been waiting for the word "Frail" to be hung on Uncle Joe, expecting the label to be a signal of the beginning of the end of his campaign.

It had to come. He's already a Dumb-Ass, and could not stand to loose to old age one single bit of the little mental acuity he had in younger days. And he has obviously lost a lot.

But, who knew it would be Obama's personal Doctor who would be the first to drop the FRAIL bomb?

There is almost no chance that this doctor said this without Obama's permission and most likely it was by Obama's prompting. He's going with Kamala Harris and he's announced it with the sneakiness that characterized his presidency.

Obama is a traitor, a liar, a fraud...but not a Dumb-Ass...and he made the right call dumping on Biden. Biden is as done as Mueller. They can be roommates in the nursing home.

Soon the Democratic Campaign will be Socialists Only.

Using Breitbart as a cite? They are so low on the truth scale, they don't even register. They don't report the news, they make up the news. They make Foxnews look left wing and accurate. Besides, we are not just electing a President, we are also electing a VP. And even with Trump or Biden, the VP is very important for some of the same reasons and also different reasons.

Says the dope who undoubtedly stays glued to PSMSNBC and CNN. Bank it
If he’s the nom, he gets my vote. But I sure hope the Dems elect Harris instead

IOW, you want us to go even more deeply into debt than we're going right now--if you think we're spending too much now, just wait and see what happens if the Dems get the White House and Congress in their hands. You want no-strings amnesty for all people who have illegally entered our country--no requirement to learn English, no fine or tax of any kind for having broken our laws, no paying of back taxes, no going to the back of the immigration line (very unfair to the millions who are trying to enter the country legally), no nothing. You don't want to stop the flow of illegals across our border, which will only increase if we grant amnesty to the illegals who are already here. You want no restrictions on abortion, not even third-trimester abortions when we are undeniably talking about a viable baby. You want to renew the Iran nuke deal, even though we now know the Iranians were violating it almost as soon as the ink dried. You want to renew the war on coal and natural gas and drag us back into the silly Paris Climate Accord. You want to end the historic gains we've made in manufacturing jobs (if you repeal the corporate tax cuts in the Trump tax cuts and reimpose the regulations that Trump has nixed, that is exactly what you will do, which is why we had a net *loss* in manufacturing jobs under Obama). You want to jack up taxes on the very corporations that you are expecting to hire more people--you don't care: you just want to jack up their taxes back to 35%, while Europe and Asia only tax their companies at 18-21%. Etc., etc., etc.
Republican president terms ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS, puts us more in debt than Democratic presidents.

obama inherited huge debt and crisis from repub pres

that's a fact
"Dr. David Scheiner, who served as Obama’s personal physician for more than 20 years prior to his election to the presidency, told the Washington Examiner on Friday that after having watched the debate, he was worried about the 76-year-old former vice president’s state of health.

The longtime Obama physician even drew comparison between Biden’s faculties and those of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who appeared weak, frail, and confused while testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee this week."

Obama Doctor: Biden 'Looked Frail' When Confronted by Harris at Debate


As an interested follower of the Presidential Campaign, I have been waiting for the word "Frail" to be hung on Uncle Joe, expecting the label to be a signal of the beginning of the end of his campaign.

It had to come. He's already a Dumb-Ass, and could not stand to loose to old age one single bit of the little mental acuity he had in younger days. And he has obviously lost a lot.

But, who knew it would be Obama's personal Doctor who would be the first to drop the FRAIL bomb?

There is almost no chance that this doctor said this without Obama's permission and most likely it was by Obama's prompting. He's going with Kamala Harris and he's announced it with the sneakiness that characterized his presidency.

Obama is a traitor, a liar, a fraud...but not a Dumb-Ass...and he made the right call dumping on Biden. Biden is as done as Mueller. They can be roommates in the nursing home.

Soon the Democratic Campaign will be Socialists Only.

Using Breitbart as a cite? They are so low on the truth scale, they don't even register. They don't report the news, they make up the news. They make Foxnews look left wing and accurate. Besides, we are not just electing a President, we are also electing a VP. And even with Trump or Biden, the VP is very important for some of the same reasons and also different reasons.
Get upset by the message....crucify the messenger.

