Biden Is Now All-In on Taking Out China

Take China out? Oh you mean take them out to dinner and let the taxpayer pay for it, I see what you mean.
This is what I enjoy from airheads. The in-depth analysis and reasoned discourse.

Oh wait...
How about we wait and see what he actually does?
Dems are famous for making up shit and never following through.

Trump said that a wall between the US and Mexico was going to be built, and that Mexico was going to pay for it (making shit up).

Where is the wall? Where is the check from Mexico to pay for it? Trump campaigned on that crap, and said it repeatedly while he was in office, yet there is no wall, nor has Mexico paid for it. Where was Trump's follow through on this issue? All he did was use the rhetoric as red meat to throw to the base to stir them up.

The U.S. president has committed to rapid decoupling, whatever the consequences.

The Trump rubes have been told to say Biden loves Xi and works for Xi. They even call him Xiden sometimes.

But in reality:

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

Trump said that at Davos.

You know, the place where the Deep State meets to plot our subjugation and stuff...

Out here in the real world:

Donald Trump’s scattershot regulation and erratic public statements offered little clarity to allies, adversaries, and companies around the world. Joe Biden’s actions have been more systematic, but long-term U.S. goals have remained hidden beneath bureaucratic opacity and cautious platitudes.

Last Friday, however, a dense regulatory filing from a little-known federal agency gave the strongest hint yet of U.S. intentions. The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced new extraterritorial limits on the export to China of advanced semiconductors, chip-making equipment, and supercomputer components. The controls, more so than any earlier U.S. action, reveal a single-minded focus on thwarting Chinese capabilities at a broad and fundamental level. Although framed as a national security measure, the primary damage to China will be economic, on a scale well out of proportion to Washington’s cited military and intelligence concerns.


This shift portends even harsher U.S. measures to come, not only in advanced computing but also in other sectors (like biotech, manufacturing, and finance) deemed strategic. The pace and details are uncertain, but the strategic objective and political commitment are now clearer than ever. China’s technological rise will be slowed at any price.

Yes, Biden is in cahoots with Xi, just like he's in cahoots with Putin.

This propaganda is only meant to fool dumb people like you, and it works very well. LOL

The U.S. president has committed to rapid decoupling, whatever the consequences.

The Trump rubes have been told to say Biden loves Xi and works for Xi. They even call him Xiden sometimes.

But in reality:

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

Trump said that at Davos.

You know, the place where the Deep State meets to plot our subjugation and stuff...

Out here in the real world:

Donald Trump’s scattershot regulation and erratic public statements offered little clarity to allies, adversaries, and companies around the world. Joe Biden’s actions have been more systematic, but long-term U.S. goals have remained hidden beneath bureaucratic opacity and cautious platitudes.

Last Friday, however, a dense regulatory filing from a little-known federal agency gave the strongest hint yet of U.S. intentions. The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced new extraterritorial limits on the export to China of advanced semiconductors, chip-making equipment, and supercomputer components. The controls, more so than any earlier U.S. action, reveal a single-minded focus on thwarting Chinese capabilities at a broad and fundamental level. Although framed as a national security measure, the primary damage to China will be economic, on a scale well out of proportion to Washington’s cited military and intelligence concerns.


This shift portends even harsher U.S. measures to come, not only in advanced computing but also in other sectors (like biotech, manufacturing, and finance) deemed strategic. The pace and details are uncertain, but the strategic objective and political commitment are now clearer than ever. China’s technological rise will be slowed at any price.

“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man,” the former vice president said.

“I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us,” he added.

Biden goes it alone in his trade assault on China

Successive US administrations have been chuntering about encircling, outflanking or wrongfooting China’s economy for so long it’s quite startling when one seems to mean it. The Biden administration’s announcement on October 7 of new semiconductor export controls achieved what Donald Trump failed in four years of flailing about with trade policy — it credibly threatened that the US and China, at least their high-tech sectors, will be decoupled by force. The prophesied “weaponised interdependence”, the exploitation of trade and finance linkages to exert geopolitical pressure, now appears to be here.

The breadth of the controls was a big advance on Trump’s earlier measures. In particular, the prohibitions on US citizens and green card holders working in China’s semiconductor industry meant hundreds of employees, including from the world-leading Dutch manufacturer ASML, stopping work within days.
Xiden is starting a trade war with China in the midst of the worst economies since the 1970s....this guy is nuts.
This move is simply to maintain Taiwanese relevance. The West put all their pro-Taiwan eggs in the chip industry basket. China has been closing the technology gap. Too little, too late. This is hardly a large scale decoupling,
Xiden is starting a trade war with China in the midst of the worst economies since the 1970s....this guy is nuts.
Better a trade war than a shooting war

China is our enemy who uses trade as a weapon
  • Imposed tariffs on hundreds of billions worth of Chinese goods to protect American jobs and stop China’s abuses under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 and Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974.
  • Directed an all-of-government effort to halt and punish efforts by the Communist Party of China to steal and profit from American innovations and intellectual property.
  • Authorized $28 billion in aid for farmers who have been subjected to unfair trade practices – fully funded by the tariffs paid by China.
  • China lifted its ban on poultry, opened its market to beef, and agreed to purchase at least $80 billion of American agricultural products in the next two years.
  1. Trade Agreements. For decades, our government pursued disastrous trade deals at the behest of K Street lobbyists, benefiting foreign nations plus the top executives of American multinationals, regardless of the harm to American workers. Donald Trump won the presidency vowing to fix these untenable trade structures, and in 2020 he signed the USMCA pact with our neighbors Mexico and Canada, a material improvement over the outdated and unfair NAFTA championed by bipartisan globalists. This success led to the Phase Two agreement with China as well, continuing the process of holding Beijing to account for its massive abuses of America via product dumping, industrial espionage, and a dearth of trade reciprocity!
Don't read too much into any of the China/US relations topic coming from Biden or other politicians until after the election.

The truth is going to be set aside, in favour of China hate having a positive effect on Americans who vote.

Later, the demands of competing with China will be again considered carefully.

Neither party is yet committed to a fight with China on the economic front.
And a military fight is off the table so far completely.
Best way to ruin your country ( China )is stop all trade with them and create better trade agreements with Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean where all those I listed will have a better chance to advance and not be enslaved to China Government.
If Biden wants to go all in on China have him collect the money that Covid cost this country. Trump would be doing that.
Best way to ruin your country ( China )is stop all trade with them and create better trade agreements with Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean where all those I listed will have a better chance to advance and not be enslaved to China Government.
The best way to ruin your country is what is going on right now under this illegitimate administration.
The best way to ruin your country is what is going on right now under this illegitimate administration.
Yawn, tell China their day of trying to be a Super Power is over… They are afraid of India, so they are just pathetic!

Also Biden won that election just like Trump won in 2016, so tell Xi to go fuck himself or are you a Pootin fag of a Stooge?
Yawn, tell China their day of trying to be a Super Power is over… They are afraid of India, so they are just pathetic!

Also Biden won that election just like Trump won in 2016, so tell Xi to go fuck himself or are you a Pootin fag of a Stooge?
Biden did not win. Trump was defrauded. Check out Twitter you can now read all about it.

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