Biden offers Republicans a hand of cooperation

Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
Biden doesn't have to "bring us all together".

He just needs to marginalize the nutters by bringing the center/left and center/right together.

That'll be tough enough, but it would be a lot easier than trying to get children to act like adults.

Then we build on that.

Mac slams Trump supporters, starts humping a leftist's leg.

Do you have any point or is that all there is to it, Mr. Spam?
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
Biden doesn't have to "bring us all together".

He just needs to marginalize the nutters by bringing the center/left and center/right together.

That'll be tough enough, but it would be a lot easier than trying to get children to act like adults.

Then we build on that.

Marginalizing 72 million people seems to be a tall order. How would you suggest that Sleepy Joe silence those many Americans?
How united were we from 2016 until now?

You people are comical loons and your sudden why can't we get along.

Good grief

Sadly, Obama made the same mistake Biden seems to be making. Offering to cooperate with Republicans and reach compromise.

Obama wasted a valuable six months while Republicans refused to cooperate at every turn.

Mitch wanted to make Obama a one term President. He will do the same with Biden

Yes, throttling Obamacare through with ZERO REPUBLICAN SUPPORT is compromising....
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
BIden offered jack shit. After all the vicisous attacks Biden has made on Republicans, why would they help him in any way?
Yeah....You cocksuckers called everyone who wasn't a blood-shooting-out-the-ears moonbat every name in the book, shouted them down, chased them out of restaurants, and generally harassed them into the ground....Now they should bury the hatchet and be your pals.

Fuck off, commie scum.

Biden's ties to China might get him impeached.

Kamala is already gathering evidence
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
Biden doesn't have to "bring us all together".

He just needs to marginalize the nutters by bringing the center/left and center/right together.

That'll be tough enough, but it would be a lot easier than trying to get children to act like adults.

Then we build on that.
Biden is a nutter, moron. He's also a senile pedophile. The "nutters" are people who want to abolish the police, abolish fossil fuels and let freaks with dicks take showers with your wife and daughter.
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United

You can assign yourselves as much of the blame for the repugnant behavior your party has displayed towards them the last four plus years.

Seriously, what did you expect?
this is just too damn funny. the left claimed the had RUSSIA cheat to win. that failed MISERABLY yet you CONTINUE to act as if THAT was justified yet demanding our entire election process is valid bothers you.

this isn't about biden or trump. this is about how far we're willing to go as a people to destroy our own foundation so WE can be right in a stupid argument that should never have gone this far.

you let the left decide this election, there's simply no point in having elections again. you are ok with that now. but when someone is forcing their opinion on YOU - you won't be. too late at that point.

then i ask you - which side is wanting to make lists of who supported THEIR ENEMY?

a follow up is - what other countries or "leaders" have done that?
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
Biden doesn't have to "bring us all together".

He just needs to marginalize the nutters by bringing the center/left and center/right together.

That'll be tough enough, but it would be a lot easier than trying to get children to act like adults.

Then we build on that.

Republicans have a chance to show they want to work with Biden

Challenging his legitimacy as President is not a good start

Challenging his legitimacy as President is not a good start

And if positions were reversed?

Would Biden just lay down and accept the results?
How united were we from 2016 until now?

You people are comical loons and your sudden why can't we get along.

Good grief

Sadly, Obama made the same mistake Biden seems to be making. Offering to cooperate with Republicans and reach compromise.

Obama wasted a valuable six months while Republicans refused to cooperate at every turn.

Mitch wanted to make Obama a one term President. He will do the same with Biden

Yes, throttling Obamacare through with ZERO REPUBLICAN SUPPORT is compromising....

Not only was it zero Republican support, but Democrats changed the voting rules to ram it through before Scott Brown could be seated.

Now Democrats are saying they will end the filibuster and stack the court, but they want to reach out to us. Yeah, genuine, not
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
Biden doesn't have to "bring us all together".

He just needs to marginalize the nutters by bringing the center/left and center/right together.

That'll be tough enough, but it would be a lot easier than trying to get children to act like adults.

Then we build on that.

Republicans have a chance to show they want to work with Biden

Challenging his legitimacy as President is not a good start

Challenging his legitimacy as President is not a good start

And if positions were reversed?

Would Biden just lay down and accept the results?

Democrats demand we accept 2020 when they haven't accepted 2016
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
Is that the same as Killer Cuomo telling Howard Stern he wants to punch out the President?
Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
Biden doesn't have to "bring us all together".

He just needs to marginalize the nutters by bringing the center/left and center/right together.

That'll be tough enough, but it would be a lot easier than trying to get children to act like adults.

Then we build on that.

Republicans have a chance to show they want to work with Biden

Challenging his legitimacy as President is not a good start
They're terrified of Trump. He has so much power in the party that if they don't bend over, their careers are over.

Yeah, those Lincoln project guys are broke and penniless.

Republicans respond by claiming he cheated to win

That is where politics in this country stands. We call ourselves the United States

We are anything but United
Yeah.... just look at how th eleft and the media responded IMMEDIATELY after Trump won.
It is more than just a little hypocritical.
Republicans have a chance to show they want to work with Biden
Challenging his legitimacy as President is not a good start
They're terrified of Trump. He has so much power in the party that if they don't bend over, their careers are over.

Once Trump leaves office what "power" does he have? None, of course. Its really up to Biden to recognize the Republicans as decent people , not the "deplorable chumps" and "lying dog faced pony soldiers" he said during the campaign.

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