Biden leads Trump by 4% in Texas


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2018
in this thread, we Trump supporters will discuss ways to catch up with Joe Biden in Texas so we can win the elections again.
tA secondaryopic is how the hell are we going to win Michigan and Pennsylvania if we have to fight for Texas. Let us begin.
QU Poll Release Detail
This is ridiculous....there is no way Biden beats Trump in any border state but California....can we just agree that the polls from now until 2020 are all fake?...
This is ridiculous....there is no way Biden beats Trump in any border state but California....can we just agree that the polls from now until 2020 are all fake?...

Maybe they're calling the same people they did back in 2016?? :desk:
I know I say this a lot, but if these bed wetters had a functioning frontal lobe, they would be too embarrassed to post such inane bullshit.

in this thread, we Trump supporters will discuss ways to catch up with Joe Biden in Texas so we can win the elections again.
tA secondaryopic is how the hell are we going to win Michigan and Pennsylvania if we have to fight for Texas. Let us begin.
QU Poll Release Detail

Wrong dumfuck, in this asinine thread we are going to mock you mercilessly.

Based on asking rightwinger, rdeaner and nat the same question everyday for a month. . . .
Democrat rubes on speed dial.....

Even if they polled no where else but the Liberal Arts Faculty Lounge at UT you'd have a hard time finding people stupid enough that more than half believed Biden has a shot winning a poll between electing him, or dying of cancer in TX.

The time of day the calls were made and the area codes used make a huge difference...the polling companies know this...and they use it to get the results they want....
This is ridiculous....there is no way Biden beats Trump in any border state but California....can we just agree that the polls from now until 2020 are all fake?...

Trump ain't winning New Mexico anytime soon and I suspect Arizona is in play, certainly more than Texas.
With the new federal move to confirm legal voters from illegal voters now in place we will see the real NM and AZ....and Colorado...etc etc etc etc....
in this thread, we Trump supporters will discuss ways to catch up with Joe Biden in Texas so we can win the elections again.
tA secondaryopic is how the hell are we going to win Michigan and Pennsylvania if we have to fight for Texas. Let us begin.
QU Poll Release Detail

Oh please! Catch up? Ya gotta be shitting me! Put down the crack pipe.
This is ridiculous....there is no way Biden beats Trump in any border state but California....can we just agree that the polls from now until 2020 are all fake?...

Trump ain't winning New Mexico anytime soon and I suspect Arizona is in play, certainly more than Texas.
With the new federal move to confirm legal voters from illegal voters now in place we will see the real NM and AZ....and Colorado...etc etc etc etc....

Yeah, Colorado isn't voting for Trump either. I'm sorry to tell you but not everyone believes the propaganda and hates immigrants. Most Americans think DACA recipients should have a path to citizenship.
Yeah, Colorado isn't voting for Trump either. I'm sorry to tell you but not everyone believes the propaganda and hates immigrants. Most Americans think DACA recipients should have a path to citizenship

So does Trump but Pelosi didn't want to give Trump a victory so she stuck it to the DACA they may never get a shot at citizenship.....
Yeah, Colorado isn't voting for Trump either. I'm sorry to tell you but not everyone believes the propaganda and hates immigrants. Most Americans think DACA recipients should have a path to citizenship

So does Trump but Pelosi didn't want to give Trump a victory so she stuck it to the DACA they may never get a shot at citizenship.....

A bill just passed the house to give DACA recipients a pathway to citizenship. I'm sure Trump endorsed that, right? I mean even if there isn't a money pit of a wall attached to it.
The time of day the calls were made and the area codes used make a huge difference...the polling companies know this...and they use it to get the results they want....

I just can't believe they "think" the rest of us are manipulated by polls anymore.


Even IF everyone I knew hated Trump, (most, and I'm talking 90% at least like the way things are going with him in office) and every poll that could be found declared Trump will loose, I would not even consider changing my mind about the guy as things stand. I didn't like the mother fucker before he got elected, but I'm a full blown zealot now.

The only thing he can do to piss me off at this point is fuck with the 2nd Amendment. He has almost completely erased the regressive damage done by that meat puppet faggot, and he has democrook moonbats foaming at the mouth with rage.


Plus he beat that criminally insane sociopath hag.


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