Either way you look stupid. The story inaccurate?

Have your boy eat another Happy Meal.
"Dr. David Scheiner, who served as Obama’s personal physician for more than 20 years prior to his election to the presidency, told the Washington Examiner on Friday that after having watched the debate, he was worried about the 76-year-old former vice president’s state of health.

The longtime Obama physician even drew comparison between Biden’s faculties and those of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who appeared weak, frail, and confused while testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee this week."

Obama Doctor: Biden 'Looked Frail' When Confronted by Harris at Debate


As an interested follower of the Presidential Campaign, I have been waiting for the word "Frail" to be hung on Uncle Joe, expecting the label to be a signal of the beginning of the end of his campaign.

It had to come. He's already a Dumb-Ass, and could not stand to loose to old age one single bit of the little mental acuity he had in younger days. And he has obviously lost a lot.

But, who knew it would be Obama's personal Doctor who would be the first to drop the FRAIL bomb?

There is almost no chance that this doctor said this without Obama's permission and most likely it was by Obama's prompting. He's going with Kamala Harris and he's announced it with the sneakiness that characterized his presidency.

Obama is a traitor, a liar, a fraud...but not a Dumb-Ass...and he made the right call dumping on Biden. Biden is as done as Mueller. They can be roommates in the nursing home.

Soon the Democratic Campaign will be Socialists Only.

Using Breitbart as a cite? They are so low on the truth scale, they don't even register. They don't report the news, they make up the news. They make Foxnews look left wing and accurate. Besides, we are not just electing a President, we are also electing a VP. And even with Trump or Biden, the VP is very important for some of the same reasons and also different reasons.

Says the dope who undoubtedly stays glued to PSMSNBC and CNN. Bank it

Does that mean you want me to start watching those? Does that mean you are going to pay for me to get cable? Wow, another 150 channels that I won't watch. But if you want to pay for them, I'll certainly order them. Just send me your credit card information so I can pay for it. And so I can pay for a nice trip to some exotic location since you seem to have money to burn. Thanks in advance.
"Dr. David Scheiner, who served as Obama’s personal physician for more than 20 years prior to his election to the presidency, told the Washington Examiner on Friday that after having watched the debate, he was worried about the 76-year-old former vice president’s state of health.

The longtime Obama physician even drew comparison between Biden’s faculties and those of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who appeared weak, frail, and confused while testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee this week."

Obama Doctor: Biden 'Looked Frail' When Confronted by Harris at Debate


As an interested follower of the Presidential Campaign, I have been waiting for the word "Frail" to be hung on Uncle Joe, expecting the label to be a signal of the beginning of the end of his campaign.

It had to come. He's already a Dumb-Ass, and could not stand to loose to old age one single bit of the little mental acuity he had in younger days. And he has obviously lost a lot.

But, who knew it would be Obama's personal Doctor who would be the first to drop the FRAIL bomb?

There is almost no chance that this doctor said this without Obama's permission and most likely it was by Obama's prompting. He's going with Kamala Harris and he's announced it with the sneakiness that characterized his presidency.

Obama is a traitor, a liar, a fraud...but not a Dumb-Ass...and he made the right call dumping on Biden. Biden is as done as Mueller. They can be roommates in the nursing home.

Soon the Democratic Campaign will be Socialists Only.

Using Breitbart as a cite? They are so low on the truth scale, they don't even register. They don't report the news, they make up the news. They make Foxnews look left wing and accurate. Besides, we are not just electing a President, we are also electing a VP. And even with Trump or Biden, the VP is very important for some of the same reasons and also different reasons.
Get upset by the message....crucify the messenger.

Either way you look stupid. The story inaccurate?

