Biden is Done: Called "FRAIL" by Obama's Doctor.

Yes to some degree, because she isn't insane like your fat Orange God/King.
Harris is a whore, And she got her position by being one

And of course ewe have proof of this that is not a right wing nut job site, right.
So will you vote for Slo-Joe B? Is he toast?

What does Joe have to do with Gabbard or Harris oh slow one?
Well, you've repeatedly tried to derail this thread - "Biden is Done: Called 'FRAIL' by Obama's Doctor" - and I simply tried to help you get on track, Oh Dim One.

So will you vote for Slo-Joe B? Is he toast?

So lets not look at polices because they just gave rich a tax cut to be paid by everyone else...

So lets go and get a bullshit story on health... At least Biden doesn't have to cheat at golf....
Yes, and there's also the issue of Biden's slurred speech. He has had problems with slurred speech at several of his campaign events. I'm not making fun of Biden over this, but slurred speech is a sign of age-induced frailty. Some people's speech begins to slur in their 60s, some in their 70s, and others in their 80s and 90s. Remember that Biden is in his late 70s--he'll turn 77 in November. He will be 78 next November.

Do you seriously want to go through Trump's slurred speech moments...

"Dr. David Scheiner, who served as Obama’s personal physician for more than 20 years prior to his election to the presidency, told the Washington Examiner on Friday that after having watched the debate, he was worried about the 76-year-old former vice president’s state of health.

The longtime Obama physician even drew comparison between Biden’s faculties and those of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who appeared weak, frail, and confused while testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee this week."

Obama Doctor: Biden 'Looked Frail' When Confronted by Harris at Debate


As an interested follower of the Presidential Campaign, I have been waiting for the word "Frail" to be hung on Uncle Joe, expecting the label to be a signal of the beginning of the end of his campaign.

It had to come. He's already a Dumb-Ass, and could not stand to loose to old age one single bit of the little mental acuity he had in younger days. And he has obviously lost a lot.

But, who knew it would be Obama's personal Doctor who would be the first to drop the FRAIL bomb?

There is almost no chance that this doctor said this without Obama's permission and most likely it was by Obama's prompting. He's going with Kamala Harris and he's announced it with the sneakiness that characterized his presidency.

Obama is a traitor, a liar, a fraud...but not a Dumb-Ass...and he made the right call dumping on Biden. Biden is as done as Mueller. They can be roommates in the nursing home.

Soon the Democratic Campaign will be Socialists Only.

Using Breitbart as a cite? They are so low on the truth scale, they don't even register. They don't report the news, they make up the news. They make Foxnews look left wing and accurate. Besides, we are not just electing a President, we are also electing a VP. And even with Trump or Biden, the VP is very important for some of the same reasons and also different reasons.

CBS NEWS reported fake documents as real in order to rig an Election. On the same scale, can you site what Breitbart has done since you say they are so low on the “ truth scale “? What does that mean other than what lies in your head?

The difference is, CBS admitted to those faked documents as fake. Brietbart never admits to reporting fake news. Otherwise, they would have to admit to almost everything they report as fake.And CBS, at the time, didn't know they were fake.

Now, how about telling us what those fake CBS documents were? And did they specifically do it to rig an elections? Now that you made opened the jar, let's see what's in it.

Or are you just doing a Strump method of trying to not allow us to look at the real problem and that is that Brietbart lies in almost every report it does.

You still have not sited an instance where it was validated that Breitbart lied. It is validated that CBS presented fake documents as authentic. That was a specific instance. You want another? NBC Brian Williams lying about crashing a helicopter in Iraq. How about NBC selectively editing the 911 call from George Zimmerman after he shot Trayvon Martin??

Come on, these are supposed to be stalwarts of Journalism. Why and how are they lying yet you people automatically think just because a News source is conservative and biased ( - yet deny that NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, PBS are liberal and biased) - that conservative outlets are automatically liars.

So, when did Breitbart lie? What was the story or event that they lied about?

Breitbart’s False, inflammatory claim about Calif. fires

Breitbart says Fall River, Mass not built by immigrants

No, media didn't 'ignore' Trump's Fourth of July celebration

Editor Admits Breitbart Publishes Fake News

I Quit Breitbart Because Of The Lying. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Should Take A Cue. | HuffPost

10 Most Despicable Stories Breitbart Published Under Bannon

Thank you for putting Breitbart on par with NBC and CBS. You just proved there is no difference.
Well, you've repeatedly tried to derail this thread - "Biden is Done: Called 'FRAIL' by Obama's Doctor" - and I simply tried to help you get on track, Oh Dim One.

