Biden on forgiving student loan debt

What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Debt is not cancelled, the payment is made by taxing the middle class.

Which tax?

The tax, retard, that will be created to pay back the investors who provided the money for the school loans.
Even if the loans came from tax money, the void in the payback will have to come from somewhere as public projects are financed years in advance.

Why am I a retard for asking a question that you can't even give a direct answer to... "The tax" is all you got? If you don't know which tax it is and can't give a real example then why is my question asking about it a retarded question?

Public projects are planned years in advance.
The payback of the loans was geared towards a general ledger entry meant as a future expenditure.

Right and this system has been in place for decades. You said the student loan payments are made by taxing the middle class. I was simply asking what specific tax that was, you still haven't answered that question.

Just like I knew about Cuomo's murder spree prior to any news coverage I also know many tax accountants and business owners.
Neither one of us knows the method by the city, state or fed will tax us to pay for those students education.
I realize that just as I did not know what was going on with the nursing home murders, I will expect you to reply that I don't know any accountants or business owners until the press finally admits that Biden has all 3 levels of government take an additional bite out of my paychecks.

So I ask what tax is being imposed on the middle class to pay for loans... you call my question retarded and then admit that nobody knows what tax is being used. Great debating with you!

How will anybody know until Congress addresses the issue?
Grow up; you’re too concrete.

Well you seemed to know...You said it would be a tax on the middle class. Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation. That’s not middle class. Though I haven’t heard what Bidens plan is... thought you knew from your earlier comments. Guess not

Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation
With a 2,000 page plan.
Why don't you ask Sanders what the exact contents of that 2,000 plan will be after Congress gets done with it.
You see how it's impossible to mail anything down to details until it's done.

Yes I see how its impossible to nail anything down to details until it's done... which is why I questioned you making the claim that Biden would pay for student forgiveness loans by taxing the middle class.

Then start a Thread to question Sanders plan to tax corporations.
You live by double standards as you will never criticize what a Democrat says.
The money must be paid by someone.
If you invested in a federal government program expecting returns on your investment and you didn't get your money back, would you ever invest in that type of program ever again?
You won't ever admit that you wouldn't.

Im happy to criticize many things that Dems do and say, I lean more on the conservative side when it comes to fiscal policy... But thats not what this thread is about nor does it matter in the least what my ratio of outrage directed between parties is. Thats a silly critique you are making.

I can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what your Threads are about except to find a loophole for a D fuckup.
I'm waiting to see you criticize one thing the Ds have done.

Haha, that last comment of yours just hit me... You can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what my Threads are about?! hahahahaha... No you can't honestly say that because there is no way of you knowing how 99% of users here feel. You just shoot your objectivity in the foot when you say easily false hyperbolic statements like that. If you want to be taken seriously then tone down the partisan hyperbole and try and act like an intelligent adult.

It seems you don't read other people's comments.
For instance, your love affair with D Andrew Cuomo.
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Debt is not cancelled, the payment is made by taxing the middle class.

Which tax?

The tax, retard, that will be created to pay back the investors who provided the money for the school loans.
Even if the loans came from tax money, the void in the payback will have to come from somewhere as public projects are financed years in advance.

Why am I a retard for asking a question that you can't even give a direct answer to... "The tax" is all you got? If you don't know which tax it is and can't give a real example then why is my question asking about it a retarded question?

Public projects are planned years in advance.
The payback of the loans was geared towards a general ledger entry meant as a future expenditure.

Right and this system has been in place for decades. You said the student loan payments are made by taxing the middle class. I was simply asking what specific tax that was, you still haven't answered that question.

Just like I knew about Cuomo's murder spree prior to any news coverage I also know many tax accountants and business owners.
Neither one of us knows the method by the city, state or fed will tax us to pay for those students education.
I realize that just as I did not know what was going on with the nursing home murders, I will expect you to reply that I don't know any accountants or business owners until the press finally admits that Biden has all 3 levels of government take an additional bite out of my paychecks.