Have your boy eat another Happy Meal.
Biden is a blithering shit stain, Who could get lost in a closet.
Who happens to be socialist light… The other socialists look like they’re going to eat him alive.
If he’s the nom, he gets my vote. But I sure hope the Dems elect Harris instead

IOW, you want us to go even more deeply into debt than we're going right now--if you think we're spending too much now, just wait and see what happens if the Dems get the White House and Congress in their hands. You want no-strings amnesty for all people who have illegally entered our country--no requirement to learn English, no fine or tax of any kind for having broken our laws, no paying of back taxes, no going to the back of the immigration line (very unfair to the millions who are trying to enter the country legally), no nothing. You don't want to stop the flow of illegals across our border, which will only increase if we grant amnesty to the illegals who are already here. You want no restrictions on abortion, not even third-trimester abortions when we are undeniably talking about a viable baby. You want to renew the Iran nuke deal, even though we now know the Iranians were violating it almost as soon as the ink dried. You want to renew the war on coal and natural gas and drag us back into the silly Paris Climate Accord. You want to end the historic gains we've made in manufacturing jobs (if you repeal the corporate tax cuts in the Trump tax cuts and reimpose the regulations that Trump has nixed, that is exactly what you will do, which is why we had a net *loss* in manufacturing jobs under Obama). You want to jack up taxes on the very corporations that you are expecting to hire more people--you don't care: you just want to jack up their taxes back to 35%, while Europe and Asia only tax their companies at 18-21%. Etc., etc., etc.

Even at 28% where they are now for corporation, corporations don't pay any taxes. Somehow, they can have a record year and end up not showing any profit. No Net Profit means no taxes when they use all the loopholes at their disposal. Raising it to 35% means they might have to pay a whopping 5%.
They should put Mueller and Biden in the same assisted living home… That way they could put puzzles together with each other.
"Dr. David Scheiner, who served as Obama’s personal physician for more than 20 years prior to his election to the presidency, told the Washington Examiner on Friday that after having watched the debate, he was worried about the 76-year-old former vice president’s state of health.

The longtime Obama physician even drew comparison between Biden’s faculties and those of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who appeared weak, frail, and confused while testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee this week."

Obama Doctor: Biden 'Looked Frail' When Confronted by Harris at Debate


As an interested follower of the Presidential Campaign, I have been waiting for the word "Frail" to be hung on Uncle Joe, expecting the label to be a signal of the beginning of the end of his campaign.

It had to come. He's already a Dumb-Ass, and could not stand to loose to old age one single bit of the little mental acuity he had in younger days. And he has obviously lost a lot.

But, who knew it would be Obama's personal Doctor who would be the first to drop the FRAIL bomb?

There is almost no chance that this doctor said this without Obama's permission and most likely it was by Obama's prompting. He's going with Kamala Harris and he's announced it with the sneakiness that characterized his presidency.

Obama is a traitor, a liar, a fraud...but not a Dumb-Ass...and he made the right call dumping on Biden. Biden is as done as Mueller. They can be roommates in the nursing home.

Soon the Democratic Campaign will be Socialists Only.

Using Breitbart as a cite? They are so low on the truth scale, they don't even register. They don't report the news, they make up the news. They make Foxnews look left wing and accurate. Besides, we are not just electing a President, we are also electing a VP. And even with Trump or Biden, the VP is very important for some of the same reasons and also different reasons.

So you are saying Obamas doctor did NOT say this...since Breitbart reported on it?

You people should not be allowed to vote. Too ignorant.
If he’s the nom, he gets my vote. But I sure hope the Dems elect Harris instead

IOW, you want us to go even more deeply into debt than we're going right now--if you think we're spending too much now, just wait and see what happens if the Dems get the White House and Congress in their hands. You want no-strings amnesty for all people who have illegally entered our country--no requirement to learn English, no fine or tax of any kind for having broken our laws, no paying of back taxes, no going to the back of the immigration line (very unfair to the millions who are trying to enter the country legally), no nothing. You don't want to stop the flow of illegals across our border, which will only increase if we grant amnesty to the illegals who are already here. You want no restrictions on abortion, not even third-trimester abortions when we are undeniably talking about a viable baby. You want to renew the Iran nuke deal, even though we now know the Iranians were violating it almost as soon as the ink dried. You want to renew the war on coal and natural gas and drag us back into the silly Paris Climate Accord. You want to end the historic gains we've made in manufacturing jobs (if you repeal the corporate tax cuts in the Trump tax cuts and reimpose the regulations that Trump has nixed, that is exactly what you will do, which is why we had a net *loss* in manufacturing jobs under Obama). You want to jack up taxes on the very corporations that you are expecting to hire more people--you don't care: you just want to jack up their taxes back to 35%, while Europe and Asia only tax their companies at 18-21%. Etc., etc., etc.