So will you vote for Slo-Joe B? Is he toast?
So lets not look at polices because they just gave rich a tax cut to be paid by everyone else...
So lets go and get a bullshit story on health... At least Biden doesn't have to cheat at golf....
I'd say Biden looks weak and confused but let's not look at our results just because they are so good for America and Americans.

One need not be "a Trumper" to want what is best for this country but our Democrat Socialist Party is interested only in what is best for them. Trump has been the non-PC, America-Firster he promised and our results are too real (and too good) to make any bitter Trump hater happy:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder our bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad to them. I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Harris is a whore, And she got her position by being one

And of course ewe have proof of this that is not a right wing nut job site, right.
So will you vote for Slo-Joe B? Is he toast?

What does Joe have to do with Gabbard or Harris oh slow one?
Well, you've repeatedly tried to derail this thread - "Biden is Done: Called 'FRAIL' by Obama's Doctor" - and I simply tried to help you get on track, Oh Dim One.

So will you vote for Slo-Joe B? Is he toast?

So lets not look at polices because they just gave rich a tax cut to be paid by everyone else...

So lets go and get a bullshit story on health... At least Biden doesn't have to cheat at golf....
Biden is a senile piece of shit...
His very existence is a rip off to the American people.
Yes to some degree, because she isn't insane like your fat Orange God/King.
Harris is a whore, And she got her position by being one

And of course ewe have proof of this that is not a right wing nut job site, right.
So will you vote for Slo-Joe B? Is he toast?

What does Joe have to do with Gabbard or Harris oh slow one?
Well, you've repeatedly tried to derail this thread - "Biden is Done: Called 'FRAIL' by Obama's Doctor" - and I simply tried to help you get on track, Oh Dim One.

So will you vote for Slo-Joe B? Is he toast?

Not likely, and I do not believe he will get the nomination.
"Dr. David Scheiner, who served as Obama’s personal physician for more than 20 years prior to his election to the presidency, told the Washington Examiner on Friday that after having watched the debate, he was worried about the 76-year-old former vice president’s state of health.

The longtime Obama physician even drew comparison between Biden’s faculties and those of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who appeared weak, frail, and confused while testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee this week."

Obama Doctor: Biden 'Looked Frail' When Confronted by Harris at Debate


As an interested follower of the Presidential Campaign, I have been waiting for the word "Frail" to be hung on Uncle Joe, expecting the label to be a signal of the beginning of the end of his campaign.

It had to come. He's already a Dumb-Ass, and could not stand to loose to old age one single bit of the little mental acuity he had in younger days. And he has obviously lost a lot.

But, who knew it would be Obama's personal Doctor who would be the first to drop the FRAIL bomb?

There is almost no chance that this doctor said this without Obama's permission and most likely it was by Obama's prompting. He's going with Kamala Harris and he's announced it with the sneakiness that characterized his presidency.

Obama is a traitor, a liar, a fraud...but not a Dumb-Ass...and he made the right call dumping on Biden. Biden is as done as Mueller. They can be roommates in the nursing home.

Soon the Democratic Campaign will be Socialists Only.

Using Breitbart as a cite? They are so low on the truth scale, they don't even register. They don't report the news, they make up the news. They make Foxnews look left wing and accurate. Besides, we are not just electing a President, we are also electing a VP. And even with Trump or Biden, the VP is very important for some of the same reasons and also different reasons.

CBS NEWS reported fake documents as real in order to rig an Election. On the same scale, can you site what Breitbart has done since you say they are so low on the “ truth scale “? What does that mean other than what lies in your head?

The difference is, CBS admitted to those faked documents as fake. Brietbart never admits to reporting fake news. Otherwise, they would have to admit to almost everything they report as fake.And CBS, at the time, didn't know they were fake.

Now, how about telling us what those fake CBS documents were? And did they specifically do it to rig an elections? Now that you made opened the jar, let's see what's in it.

Or are you just doing a Strump method of trying to not allow us to look at the real problem and that is that Brietbart lies in almost every report it does.

You still have not sited an instance where it was validated that Breitbart lied. It is validated that CBS presented fake documents as authentic. That was a specific instance. You want another? NBC Brian Williams lying about crashing a helicopter in Iraq. How about NBC selectively editing the 911 call from George Zimmerman after he shot Trayvon Martin??

Come on, these are supposed to be stalwarts of Journalism. Why and how are they lying yet you people automatically think just because a News source is conservative and biased ( - yet deny that NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, PBS are liberal and biased) - that conservative outlets are automatically liars.

So, when did Breitbart lie? What was the story or event that they lied about?

When the lefties are called upon to present the evidence they just fade away.
i've been screaming for months that Biden had a brain aneurysm in 1988 when he first ran for president and almost died. though he speaks his own mind, he's very low energy. no one listened to me...until now!

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