So I ask what tax is being imposed on the middle class to pay for loans... you call my question retarded and then admit that nobody knows what tax is being used. Great debating with you!

How will anybody know until Congress addresses the issue?
Grow up; you’re too concrete.

Well you seemed to know...You said it would be a tax on the middle class. Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation. That’s not middle class. Though I haven’t heard what Bidens plan is... thought you knew from your earlier comments. Guess not

Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation
With a 2,000 page plan.
Why don't you ask Sanders what the exact contents of that 2,000 plan will be after Congress gets done with it.
You see how it's impossible to mail anything down to details until it's done.

Yes I see how its impossible to nail anything down to details until it's done... which is why I questioned you making the claim that Biden would pay for student forgiveness loans by taxing the middle class.

Then start a Thread to question Sanders plan to tax corporations.
You live by double standards as you will never criticize what a Democrat says.
The money must be paid by someone.
If you invested in a federal government program expecting returns on your investment and you didn't get your money back, would you ever invest in that type of program ever again?
You won't ever admit that you wouldn't.

Im happy to criticize many things that Dems do and say, I lean more on the conservative side when it comes to fiscal policy... But thats not what this thread is about nor does it matter in the least what my ratio of outrage directed between parties is. Thats a silly critique you are making.

I can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what your Threads are about except to find a loophole for a D fuckup.
I'm waiting to see you criticize one thing the Ds have done.

Perhaps I'm trying to make R's better by challenging the lame arguments and talking points they throw out there... Regardless the balance of focus of my ops and comments makes zero difference in a practical debate. If I make a point you agree with then agree if you don't then make a counter argument. Its that simple

Which party votes to allow Trespassers, Business Visas and Off-Shoring to deprive these graduates of employment opportunities where they need their student loans forgiven?
I'll give you a hint...Both Parties.
Of course, I realize that you benefit from these 3 evils so you try to intellectualize the problem to some other areas of legislation.

What makes you think those "problems" effect me any different than they effect you?
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Debt is not cancelled, the payment is made by taxing the middle class.

Which tax?

The tax, retard, that will be created to pay back the investors who provided the money for the school loans.
Even if the loans came from tax money, the void in the payback will have to come from somewhere as public projects are financed years in advance.

Why am I a retard for asking a question that you can't even give a direct answer to... "The tax" is all you got? If you don't know which tax it is and can't give a real example then why is my question asking about it a retarded question?

Public projects are planned years in advance.
The payback of the loans was geared towards a general ledger entry meant as a future expenditure.

Right and this system has been in place for decades. You said the student loan payments are made by taxing the middle class. I was simply asking what specific tax that was, you still haven't answered that question.

Just like I knew about Cuomo's murder spree prior to any news coverage I also know many tax accountants and business owners.
Neither one of us knows the method by the city, state or fed will tax us to pay for those students education.
I realize that just as I did not know what was going on with the nursing home murders, I will expect you to reply that I don't know any accountants or business owners until the press finally admits that Biden has all 3 levels of government take an additional bite out of my paychecks.

So I ask what tax is being imposed on the middle class to pay for loans... you call my question retarded and then admit that nobody knows what tax is being used. Great debating with you!

How will anybody know until Congress addresses the issue?
Grow up; you’re too concrete.

Well you seemed to know...You said it would be a tax on the middle class. Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation. That’s not middle class. Though I haven’t heard what Bidens plan is... thought you knew from your earlier comments. Guess not

Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation
With a 2,000 page plan.
Why don't you ask Sanders what the exact contents of that 2,000 plan will be after Congress gets done with it.
You see how it's impossible to mail anything down to details until it's done.

Yes I see how its impossible to nail anything down to details until it's done... which is why I questioned you making the claim that Biden would pay for student forgiveness loans by taxing the middle class.

Then start a Thread to question Sanders plan to tax corporations.
You live by double standards as you will never criticize what a Democrat says.
The money must be paid by someone.
If you invested in a federal government program expecting returns on your investment and you didn't get your money back, would you ever invest in that type of program ever again?
You won't ever admit that you wouldn't.

