Biden laughs while talking about mom who lost two sons to fentanyl.

Typical teabaggers.

President Biden chuckled Wednesday night while knocking Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for falsely blaming him for the 2020 deaths of two Michigan brothers — whose mother emotionally slammed the federal response to surging fentanyl deaths.

“I was the reason, she was very specific, I shouldn’t digress probably. I’ve read she was very specific recently saying that a mom, a poor mother who lost two kids to fentanyl, that I killed her sons. Well, the interesting thing: that fentanyl they took came during the last administration".

Biden wasn't a senator or president or anything.
Blaming a president, any president, for something a person does all by themselves is nuts.
MTG is a prime example.
Yes, Biden got a zinger in at MTG, who was mistaken in her claim that Biden was in charge when the fentynal that killed that woman's child came into the U.S.

He really got off a good one, so the death of that child surely was a small price to pay for that little chuckle.
How is Biden responsible for that woman's sons' deaths in 2020? :cuckoo:
He's not, but President Biden is responsible for the massive increase in opioid and Fentanyl deaths since he took office. You cannot disagree that Biden's open border is flooding our country with human smuggling along with the accompanying drugs. How is this good for America?
Then he blamed Trump.

This Guy is simply amazing, Has no empathy, and there is nothing he won’t try to blame on Trump.

BS. He laughed for a second because her sons died under Trump and she is FOS GOP base dingbat. biden is doing a lot more than Trump did to stop the fentanyl crisis- google that if you know how. and no it has nothing to do with people coming here seeking asylum...
He's not, but President Biden is responsible for the massive increase in opioid and Fentanyl deaths since he took office. You cannot disagree that Biden's open border is flooding our country with human smuggling along with the accompanying drugs. How is this good for America?
Yeah, President Biden imports drugs for hungry a Mericans.

He's not, but President Biden is responsible for the massive increase in opioid and Fentanyl deaths since he took office. You cannot disagree that Biden's open border is flooding our country with human smuggling along with the accompanying drugs. How is this good for America?
yeah I guess Biden is supposed to solve your ridiculous endless war on drugs immediately.
He was chuckling over the fact that the drug that killed the kid was brought in during Trump.
So here is his chance to be a fucking leader and Really stick it to Trump by embracing policies designed to reduce fentanyl and putting those plans into effect. Instead, he stands there like an 80-year old schoolboy giggling and passing the buck….. and you people gladly defend him.

He is not a leader.
I'm not responsible for what my side says any more than you are for things your side says but you didn't say/

For one, because Mexican isn't a race, Dumbfuck. :eusa_doh:

For another, because keeping them out is not about their ethnicity.


I'm a hypocrite because I never called Trump OR Biden a racist for building the wall??

Your dumbfuckery is reaching new heights, Dumbfuck.

Since you agree Mexican isn’t a race you must agree that all the morons on your side who called Trump a racist for building the wall are morons, right?

Surely you can quote your posts from that time calling them out, right?

Lets see them.
He did? Then why were there so many Fentanyl deaths on his watch?
How many on Trump’s watch vs your Vegetable Messiah’s watch, Simp?

Show us the numbers.

This will be fun.
yeah I guess Biden is supposed to solve your ridiculous endless war on drugs immediately.
No, not immediately but then, I didn't expect him to encourage and facilitate the importation of massive amounts of poison across our Southern border blindly killing our young people. Did you?
So here is his chance to be a fucking leader and Really stick it to Trump by embracing policies designed to reduce fentanyl and putting those plans into effect. Instead, he stands there like an 80-year old schoolboy giggling and passing the buck….. and you people gladly defend him.

He is not a leader.
I see you need a dart to throw...
No, not immediately but then, I didn't expect him to encourage and facilitate the importation of massive amounts of poison across our Southern border blindly killing our young people. Did you?
I suggest you go to the streets and tell them, folks, not to do drugs and see how far you get.
No, it's not. It's about Biden laughing at MTG blaming him for 2 deaths which occurred before he was president.
It’s my thread, Stupid. I already explained to you what it is about.
BS. He laughed for a second because her sons died under Trump and she is FOS GOP base dingbat. biden is doing a lot more than Trump did to stop the fentanyl crisis- google that if you know how. and no it has nothing to do with people coming here seeking asylum...
100,000 fentanyl deaths per year under Chicom Joe.

so explain what he has done to stop the fentanyl crisis, Simp.

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