Biden makes trans women register for draft

It's hard to keep up with the pronouns. Is a "trans woman" a genetic male or a genetic female?
Some people only think force is appropriate in defending yourself, not forcing others to do what you want.

We are forced to drive on the right side of the road, we are forced to pay taxes, we are forced to not strangle the person who leaves 5 seconds on the microwave without clearing it.
To that end, in 2016, a meticulous, comprehensive study requested by the Department of Defense found that enabling transgender individuals to serve openly in the United States military would have only a minimal impact on military readiness and healthcare costs. The study also concluded that open transgender service has had no significant impact on operational effectiveness or unit cohesion in foreign militaries."

its a lie
The question I was replying to was if a man still had to register for the draft. The answer is yes. Even if you are a U.S. citizens or immigrant who are born male and have changed their gender to female.

i have no idea how a man who had changed to a female would perform in combat. Hopefully we never will have to draft such transexuals or any other males.

We've established this.
You asked
"Again, what right does anyone have to force me to fight a war I don't care to?"
I answered that question: the US Constitution.
The federal government has all kinds of "right" to force all kinds of people do all kinds of things they do not want to do. You aren't special in that regard.
You believe in the use of force to compel people to do as you want.
As do you - and you agree the government has the power to do so.
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Um, yes, treating them as not women in things that matter to them, like what bathroom they get to use, is important. Registering for a draft that is never going to happen is not.
Exactly. The outrage is mighty selective. Allah forbid I call a guy in a flowered top with a five o'clock shadow "sir," or make my granddaughter wait for him to come out of the girls bathroom before she goes in. Those should be hate crimes. But a chick who proclaims herself a real man isn't all that offended not to be allowed to register for something she's not interested in.

Not everyone is interested in furthering the delusions of others, so why can't that be respected also?

I would have no problem with having women register for selective service, since they can currently serve in nearly all MOS roles in the military.

But the thing is, we don't currently have a draft. We are not going to start a draft. If we do start a draft, we'd have to make decisions on who to draft, and as it stands now, 71% of eligible cis-gendered males wouldn't qualify due to past drug use, obesity, lack of education, etc.

As someone who served as an NCO in the Army, I certainly wouldn't want to train draftees. It was hard enough training people who actually wanted to be there.
Agreed about the draftees not being needed. That would be a good thread to start.
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Lets lay this out for the cult.

18 year old men must register for the draft.

The Biden admin says trans women must register.

Therefore, trans women are men.

Cult, you have a conundrum, dont you?

You have no choice but to call the Biden Admin transphobic.

Good luck navigating your bullshit.
Who is your avatar?
A beat up Eddie Janko.


Vanessa Ray.
We are forced to drive on the right side of the road,
No one is forcing you to drive anywhere and if they tried to that would be a crime. Driving against traffic however if you so choose to drive endangers other motorists. Stopping this ongoing danger through use of force is an act of self defense.
we are forced to pay taxes,
You can avoid taxes by owning no property, hunting for your food, living off the grid and bartering with willing trade partners for whatever else you need. Choosing to engage in the sort of commerce that requires monetary institutions to produce and protect legal tender and operate a legal system that can manage disputed claims comes at a cost and you accept this cost when you choose to partake in it.
we are forced to not strangle the person who leaves 5 seconds on the microwave without clearing it.
Leaving time on the microwave isn't a life threatening situation unless you have reasonable cause to suspect it to be booby trapped.
No one is forcing you to drive anywhere and if they tried to that would be a crime. Driving against traffic however if you so choose to drive endangers other motorists. Stopping this ongoing danger through use of force is an act of self defense.

You can avoid taxes by owning no property, hunting for your food, living off the grid and bartering with willing trade partners for whatever else you need. Choosing to engage in the sort of commerce that requires monetary institutions to produce and protect legal tender and operate a legal system that can manage disputed claims comes at a cost and you accept this cost when you choose to partake in it.

Leaving time on the microwave isn't a life threatening situation unless you have reasonable cause to suspect it to be booby trapped.

It's all still force. law is force. government is force.
You asked
"Again, what right does anyone have to force me to fight a war I don't care to?"
I answered that question: the US Constitution.
The federal government has all kinds of "right" to force all kinds of people do all kinds of things they do not want to do. You aren't special in that regard.

As do you - and you agree the government has the power to do so.
I agree the government has the ability to force people to do what it wants, I don't think it should have that ability and those are two separate things.

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