Biden new accuser comes forward, 14 year old girl

Please detail the time Hillary told the truth
When she said she got more vote.
He-he! The ONLY reason she got more "popular votes" in the 2016 election was because of the at LEAST 3 million and most likely MANY more million ILLEGAL votes she got. Thank you, now go crawl back under that rock where you came from.

That is not a post that meets the standard of someone with a 147 IQ. It’s more like 97. Do better, genius.
He-he, you ARE a brainwashed loon! And what is YOUR I.Q. again, mentally challenged one?

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?

Does believing all women extend to girls?

Biden may be fine here. On the other hand she is a woman now and so should still be believed?

How about Trump's women, should they be believed too?
You mean these women? I pretty much believe the cancelled checks and his lawyer, who is still in prison for conspiracy related to the cover up.
View attachment 330982
View attachment 330983
Or are you talking about his X-Wife who said he raped her? Or the girl who was 14 when Trump was running around with Epstien? Maybe the teenage beauty pageant girls?
You should be more specific. He's a self proclaimed pussy grabber, because it's OK if your are rich and famous, so history of him with women and how he thinks of them
pretty much a matter of record. I don't believe some of them. What do you think of the one who says he raped her and she supposedly kept the cum stained dress for 30 years to prove it?
Wow trump gets some hot ass! Good for him! American power
None worth $130,000 Plus a pop, but better than what Bill Clinton got, and at least he's not a airport wide stance republican or a republican Senate page boy abuser. He is definitely a sleaze though.
Rich guys are sued all the time by there crazy girls lol he even says girls LET him grab them by the Pussy! He’s so powerful! Good man
Heck, if they were suing me I would say they let me too. History shows he pays off like a slot machine to let him. Ask Stormy, the playmate and his x-wives. No telling how many he has payed off following his pussy grabbing instincts. No telling how many have not gone public after their payoff.
Please detail the time Hillary told the truth
When she said she got more vote.
He-he! The ONLY reason she got more "popular votes" in the 2016 election was because of the at LEAST 3 million and most likely MANY more million ILLEGAL votes she got. Thank you, now go crawl back under that rock where you came from.

That is not a post that meets the standard of someone with a 147 IQ. It’s more like 97. Do better, genius.
He-he, you ARE a brainwashed loon! And what is YOUR I.Q. again, mentally challenged one?

Can you prove that 3 million people voted fraudulently in 2016? Can you prove that 100 people did so?

You say it. You bleeeeeve it. But can you prove it? A man with a 147 IQ would never say something that he couldn’t prove.
Why isn't this being held back until after the convention.

Anything to win huh?
trump stain is the epitome of the class of LOSERS.
what a fucking stain on our History. PUKE.
Donald Trump. The only total loser who just keeps WINNING.

Really makes schleps out of the feckless democrats! Can't beat a Loser!

What is he winning at?

Dividing the Country? Yup, he is successful at that. djt spreads and promotes hatred.
Stock Market? The market has shown over and over that trump has no effect. -4.8 GDP.
Race Relations? Get real, trump has destroyed ALL relations with ALL races. His Base is NOT a race.
The FAKE media? All created and perpetuated by djt. djt is Fake.

I got more shit, you wanna hear it.
Vote BLUE no matter Who.
This thread is about JOE BIDEN the rapist, NOT Donald Trump. So shove your shit back into your backside and start another TDS rant thread if you want to cry about Trump some more.
6 more accusers coming out this week! 1 a week! Should be fun

If you want people to choose the candidate who has assaulted fewer women, Biden wins by a long shot. Saying a girl has nice breasts is such a nothing burger compared to taking away health insurance, or beating and raping your wife, or sexually assaulting random women because you think you can get away with it.

When you point out what a horrible man Biden in in his treatment of women, one cannot help but compare him to the alternative. That's not deflecting, that's comparative.
Old pig ! :confused:

I've seen them in their original form
Haha, no you haven't. Stop lying your ass off.
He-he, yes I have, d*ckhead. You really ARE an embarrassment to the wonderful RED state of Indiana.

Side note. In the history of message boards, nobody has ever used the term “he-he” to indicate amusement who wasn’t also an insecure person who struggles with interpersonal communications.

Were you a lonely child? Why didn’t the other kids like you?
Please detail the time Hillary told the truth
When she said she got more vote.
He-he! The ONLY reason she got more "popular votes" in the 2016 election was because of the at LEAST 3 million and most likely MANY more million ILLEGAL votes she got. Thank you, now go crawl back under that rock where you came from.

That is not a post that meets the standard of someone with a 147 IQ. It’s more like 97. Do better, genius.
He-he, you ARE a brainwashed loon! And what is YOUR I.Q. again, mentally challenged one?

Can you prove that 3 million people voted fraudulently in 2016? Can you prove that 100 people did so?

You say it. You bleeeeeve it. But can you prove it? A man with a 147 IQ would never say something that he couldn’t prove.
He-he! And what IS your I.Q. again? You appear to be evading that question........
I've seen them in their original form
Haha, no you haven't. Stop lying your ass off.
He-he, yes I have, d*ckhead. You really ARE an embarrassment to the wonderful RED state of Indiana.

Side note. In the history of message boards, nobody has ever used the term “he-he” to indicate amusement who wasn’t also an insecure person who struggles with interpersonal communications.

Were you a lonely child? Why didn’t the other kids like you?
He-he! THAT'S because I'm original AND have such a high I.Q.! And just what IS your I.Q. again, mentally limited one?
Let's remind everyone what kind of a fucking pedo Pedo Joe is:

Have you verified that each of those photos is unedited?
Can you tell me one that is with proof? You say they might be fake. Prove it or STFU.

Here's proof it's a photoshop fake.

View attachment 331017

Which explains why it was cropped, edited and posted for idiots like you.
He-he, you ARE a brainwashed moron. Congratulations!

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?

Wow, if this is the best you can come up with, it's kind of sad.

Especially when your guy bragged ON TAPE about how he can grab women by the pussy and get away with it because he's a celebrity.
You don’t grab pussy?
You do? Without permission?

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?
It's really NOT looking good for Joe. I guess he must've done more than just sniff her hair........
The dems never for a moment believed that Joe would get the nomination. I imagine he will be forced out or have a convenient demise then the dems chosen communist party leader will be anointed
Yep. It sure LOOKS like Cuomo is going to be their choice to run against President Trump. And, like I've posted several times before, do NOT count the Hildebeast out. It could STILL rear its monstrous head and join in the running for president.

Not after mass graves, nursing home residents with COVID-19 sent back to the nursing homes, wanting to shore up NY's huge deficit with federal tax dollars, etc.

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?
It's really NOT looking good for Joe. I guess he must've done more than just sniff her hair........
The dems never for a moment believed that Joe would get the nomination. I imagine he will be forced out or have a convenient demise then the dems chosen communist party leader will be anointed
Yep. It sure LOOKS like Cuomo is going to be their choice to run against President Trump. And, like I've posted several times before, do NOT count the Hildebeast out. It could STILL rear its monstrous head and join in the running for president.

Not after mass graves, nursing home residents with COVID-19 sent back to the nursing homes, wanting to shore up NY's huge deficit with federal tax dollars, etc.
Oh look, another conspiracy nutball. Turn off the AM radio and step outside for some fresh air.

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