Meanwhile back in reality….your blob is spending a trillion more a year than he’s taxing you.

I didn’t read the rest of your drivel; like everyone else.
"Dr. David Scheiner, who served as Obama’s personal physician for more than 20 years prior to his election to the presidency, told the Washington Examiner on Friday that after having watched the debate, he was worried about the 76-year-old former vice president’s state of health.

The longtime Obama physician even drew comparison between Biden’s faculties and those of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who appeared weak, frail, and confused while testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee this week."

Obama Doctor: Biden 'Looked Frail' When Confronted by Harris at Debate


As an interested follower of the Presidential Campaign, I have been waiting for the word "Frail" to be hung on Uncle Joe, expecting the label to be a signal of the beginning of the end of his campaign.

It had to come. He's already a Dumb-Ass, and could not stand to loose to old age one single bit of the little mental acuity he had in younger days. And he has obviously lost a lot.

But, who knew it would be Obama's personal Doctor who would be the first to drop the FRAIL bomb?

There is almost no chance that this doctor said this without Obama's permission and most likely it was by Obama's prompting. He's going with Kamala Harris and he's announced it with the sneakiness that characterized his presidency.

Obama is a traitor, a liar, a fraud...but not a Dumb-Ass...and he made the right call dumping on Biden. Biden is as done as Mueller. They can be roommates in the nursing home.

Soon the Democratic Campaign will be Socialists Only.

Using Breitbart as a cite? They are so low on the truth scale, they don't even register. They don't report the news, they make up the news. They make Foxnews look left wing and accurate. Besides, we are not just electing a President, we are also electing a VP. And even with Trump or Biden, the VP is very important for some of the same reasons and also different reasons.
Get upset by the message....crucify the messenger.

Either way you look stupid. The story inaccurate?

Have your boy eat another Happy Meal.
------------------------------ yep . its a FREE Country 'mgc' Daryl
If he’s the nom, he gets my vote. But I sure hope the Dems elect Harris instead

IOW, you want us to go even more deeply into debt than we're going right now--if you think we're spending too much now, just wait and see what happens if the Dems get the White House and Congress in their hands. You want no-strings amnesty for all people who have illegally entered our country--no requirement to learn English, no fine or tax of any kind for having broken our laws, no paying of back taxes, no going to the back of the immigration line (very unfair to the millions who are trying to enter the country legally), no nothing. You don't want to stop the flow of illegals across our border, which will only increase if we grant amnesty to the illegals who are already here. You want no restrictions on abortion, not even third-trimester abortions when we are undeniably talking about a viable baby. You want to renew the Iran nuke deal, even though we now know the Iranians were violating it almost as soon as the ink dried. You want to renew the war on coal and natural gas and drag us back into the silly Paris Climate Accord. You want to end the historic gains we've made in manufacturing jobs (if you repeal the corporate tax cuts in the Trump tax cuts and reimpose the regulations that Trump has nixed, that is exactly what you will do, which is why we had a net *loss* in manufacturing jobs under Obama). You want to jack up taxes on the very corporations that you are expecting to hire more people--you don't care: you just want to jack up their taxes back to 35%, while Europe and Asia only tax their companies at 18-21%. Etc., etc., etc.

Meanwhile back in reality….your blob is spending a trillion more a year than he’s taxing you.

