Biden offers Republicans a hand of cooperation

Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Who do you think you’re kidding?... We haven’t been United since 1860; if we ever were United.

We’d all be better off if Lincoln had just let the South leave. By forcing them back into the country he just covered up the wounds . Wounds thst have festered for 160 years and are bubbling up to the surface again.
Republicans have a chance to show they want to work with Biden
Challenging his legitimacy as President is not a good start
They're terrified of Trump. He has so much power in the party that if they don't bend over, their careers are over.

Once Trump leaves office what "power" does he have? None, of course. Its really up to Biden to recognize the Republicans as decent people , not the "deplorable chumps" and "lying dog faced pony soldiers" he said during the campaign.
He'll have plenty of power.
Yeah....You cocksuckers called everyone who wasn't a blood-shooting-out-the-ears moonbat every name in the book, shouted them down, chased them out of restaurants, and generally harassed them into the ground....Now they should bury the hatchet and be your pals.

Fuck off, commie scum.

Like you are now?
I think the OP's point stands.
Biden will certainly be a one term president. He might not live out his one term. No one has to make him a one term president. The communists will have to find a whole new slate.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
After spuring any call for bi-parrtisanship they will go on right wing media and claim the democrats are refusing to work together to get anything done..if history is any indication.
List what Ds and Rs have in common.
Biden will certainly be a one term president. He might not live out his one term. No one has to make him a one term president. The communists will have to find a whole new slate.
It's doubtful he goes even two years before going totally senile. Then Kamal-Toe Harris would take over. Our wonderful country COULD be fucked.:(
Republicans have a chance to show they want to work with Biden
Challenging his legitimacy as President is not a good start
They're terrified of Trump. He has so much power in the party that if they don't bend over, their careers are over.

Once Trump leaves office what "power" does he have? None, of course. Its really up to Biden to recognize the Republicans as decent people , not the "deplorable chumps" and "lying dog faced pony soldiers" he said during the campaign.
He'll have plenty of power.

No, if President Trump loses and leaves office, it will be the Lincoln Project that has all of the power in the Republican Party. After all, they are the ones who will have been victorious, and their leader Romney will be rewarded as the HHS Secretarialship.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Nice words from Joe; and. arguably, have not heard words or seen such action since Bush and Clinton. That said, I would recommend to the presumed, projected President Elect that he tell the likes of Alexandria Ocacio Cortez and Robert Reich to cease with their fascist talk of punishing Republicans and Trump supporters. Such talk and rhetoric is undermining Biden's case for unity and truly being a President for all Americans.

That wasn't Slow Joe.... it's the senile fool's handlers

I view it as "double talk" or conditional talk. Namely, "agree with us on everything" or else. That is evidenced by this radical fascist notion from AOC and Reich of punishing those for never having supporting Democrats. Has any Republican taken this attitude of retribution? when they won? AOC is talking about black listing people so they can't get jobs. Reich sees it necessary for "re-education" or punishment.

It sounds a lot like the theme of "punishing our enemies and rewarding our friends".
Sounds like a RINO hunt. Why would conservatives support an agenda that goes against everything they stand for?
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Nice words from Joe; and. arguably, have not heard words or seen such action since Bush and Clinton. That said, I would recommend to the presumed, projected President Elect that he tell the likes of Alexandria Ocacio Cortez and Robert Reich to cease with their fascist talk of punishing Republicans and Trump supporters. Such talk and rhetoric is undermining Biden's case for unity and truly being a President for all Americans.

That wasn't Slow Joe.... it's the senile fool's handlers

I view it as "double talk" or conditional talk. Namely, "agree with us on everything" or else. That is evidenced by this radical fascist notion from AOC and Reich of punishing those for never having supporting Democrats. Has any Republican taken this attitude of retribution? when they won? AOC is talking about black listing people so they can't get jobs. Reich sees it necessary for "re-education" or punishment.

