Biden offers Republicans a hand of cooperation

Nice words from Joe; and. arguably, have not heard words or seen such action since Bush and Clinton. That said, I would recommend to the presumed, projected President Elect that he tell the likes of Alexandria Ocacio Cortez and Robert Reich to cease with their fascist talk of punishing Republicans and Trump supporters. Such talk and rhetoric is undermining Biden's case for unity and truly being a President for all Americans.

I mean I am not one to promote violence if it can be avoided ...
but the fact Representative Cortez graduated Cum Laude from Boston University, and lacks the wherewithal to recognize what kind of tragedy she could be asking for ...
only goes to show you the quality of a college education nowadays.

Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

You can assign yourselves as much of the blame for the repugnant behavior your party has displayed towards them the last four plus years.

Seriously, what did you expect?
Trump got what he deserved

He NEVER offered compromise.
It is not in his nature

Yeah, well, like they say, paybacks are a bitch. I have a feeling you guys are about to find out a lot about that.
which side is wanting to make lists of who supported THEIR ENEMY?
I don't know. Which?

so - i'll ask again, which government does this most look like? A US form we know and have supported for over 250 years, or someone elses? if someone elses, who?
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Working on healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, COVID, immigration

Why would you object?
Yeah cause Biden is going to fix all of that just like Obama did.... errr...wait.....

If Biden would do the right thing, and apologize to the Americans who he called "Deplorable chumps" , it would certainly indicate that he was willing to make amends and mend fences.

And then, if he started working on balancing the budget, and being the Fiscal Hawk the left has become, people would see if was serious
I had a feeling it wouldn't be too hard to defeat a voting block so stupid that they think we're all communists. And I was right.

Please, Father Biden, forgive me for I have sinned...
pretty sure the left thinks the right is all racist.

same process, different reasons.

yet we never seem to figure that out.
Yeah, well, like they say, paybacks are a bitch. I have a feeling you guys are about to find out a lot about that.

Let's hope not, because with the exception of President Trump, the Republicans aren't really known for staying in the fight when it gets rough.
If the Republicans get serious about payback, I don't think it will be coming from the Beltway so to say.

That's why Democrats never understood how Conservative Republicans could vote for President Trump.
It wasn't because he was a stalwart Conservative, or even a Republican ... And a great part of it had to do with the fact he was willing to stand up and fight.

Any of them that voted for President Trump for that reason, are pretty pissed at the moment ...
And they ain't looking at Senator Lindsey Graham for answers.

pretty sure the left thinks the right is all racist.

same process, different reasons.

yet we never seem to figure that out.

I think both sides are racist to a degree.
i think both sides have racists.
i think both sides have incredible people as well.

i think both sides spends their time showing off their good people and hiding their bad.
i think both sides spends their time attacking the other sides bad people while hiding their own bad examples.

you can't assign a basic human emotion to a single group and come away with a shred of credibility.
Working on healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, COVID, immigration

Why would you object?
Yeah cause Biden is going to fix all of that just like Obama did.... errr...wait.....

If Biden would do the right thing, and apologize to the Americans who he called "Deplorable chumps" , it would certainly indicate that he was willing to make amends and mend fences.

And then, if he started working on balancing the budget, and being the Fiscal Hawk the left has become, people would see if was serious
Biden had 47 years to do good.
He spent most, no... he spent ALL of those years enriching himself, his family and friends. He was an ideal senator for those who wanted an "inside man". Both from his fellow party members, lobbyist and large corporate concerns.
Biden, like all lifer politicians... changed his views with the winds of public opinion, and what worked well for him.
He was steadfast against gay marriage, until that opinion wasn't good for him anymore. He was God fearing... until that wasn't good for him.
THroughout the early-mid 1970's he was for segregation, until he wasn't.
In fact, there are few positions he has taken in his career that he has remained true to. Except of course... whatever helped himself.

The democrats elected a self seeking chameleon. A really, really old self seeking chameleon. A career politician.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

You can assign yourselves as much of the blame for the repugnant behavior your party has displayed towards them the last four plus years.

Seriously, what did you expect?
Trump got what he deserved

He NEVER offered compromise.
It is not in his nature

Yeah, well, like they say, paybacks are a bitch. I have a feeling you guys are about to find out a lot about that.
How funny..for I think the same...about YOUR side!
Working on healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, COVID, immigration

Why would you object?
Yeah cause Biden is going to fix all of that just like Obama did.... errr...wait.....

Obama passed healthcare legislation and environmental protections
Republicans blocked infrastructure and immigration reform

What are Republicans afraid of?
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Nice words from Joe; and. arguably, have not heard words or seen such action since Bush and Clinton. That said, I would recommend to the presumed, projected President Elect that he tell the likes of Alexandria Ocacio Cortez and Robert Reich to cease with their fascist talk of punishing Republicans and Trump supporters. Such talk and rhetoric is undermining Biden's case for unity and truly being a President for all Americans.

That wasn't Slow Joe.... it's the senile fool's handlers

I view it as "double talk" or conditional talk. Namely, "agree with us on everything" or else. That is evidenced by this radical fascist notion from AOC and Reich of punishing those for never having supporting Democrats. Has any Republican taken this attitude of retribution? when they won? AOC is talking about black listing people so they can't get jobs. Reich sees it necessary for "re-education" or punishment.

It sounds a lot like the theme of "punishing our enemies and rewarding our friends".
Biden has a long history of dealing with Republicans. He offered to compromise with them again.

Republicans responded by questioning his legitimacy as president

I asked you this several times and you ran away and hid each time. What is Biden offering us? I've not heard shit

Working on healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, COVID

Why would you object?
"Working on" means falling in behind on whatever the Dims demand. The sole purpose of that is so Republicans can take half the blame for whatever disaster they come up with, and so some of them will vote to pass it.

Go fuck yourself. None of his legislation is going to get passed.

You don’t think there is middle ground on infrastructure, healthcare, immigration reform

WTF is the matter with you Finger Boy?
We're already way past "the middle ground."
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

You can assign yourselves as much of the blame for the repugnant behavior your party has displayed towards them the last four plus years.

Seriously, what did you expect?
Trump got what he deserved

He NEVER offered compromise.
It is not in his nature

Yeah, well, like they say, paybacks are a bitch. I have a feeling you guys are about to find out a lot about that.
If that is the case, it will be reciprocal
i think both sides have racists.
i think both sides have incredible people as well.

i think both sides spends their time showing off their good people and hiding their bad.
i think both sides spends their time attacking the other sides bad people while hiding their own bad examples.

you can't assign a basic human emotion to a single group and come away with a shred of credibility.

You take a place like Ireland ... They have like 14 political parties.
Those parties are so separated in ideology, that they offer something closer to what the individual voter may desire.

There are Center minded parties, and there are Fringe minded parties.
The whole spectrum of civil minded people, to flat out nutters have their own place.

Here ... We have two major parties.
The civil minded people and nutters for most part, just have to fall on one side of the line or the other.

What we lose in that is the need to build coalitions between certain parties, to have an effective tool to progress legislation appropriately.


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