I didn’t read the rest of your drivel; like everyone else.
-------------------------------- DEBT is not good . But how long and how many years has the DEBT been easily managed and handled Candy ??
If he’s the nom, he gets my vote. But I sure hope the Dems elect Harris instead

IOW, you want us to go even more deeply into debt than we're going right now--if you think we're spending too much now, just wait and see what happens if the Dems get the White House and Congress in their hands. You want no-strings amnesty for all people who have illegally entered our country--no requirement to learn English, no fine or tax of any kind for having broken our laws, no paying of back taxes, no going to the back of the immigration line (very unfair to the millions who are trying to enter the country legally), no nothing. You don't want to stop the flow of illegals across our border, which will only increase if we grant amnesty to the illegals who are already here. You want no restrictions on abortion, not even third-trimester abortions when we are undeniably talking about a viable baby. You want to renew the Iran nuke deal, even though we now know the Iranians were violating it almost as soon as the ink dried. You want to renew the war on coal and natural gas and drag us back into the silly Paris Climate Accord. You want to end the historic gains we've made in manufacturing jobs (if you repeal the corporate tax cuts in the Trump tax cuts and reimpose the regulations that Trump has nixed, that is exactly what you will do, which is why we had a net *loss* in manufacturing jobs under Obama). You want to jack up taxes on the very corporations that you are expecting to hire more people--you don't care: you just want to jack up their taxes back to 35%, while Europe and Asia only tax their companies at 18-21%. Etc., etc., etc.

Even at 28% where they are now for corporation, corporations don't pay any taxes. Somehow, they can have a record year and end up not showing any profit. No Net Profit means no taxes when they use all the loopholes at their disposal. Raising it to 35% means they might have to pay a whopping 5%.
----------------------------------------- aren't all those ' LOOPHOLES ' Legal ways to reduce the taxes that have to be paid . I think that even our President Trump uses legal loopholes to reduce the taxes that he has to pay 'mgc' Daryl .
If he’s the nom, he gets my vote. But I sure hope the Dems elect Harris instead
Harris is not going to be sweet coddled like Obama if elected. Watching explosions throughout the fruited plain if it were to happen and I saw it, I would not report it. And a growing amount of people are thinking the same way. Anyway at least millions and millions of more guns will be purchased if the worse happens. And a growing amount of citizens will carry whether legal or not for survival. Like Trump or not there was a fleeting moment that we could have strengthened some parts that need it as to our American culture. We are blowing it.
If he’s the nom, he gets my vote. But I sure hope the Dems elect Harris instead

Tulsi Gabbard please, but I like Harris as well.
Gabbard is very good. Harris is a lying elitist crook like Hillary. How could anyone like those two completely different people simultaneously?

And Tramp isn't a lying elitist crook?:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Yes and yet you like Harris who is just like him.
"Dr. David Scheiner, who served as Obama’s personal physician for more than 20 years prior to his election to the presidency, told the Washington Examiner on Friday that after having watched the debate, he was worried about the 76-year-old former vice president’s state of health.

The longtime Obama physician even drew comparison between Biden’s faculties and those of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who appeared weak, frail, and confused while testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee this week."

Obama Doctor: Biden 'Looked Frail' When Confronted by Harris at Debate


As an interested follower of the Presidential Campaign, I have been waiting for the word "Frail" to be hung on Uncle Joe, expecting the label to be a signal of the beginning of the end of his campaign.

It had to come. He's already a Dumb-Ass, and could not stand to loose to old age one single bit of the little mental acuity he had in younger days. And he has obviously lost a lot.

But, who knew it would be Obama's personal Doctor who would be the first to drop the FRAIL bomb?

There is almost no chance that this doctor said this without Obama's permission and most likely it was by Obama's prompting. He's going with Kamala Harris and he's announced it with the sneakiness that characterized his presidency.

Obama is a traitor, a liar, a fraud...but not a Dumb-Ass...and he made the right call dumping on Biden. Biden is as done as Mueller. They can be roommates in the nursing home.

Soon the Democratic Campaign will be Socialists Only.

Using Breitbart as a cite? They are so low on the truth scale, they don't even register. They don't report the news, they make up the news. They make Foxnews look left wing and accurate. Besides, we are not just electing a President, we are also electing a VP. And even with Trump or Biden, the VP is very important for some of the same reasons and also different reasons.

So you are saying Obamas doctor did NOT say this...since Breitbart reported on it?

You people should not be allowed to vote. Too ignorant.

Yo believing Bretbart about anything should disqualify you for voting.

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