It sounds a lot like the theme of "punishing our enemies and rewarding our friends".
Biden has a long history of dealing with Republicans. He offered to compromise with them again.

Republicans responded by questioning his legitimacy as president
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Nice words from Joe; and. arguably, have not heard words or seen such action since Bush and Clinton. That said, I would recommend to the presumed, projected President Elect that he tell the likes of Alexandria Ocacio Cortez and Robert Reich to cease with their fascist talk of punishing Republicans and Trump supporters. Such talk and rhetoric is undermining Biden's case for unity and truly being a President for all Americans.

That wasn't Slow Joe.... it's the senile fool's handlers

I view it as "double talk" or conditional talk. Namely, "agree with us on everything" or else. That is evidenced by this radical fascist notion from AOC and Reich of punishing those for never having supporting Democrats. Has any Republican taken this attitude of retribution? when they won? AOC is talking about black listing people so they can't get jobs. Reich sees it necessary for "re-education" or punishment.

It sounds a lot like the theme of "punishing our enemies and rewarding our friends".
Biden has a long history of dealing with Republicans. He offered to compromise with them again.

Republicans responded by questioning his legitimacy as president
"Compromise" my ass. Biden has a long history of saying anything to get what he wants, and that's all.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Nice words from Joe; and. arguably, have not heard words or seen such action since Bush and Clinton. That said, I would recommend to the presumed, projected President Elect that he tell the likes of Alexandria Ocacio Cortez and Robert Reich to cease with their fascist talk of punishing Republicans and Trump supporters. Such talk and rhetoric is undermining Biden's case for unity and truly being a President for all Americans.

That wasn't Slow Joe.... it's the senile fool's handlers

I view it as "double talk" or conditional talk. Namely, "agree with us on everything" or else. That is evidenced by this radical fascist notion from AOC and Reich of punishing those for never having supporting Democrats. Has any Republican taken this attitude of retribution? when they won? AOC is talking about black listing people so they can't get jobs. Reich sees it necessary for "re-education" or punishment.

It sounds a lot like the theme of "punishing our enemies and rewarding our friends".
Biden has a long history of dealing with Republicans. He offered to compromise with them again.

Republicans responded by questioning his legitimacy as president

Actually, Biden has a history of resisting good Republican ideas and calling them names. But he can turn over a new leaf. Last month, he promised massive promotion of Fracking to those in Pennsylvania. It would be tremendous if he would help these folks out, as he made a sacred vow to do, and to get his Democrat Party underlings to stand with the beloved Frackers.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Nice words from Joe; and. arguably, have not heard words or seen such action since Bush and Clinton. That said, I would recommend to the presumed, projected President Elect that he tell the likes of Alexandria Ocacio Cortez and Robert Reich to cease with their fascist talk of punishing Republicans and Trump supporters. Such talk and rhetoric is undermining Biden's case for unity and truly being a President for all Americans.

That wasn't Slow Joe.... it's the senile fool's handlers

I view it as "double talk" or conditional talk. Namely, "agree with us on everything" or else. That is evidenced by this radical fascist notion from AOC and Reich of punishing those for never having supporting Democrats. Has any Republican taken this attitude of retribution? when they won? AOC is talking about black listing people so they can't get jobs. Reich sees it necessary for "re-education" or punishment.

It sounds a lot like the theme of "punishing our enemies and rewarding our friends".
Biden has a long history of dealing with Republicans. He offered to compromise with them again.

Republicans responded by questioning his legitimacy as president

Biden has a history of dealing with the Republicans. You are glossing over how radicals within the Democrat Party wants to deal with Republicans. It's fascist.

Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Nice words from Joe; and. arguably, have not heard words or seen such action since Bush and Clinton. That said, I would recommend to the presumed, projected President Elect that he tell the likes of Alexandria Ocacio Cortez and Robert Reich to cease with their fascist talk of punishing Republicans and Trump supporters. Such talk and rhetoric is undermining Biden's case for unity and truly being a President for all Americans.

