Biden offers Republicans a hand of cooperation

Nice words from Joe; and. arguably, have not heard words or seen such action since Bush and Clinton. That said, I would recommend to the presumed, projected President Elect that he tell the likes of Alexandria Ocacio Cortez and Robert Reich to cease with their fascist talk of punishing Republicans and Trump supporters. Such talk and rhetoric is undermining Biden's case for unity and truly being a President for all Americans.

I mean I am not one to promote violence if it can be avoided ...
but the fact Representative Cortez graduated Cum Laude from Boston University, and lacks the wherewithal to recognize what kind of tragedy she could be asking for ...
only goes to show you the quality of a college education nowadays.


Cortez is a radical. She can't even get along wit
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Nice words from Joe; and. arguably, have not heard words or seen such action since Bush and Clinton. That said, I would recommend to the presumed, projected President Elect that he tell the likes of Alexandria Ocacio Cortez and Robert Reich to cease with their fascist talk of punishing Republicans and Trump supporters. Such talk and rhetoric is undermining Biden's case for unity and truly being a President for all Americans.

That wasn't Slow Joe.... it's the senile fool's handlers

I view it as "double talk" or conditional talk. Namely, "agree with us on everything" or else. That is evidenced by this radical fascist notion from AOC and Reich of punishing those for never having supporting Democrats. Has any Republican taken this attitude of retribution? when they won? AOC is talking about black listing people so they can't get jobs. Reich sees it necessary for "re-education" or punishment.

It sounds a lot like the theme of "punishing our enemies and rewarding our friends".
Biden has a long history of dealing with Republicans. He offered to compromise with them again.

Republicans responded by questioning his legitimacy as president

I asked you this several times and you ran away and hid each time. What is Biden offering us? I've not heard shit

Working on healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, COVID, immigration

Why would you object?

Biden is offering Trump supporters "Working on healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, COVID, immigration?"

No idea what you're talking about. Where is he reaching his hand out for any of those?
Republicans can either participate in legislation or block it for another four years.

Biden is offering them a chance to participate

Republicans respond......You are not the real President

Republicans "participate" in the legislation? Once the votes are certified or Trump concedes, then he is President. In 2000, the Democrats had "grave" concerns about voting irregularities, potential oppression, and even faulty ballots. Nothing happened for 6 weeks until investigations and recounts were held. I voted for Bush and I fully supported the process because it was necessary for the American People to be certain and have faith in our system.

Why is that so difficult for Democrats and their media to understand that in 2020? Personally, I think Biden's votes will be confirmed and validated as our next President. At the same time, I am disheartened that the Democrats are not willing to afford the American people that same validation and process we had in 2000.

If the Republicans are not afforded the process given the concerns and accounts raised on voting irregularities and fraud charges, I don't know how Democrats can logically or legitimately expect Republicans to unite and heal.
Dear President Biden,

please do not make the same mistake Obama made. He wanted everyone to get along. He was willing to compromise on anything. Kumbaya. The Republicans had already decided they were going to block EVERYTHING Obama proposed and that’s exactly what they did for eight long years with discipline and a ruthlessness.

Don’t let this happen to you. Charge in on January 20th like FDR on steroids. You have no choice. People are dying! You need to sign executive orders and cajole, demand and shame Congress into action. And GO BIG! Eliminate the Electoral College through the National Popular Vote Act! DONE! Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment for women! Just one more state needed! DONE! Send in the Army Corps of Engineers to Flint to replace the poisoned water pipes! DONE!!

And none of the above needs a single vote of the Senate! In fact, your “Biden-Bernie” unity joint task force identified a whopping 277 policies and decisions of Trump’s that you have the legal authority to immediately reverse by executive order or presidential policy decision. Find that big fat black marker sharpie of Trump’s and do it!
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

That senile fucker has started a war.

I don't think the whore monger Trumpybear is senile.

Wouldn't surprise me if he tried to enlist his pals from overseas to intervene and overthrow our Two party Republic. Bennedict Trumpybear they'll call him.
If he can get a few blue cities vaporized with it, he should get our highest medal.

Aww how nice of you Comrade. A "Hero of the Russian Federation Medal" would be a fine addition to Trumpybears collection.
Do you ever read any of Prog derived posts in forums? Many of you are not that good. And you won't admit it. So you are fast tracked and the standards lowered. In working class jobs there is a bit of latitude so it is not a major affect until the extra cost are added for equality that is not equality. Old people should know this. and some who vote Prog have wised up this election. You always have had the cushion of a good amount of Deplorables having concern about tragedies in large cities. That has thinned out and that is what I am alluding to.
if Joe Biden locks up Hunter, he'll really win over the MAGA crowd and unite them with him!
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Nice words from Joe; and. arguably, have not heard words or seen such action since Bush and Clinton. That said, I would recommend to the presumed, projected President Elect that he tell the likes of Alexandria Ocacio Cortez and Robert Reich to cease with their fascist talk of punishing Republicans and Trump supporters. Such talk and rhetoric is undermining Biden's case for unity and truly being a President for all Americans.

