Biden offers Republicans a hand of cooperation

Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

That senile fucker has started a war.

I don't think the whore monger Trumpybear is senile.

Wouldn't surprise me if he tried to enlist his pals from overseas to intervene and overthrow our Two party Republic. Bennedict Trumpybear they'll call him.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

That senile fucker has started a war.

I don't think the whore monger Trumpybear is senile.

Wouldn't surprise me if he tried to enlist his pals from overseas to intervene and overthrow our Two party Republic. Bennedict Trumpybear they'll call him.
You just admitted that you believe in a thoroughly discredited hoax.

You're a moron.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
You will see this for 4 years if Biden is installed as Emperor. We even want to see blue areas destroyed. You kept taking the stick and prodding the animal not for days or weeks. Not for months or years...But for decades. And then you teased and cajoled and attacked and destroyed people. And the fact is, most of the media men and women who speak on TV and entertainers are about as weak as you can get physically. There is no relationship between having freaks control the nation and the general population. And yet, here we are. You better not let the gravy train dry up. Cause you have cemented a potential totalitarian state with all the mechanisms in place for the slaughter.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

That senile fucker has started a war.

I don't think the whore monger Trumpybear is senile.

Wouldn't surprise me if he tried to enlist his pals from overseas to intervene and overthrow our Two party Republic. Bennedict Trumpybear they'll call him.
You just admitted that you believe in a thoroughly discredited hoax.

You're a moron.

Nah, he is a whore monger. Stepping out on his wives like a chump.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

That senile fucker has started a war.

I don't think the whore monger Trumpybear is senile.

Wouldn't surprise me if he tried to enlist his pals from overseas to intervene and overthrow our Two party Republic. Bennedict Trumpybear they'll call him.
If he can get a few blue cities vaporized with it, he should get our highest medal.
i think both sides have racists.
i think both sides have incredible people as well.

i think both sides spends their time showing off their good people and hiding their bad.
i think both sides spends their time attacking the other sides bad people while hiding their own bad examples.

you can't assign a basic human emotion to a single group and come away with a shred of credibility.

You take a place like Ireland ... They have like 14 political parties.
Those parties are so separated in ideology, that they offer something closer to what the individual voter may desire.

There are Center minded parties, and there are Fringe minded parties.
The whole spectrum of civil minded people, to flat out nutters have their own place.

Here ... We have two major parties.
The civil minded people and nutters for most part, just have to fall on one side of the line or the other.

What we lose in that is the need to build coalitions between certain parties, to have an effective tool to progress legislation appropriately.

only been to ireland once. loved it.

but yea, i do see your point. but i don't see how more parties is going to help reduce confusion. the problem is more the corruption that has become common place and 1 more party won't fix it and we know the 2 there certainly won't.

so here we are.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

That senile fucker has started a war.

I don't think the whore monger Trumpybear is senile.

Wouldn't surprise me if he tried to enlist his pals from overseas to intervene and overthrow our Two party Republic. Bennedict Trumpybear they'll call him.
If he can get a few blue cities vaporized with it, he should get our highest medal.

Aww how nice of you Comrade. A "Hero of the Russian Federation Medal" would be a fine addition to Trumpybears collection.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
Yeah.... just look at how th eleft and the media responded IMMEDIATELY after Trump won.
It is more than just a little hypocritical.
The media was fine until he held a presser declaring the first of many imperial falsehoods, and when the media corrected him, Kellyanne came up with "alternative facts." That was in like what...48 hours? Not a good way to start..
Utter horseshit. Which "falsehood" was that? The Dims started in with their 'Russian Collusion" smear campaign the day after the election.
Not even 24 hours, and he was already calling them the lying media because they wouldn't let him straight up lie to the American people that he had the biggest inaugural crowd in histo I watched inaugural coverage all day and everyone was entirely respectful that I saw. The next day, no one was talking about Russian collusion. There was the ginormous Women's March and the tussle over the
which side is wanting to make lists of who supported THEIR ENEMY?
I don't know. Which?

so - i'll ask again, which government does this most look like? A US form we know and have supported for over 250 years, or someone elses? if someone elses, who?
Ice, I don't take AOC seriously; she thinks growing cauliflower is imperialist, for heaven's sake. She's a nut.

I read all your links, though, and I take their opinions with the very large grain of salt they deserve as the opinions of overwrought pols. This is not mainstream left thinking.
then what would you like for me to do? one party flat out says they're going to make lists and attack people. i show you those links and you simply say "nah, they won't".

racism isn't mainstream right thinking.
violence either.
not much of what they are claimed to be is "mainstream" but you have to remember, the mainstream has not been driving for quite some time.

the fringes are. ergo, they do represent at least who has the "power" and what they wish to do with it.

however, none of that was my question. i have cited many people in various places of power saying they will attack people for supporting trump. MY QUESTION WAS - what form of government is that reminiscent of?

it ain't the USA. but these are the people doing anything they can to be in power. you can take them with a grain of salt. i suppose they hope you do. but since this is easily found in mainstream left thinking, the left owns it in as much as the right owns being racist "because".

so i ask again - what government does this thinking most represent?
Republicans have a chance to show they want to work with Biden
Challenging his legitimacy as President is not a good start
They're terrified of Trump. He has so much power in the party that if they don't bend over, their careers are over.