That wasn't Slow Joe.... it's the senile fool's handlers

I view it as "double talk" or conditional talk. Namely, "agree with us on everything" or else. That is evidenced by this radical fascist notion from AOC and Reich of punishing those for never having supporting Democrats. Has any Republican taken this attitude of retribution? when they won? AOC is talking about black listing people so they can't get jobs. Reich sees it necessary for "re-education" or punishment.

It sounds a lot like the theme of "punishing our enemies and rewarding our friends".
Biden has a long history of dealing with Republicans. He offered to compromise with them again.

Republicans responded by questioning his legitimacy as president
"Compromise" my ass. Biden has a long history of saying anything to get what he wants, and that's all.
This pretty much sums it up for me. This guy is a classic.

james woods.jpg
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Nice words from Joe; and. arguably, have not heard words or seen such action since Bush and Clinton. That said, I would recommend to the presumed, projected President Elect that he tell the likes of Alexandria Ocacio Cortez and Robert Reich to cease with their fascist talk of punishing Republicans and Trump supporters. Such talk and rhetoric is undermining Biden's case for unity and truly being a President for all Americans.

That wasn't Slow Joe.... it's the senile fool's handlers

I view it as "double talk" or conditional talk. Namely, "agree with us on everything" or else. That is evidenced by this radical fascist notion from AOC and Reich of punishing those for never having supporting Democrats. Has any Republican taken this attitude of retribution? when they won? AOC is talking about black listing people so they can't get jobs. Reich sees it necessary for "re-education" or punishment.

It sounds a lot like the theme of "punishing our enemies and rewarding our friends".
Biden has a long history of dealing with Republicans. He offered to compromise with them again.

Republicans responded by questioning his legitimacy as president
Can we have 3 examples?
Biden will certainly be a one term president. He might not live out his one term. No one has to make him a one term president. The communists will have to find a whole new slate.
It's doubtful he goes even two years before going totally senile. Then Kamal-Toe Harris would take over. Our wonderful country COULD be fucked.:(
Cumala is exceptionally lazy. She accomplished nothing during all her political years. Even when running for president herself she was the first to drop out. We are essentially leaderless and will be for the foreseeable future.
Republicans have a chance to show they want to work with Biden
Challenging his legitimacy as President is not a good start
They're terrified of Trump. He has so much power in the party that if they don't bend over, their careers are over.

Once Trump leaves office what "power" does he have? None, of course. Its really up to Biden to recognize the Republicans as decent people , not the "deplorable chumps" and "lying dog faced pony soldiers" he said during the campaign.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Nice words from Joe; and. arguably, have not heard words or seen such action since Bush and Clinton. That said, I would recommend to the presumed, projected President Elect that he tell the likes of Alexandria Ocacio Cortez and Robert Reich to cease with their fascist talk of punishing Republicans and Trump supporters. Such talk and rhetoric is undermining Biden's case for unity and truly being a President for all Americans.

That wasn't Slow Joe.... it's the senile fool's handlers

I view it as "double talk" or conditional talk. Namely, "agree with us on everything" or else. That is evidenced by this radical fascist notion from AOC and Reich of punishing those for never having supporting Democrats. Has any Republican taken this attitude of retribution? when they won? AOC is talking about black listing people so they can't get jobs. Reich sees it necessary for "re-education" or punishment.

It sounds a lot like the theme of "punishing our enemies and rewarding our friends".
Biden has a long history of dealing with Republicans. He offered to compromise with them again.

Republicans responded by questioning his legitimacy as president

Actually, Biden has a history of resisting good Republican ideas and calling them names. But he can turn over a new leaf. Last month, he promised massive promotion of Fracking to those in Pennsylvania. It would be tremendous if he would help these folks out, as he made a sacred vow to do, and to get his Democrat Party underlings to stand with the beloved Frackers.
Biden is the asshole who led the charge against Clarence Thomas. I predict Biden won't like how Clarence rules on any of these voter fraud cases.

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