Biden new accuser comes forward, 14 year old girl

Put your left finger in take your left finger out and you sniff it all about.
Do the Biden Pokey and you turn yourself around that's what its all about.

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?
It's really NOT looking good for Joe. I guess he must've done more than just sniff her hair........
The dems never for a moment believed that Joe would get the nomination. I imagine he will be forced out or have a convenient demise then the dems chosen communist party leader will be anointed
Yep. It sure LOOKS like Cuomo is going to be their choice to run against President Trump. And, like I've posted several times before, do NOT count the Hildebeast out. It could STILL rear its monstrous head and join in the running for president.

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?

Wow, if this is the best you can come up with, it's kind of sad.

Especially when your guy bragged ON TAPE about how he can grab women by the pussy and get away with it because he's a celebrity.
Deflect! Deflect! Deflect!

Are you put off by deflection?
I laugh at it. I'm making an ongoing notice that hardly anyone seems to be able to defend Biden without trying to deflect onto Trump. It's almost as if the marching orders went out through the fax machines, since y'all are doing it at the same time.

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?

Does believing all women extend to girls?

Biden may be fine here. On the other hand she is a woman now and so should still be believed?

How about Trump's women, should they be believed too?
You mean these women? I pretty much believe the cancelled checks and his lawyer, who is still in prison for conspiracy related to the cover up.
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Or are you talking about his X-Wife who said he raped her? Or the girl who was 14 when Trump was running around with Epstien? Maybe the teenage beauty pageant girls?
You should be more specific. He's a self proclaimed pussy grabber, because it's OK if your are rich and famous, so history of him with women and how he thinks of them
pretty much a matter of record. I don't believe some of them. What do you think of the one who says he raped her and she supposedly kept the cum stained dress for 30 years to prove it?
Wow trump gets some hot ass! Good for him! American power
None worth $130,000 Plus a pop, but better than what Bill Clinton got, and at least he's not a airport wide stance republican or a republican Senate page boy abuser. He is definitely a sleaze though.
Rich guys are sued all the time by there crazy girls lol he even says girls LET him grab them by the Pussy! He’s so powerful! Good man
Richard Cohen, a Washington Post columnist, wrote that the POTUS once asked, “Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”

Mr Trump has called his eldest daughter “voluptuous”. He’s said it’s OK to describe her as “a piece of ass”,

And he’s said that, if she wasn’t his daughter, “perhaps [he’d] be dating her”.
Not a Trump thread, Puddinhead.
It's about sexual accusations on both sides. Yet a lot more on the Trump side, to which I quote you.

Keep defending pedophilia. It suits you.
Nope. This is about Biden's pedophilia. It isn't a Trump thread. Simpletons like you can only post one thing "ORANGE MAN BAD".

You are wholly incapable of discussing any other topic, as evidenced in this thread.

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Or maybe he is squinting just like everyone else without sunglasses. Boy oh boy, you trumpers will devour ANYTHING.

Maybe. Maybe not. It doesn't change what Biden is doing at the moment.
Running against the pussy grabbing , porn star rawdogging daughter ogler? It sure doesn't.
Sometimes you really have a way with words, an accurate way.
Does believing all women extend to girls?

Biden may be fine here. On the other hand she is a woman now and so should still be believed?
That only applies if you be a Democrat, if they be a Republican you are allowed to claim they are liars and whores..

Yeah well, sane people aka. not democrats know women can lie.

Biden better believe all the women now.

Norman, you are neither sane nor intelligent. You can't even tell when Trump is lying.

Republicans are all up in arms because Joe told a 13 year old girl she had nice breasts, but said nothing when a girl claimed Trump beat and raped her when she was 13. In fact, Trumpsters threatened her life and that of her family.

No matter what Biden did or said, what Trump has done is far worse. Joe made inappropriate comments and sniffed their hair. Trump grabbed their pussies and raped them.

Women are used to voting for men we wouldn't want to be alone in a room with. But we don't vote for men who gut women's health insurance, their rights, and do nothing for women economically. Changes to women's health insurance will cost every woman in the nation, money out of their pockets. Failure to provide affordable quality day care for our children, takes money out of our pockets.

Trump has been so bad for the basic economic issues that women face every day, that he has driven female voters right into the arms of the Democrats. There are 8 million more women voters than men. Every day, in every way, Trump allienates, offends, and drives female voters away.

If you had half a brain, Norman, you would realize that.
Something about TRUMP, quick!!!

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?

Wow, if this is the best you can come up with, it's kind of sad.

Especially when your guy bragged ON TAPE about how he can grab women by the pussy and get away with it because he's a celebrity.
Deflect! Deflect! Deflect!

Are you put off by deflection?
I laugh at it. I'm making an ongoing notice that hardly anyone seems to be able to defend Biden without trying to deflect onto Trump. It's almost as if the marching orders went out through the fax machines, since y'all are doing it at the same time.

Hardly anyone? Cool.

How about you. Do you deflect away from Trump when the subject is about his incompetence or his dishonesty or his misogyny?

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that you deflect as much as any Trump supporter.

Let me know if I am wrong.
Please detail the time Hillary told the truth
When she said she got more vote.
He-he! The ONLY reason she got more "popular votes" in the 2016 election was because of the at LEAST 3 million and most likely MANY more million ILLEGAL votes she got. Thank you, now go crawl back under that rock where you came from.

That is not a post that meets the standard of someone with a 147 IQ. It’s more like 97. Do better, genius.

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