Once Trump leaves office what "power" does he have? None, of course. Its really up to Biden to recognize the Republicans as decent people , not the "deplorable chumps" and "lying dog faced pony soldiers" he said during the campaign.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Nice words from Joe; and. arguably, have not heard words or seen such action since Bush and Clinton. That said, I would recommend to the presumed, projected President Elect that he tell the likes of Alexandria Ocacio Cortez and Robert Reich to cease with their fascist talk of punishing Republicans and Trump supporters. Such talk and rhetoric is undermining Biden's case for unity and truly being a President for all Americans.

That wasn't Slow Joe.... it's the senile fool's handlers

I view it as "double talk" or conditional talk. Namely, "agree with us on everything" or else. That is evidenced by this radical fascist notion from AOC and Reich of punishing those for never having supporting Democrats. Has any Republican taken this attitude of retribution? when they won? AOC is talking about black listing people so they can't get jobs. Reich sees it necessary for "re-education" or punishment.

It sounds a lot like the theme of "punishing our enemies and rewarding our friends".
Biden has a long history of dealing with Republicans. He offered to compromise with them again.

Republicans responded by questioning his legitimacy as president

Actually, Biden has a history of resisting good Republican ideas and calling them names. But he can turn over a new leaf. Last month, he promised massive promotion of Fracking to those in Pennsylvania. It would be tremendous if he would help these folks out, as he made a sacred vow to do, and to get his Democrat Party underlings to stand with the beloved Frackers.
Biden is the asshole who led the charge against Clarence Thomas. I predict Biden won't like how Clarence rules on any of these voter fraud cases.
Good point. :cool:
one party flat out says they're going to make lists and attack people. i show you those links and you simply say "nah, they won't".
That is some outlying individuals, not " the party." But believe what you must in order to hate us.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
Sounds like Crooked Joe is getting a little anxious.
“Guys, guys, if you let me win, I’ll give you appointments. Come on, man!”
one party flat out says they're going to make lists and attack people. i show you those links and you simply say "nah, they won't".
That is some outlying individuals, not " the party." But believe what you must in order to hate us.
Your party should be called the Granola Party because it's full of fruits, nuts and flakes.
only been to ireland once. loved it.

but yea, i do see your point. but i don't see how more parties is going to help reduce confusion. the problem is more the corruption that has become common place and 1 more party won't fix it and we know the 2 there certainly won't.

so here we are.

Oh, I was just making an observation that makes some sense in explaining how so many different ideologies end up in one of the two parties.

I'm guessing that the only way we will see any significant change,
is if a single third party has so much of an impact in a charismatic candidate,
that they just blow away the competition offered by the other two parties.

As entrenched as the Establishment is ... That's very unlikely.

one party flat out says they're going to make lists and attack people. i show you those links and you simply say "nah, they won't".
That is some outlying individuals, not " the party." But believe what you must in order to hate us.
i believe what i am being told.

i am open to the discussion of it.

you seem to want to say "not us" and blow it off as if i hate you and "the left". never said i do but i suppose it's easier to assign a value of hate to me so we don't have to talk it through.

to me, *not* talking it through is why trust is so hard to come by.
one party flat out says they're going to make lists and attack people. i show you those links and you simply say "nah, they won't".
That is some outlying individuals, not " the party." But believe what you must in order to hate us.
i believe what i am being told.

i am open to the discussion of it.

you seem to want to say "not us" and blow it off as if i hate you and "the left". never said i do but i suppose it's easier to assign a value of hate to me so we don't have to talk it through.

to me, *not* talking it through is why trust is so hard to come by.
There's nothing to talk through. At least not with me. I already told you what I see there.
one party flat out says they're going to make lists and attack people. i show you those links and you simply say "nah, they won't".
That is some outlying individuals, not " the party." But believe what you must in order to hate us.
i believe what i am being told.

i am open to the discussion of it.

you seem to want to say "not us" and blow it off as if i hate you and "the left". never said i do but i suppose it's easier to assign a value of hate to me so we don't have to talk it through.

to me, *not* talking it through is why trust is so hard to come by.
There's nothing to talk through. At least not with me. I already told you what I see there.
you see me hating people?

there's things to talk about but i won't push it.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Why doesn't Biden promise to bring Real Republicans into key positions in the administration?

B-1 Bob Dornan at Sec. of Defense, for example? Or Wayne LaPierre to head the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms? Or Jerry Falwell Jr. as Secretary of Education?
Yeah....You cocksuckers called everyone who wasn't a blood-shooting-out-the-ears moonbat every name in the book, shouted them down, chased them out of restaurants, and generally harassed them into the ground....Now they should bury the hatchet and be your pals.

Fuck off, commie scum.

Like you are now?
I think the OP's point stands.
Returning fire in kind, commie scum.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
If he wanted cooperation, him and the democrat party should have been doing that BEFORE the election. He expects the right to make things easy for him NOW, after the way democrats acted the last 4 years? Get the fuck outa here! :laugh:

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