That wasn't Slow Joe.... it's the senile fool's handlers

I view it as "double talk" or conditional talk. Namely, "agree with us on everything" or else. That is evidenced by this radical fascist notion from AOC and Reich of punishing those for never having supporting Democrats. Has any Republican taken this attitude of retribution? when they won? AOC is talking about black listing people so they can't get jobs. Reich sees it necessary for "re-education" or punishment.

It sounds a lot like the theme of "punishing our enemies and rewarding our friends".
Biden has a long history of dealing with Republicans. He offered to compromise with them again.

Republicans responded by questioning his legitimacy as president

I asked you this several times and you ran away and hid each time. What is Biden offering us? I've not heard shit

Working on healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, COVID, immigration

Why would you object?

Biden is offering Trump supporters "Working on healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, COVID, immigration?"

No idea what you're talking about. Where is he reaching his hand out for any of those?
Republicans can either participate in legislation or block it for another four years.

Biden is offering them a chance to participate

Republicans respond......You are not the real President
I prefer they block all Dim legislation. I don't see how any of it is beneficial to me.
  • Thanks
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Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
No, let me be more specific...

The DNC, Democrat Congressman & Democrat Congresswomen, Democrat Senators, any elected official with a D behind their name, Joe and Kamala...

My guess Nancy is the Ringleader and Chuck walks behind her with a broom and shovel to clean up all the crap she leaves behind! This group makes the Mob and Cartels look like Choir Boys....
Well, returning to the title of the OP, fortunately, no one has to deal with the likes of most of you. There are sane people left in this country and once Trump is no longer holding them hostage with the power of his "base," they will come crawling out of their foxholes.
And just how is he holding people hostage?
Well, returning to the title of the OP, fortunately, no one has to deal with the likes of most of you. There are sane people left in this country and once Trump is no longer holding them hostage with the power of his "base," they will come crawling out of their foxholes.
And just how is he holding people hostage?
Votes. Same way he has been all along. Speak up against Trump and anger all the Trump supporters at home who elected you.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
United? After dealing with you asswipes for four years you want us to be united?

What part of go fuck your self are you having trouble understanding?
Well, returning to the title of the OP, fortunately, no one has to deal with the likes of most of you. There are sane people left in this country and once Trump is no longer holding them hostage with the power of his "base," they will come crawling out of their foxholes.
And just how is he holding people hostage?
Votes. Same way he has been all along. Speak up against Trump and anger all the Trump supporters at home who elected you.
amd only Trump supporters are angry these days?
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
Remember when biden said the republicans didnt deserve to know his stance on hot button issues?
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

That senile fucker has started a war.

I don't think the whore monger Trumpybear is senile.

Wouldn't surprise me if he tried to enlist his pals from overseas to intervene and overthrow our Two party Republic. Bennedict Trumpybear they'll call him.
If he can get a few blue cities vaporized with it, he should get our highest medal.

Aww how nice of you Comrade. A "Hero of the Russian Federation Medal" would be a fine addition to Trumpybears collection.
Once again, another moron spouting the "Russia! Russia! Russia" conspiracy theory. These are the same brain-dead idiots who insist that Biden's election couldn't be fraudulent.

So you support the annihilation of a few Blue Cities in support of Comrade Trumpybear and the Banana Republicans scorched earth policy?
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
Actions speak louder than words, and talk is cheap. Let's see what he actually does before we go gaga that he wants true cooperation. Let's see what he tells his party in Congress, who he meets with in the White House, etc. IOW, praising him now for wanting cooperation is no more meaningful than Obama's Nobel Peace Prize.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
No, let me be more specific...

The DNC, Democrat Congressman & Democrat Congresswomen, Democrat Senators, any elected official with a D behind their name, Joe and Kamala...

My guess Nancy is the Ringleader and Chuck walks behind her with a broom and shovel to clean up all the crap she leaves behind! This group makes the Mob and Cartels look like Choir Boys....

What? So you're saying the super criminal and mastermind of evil, Hillary "Hit Man" Clinton, gave up the crown?

No, no no, I don't believe it. It's more Illuminati propaganda isn't it?
Well, if you think all Trump voters are nutters....

You said it, not me.
Dont try to weasel out of your own words.

You want to marginalize trump voters

so you are the one calling them nutters
I can only make things so simple for you people.
Let me make it simple for you

biden‘s phony ”kindly grandfatherly personality” is not going to win over trump voters because we are driven by issues

and bidens issues are bad

but you may attract the clueless Karen’s in the white suburbs who were freaked out by alpha males

assuming for the sake of argument that your boy ever reaches the white house
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

Because he hasn't won, and he is STILL cheating.

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