Im happy to criticize many things that Dems do and say, I lean more on the conservative side when it comes to fiscal policy... But thats not what this thread is about nor does it matter in the least what my ratio of outrage directed between parties is. Thats a silly critique you are making.

I can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what your Threads are about except to find a loophole for a D fuckup.
I'm waiting to see you criticize one thing the Ds have done.

Haha, that last comment of yours just hit me... You can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what my Threads are about?! hahahahaha... No you can't honestly say that because there is no way of you knowing how 99% of users here feel. You just shoot your objectivity in the foot when you say easily false hyperbolic statements like that. If you want to be taken seriously then tone down the partisan hyperbole and try and act like an intelligent adult.

It seems you don't read other people's comments.
For instance, your love affair with D Andrew Cuomo.

I don't read other peoples comments? Love affair with Cuomo?! haha, whats wrong with you? Come back to reality and we can talk. You aren't making any sense
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Debt is not cancelled, the payment is made by taxing the middle class.

Which tax?

The tax, retard, that will be created to pay back the investors who provided the money for the school loans.
Even if the loans came from tax money, the void in the payback will have to come from somewhere as public projects are financed years in advance.

Why am I a retard for asking a question that you can't even give a direct answer to... "The tax" is all you got? If you don't know which tax it is and can't give a real example then why is my question asking about it a retarded question?

Public projects are planned years in advance.
The payback of the loans was geared towards a general ledger entry meant as a future expenditure.

Right and this system has been in place for decades. You said the student loan payments are made by taxing the middle class. I was simply asking what specific tax that was, you still haven't answered that question.

Just like I knew about Cuomo's murder spree prior to any news coverage I also know many tax accountants and business owners.
Neither one of us knows the method by the city, state or fed will tax us to pay for those students education.
I realize that just as I did not know what was going on with the nursing home murders, I will expect you to reply that I don't know any accountants or business owners until the press finally admits that Biden has all 3 levels of government take an additional bite out of my paychecks.

So I ask what tax is being imposed on the middle class to pay for loans... you call my question retarded and then admit that nobody knows what tax is being used. Great debating with you!

How will anybody know until Congress addresses the issue?
Grow up; you’re too concrete.

Well you seemed to know...You said it would be a tax on the middle class. Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation. That’s not middle class. Though I haven’t heard what Bidens plan is... thought you knew from your earlier comments. Guess not

Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation
With a 2,000 page plan.
Why don't you ask Sanders what the exact contents of that 2,000 plan will be after Congress gets done with it.
You see how it's impossible to mail anything down to details until it's done.

Yes I see how its impossible to nail anything down to details until it's done... which is why I questioned you making the claim that Biden would pay for student forgiveness loans by taxing the middle class.

I would say that even if it is a wild ass guess it would be pretty spot on with the past.

The wealthy use tax shelters for their money - they never pay an increased share without making an increased profit. The politicians always tell us that someone else is going to pay the tax - they always end up wrong.
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Debt is not cancelled, the payment is made by taxing the middle class.

Which tax?

The tax, retard, that will be created to pay back the investors who provided the money for the school loans.
Even if the loans came from tax money, the void in the payback will have to come from somewhere as public projects are financed years in advance.

Why am I a retard for asking a question that you can't even give a direct answer to... "The tax" is all you got? If you don't know which tax it is and can't give a real example then why is my question asking about it a retarded question?

Public projects are planned years in advance.
The payback of the loans was geared towards a general ledger entry meant as a future expenditure.

Right and this system has been in place for decades. You said the student loan payments are made by taxing the middle class. I was simply asking what specific tax that was, you still haven't answered that question.

Just like I knew about Cuomo's murder spree prior to any news coverage I also know many tax accountants and business owners.
Neither one of us knows the method by the city, state or fed will tax us to pay for those students education.
I realize that just as I did not know what was going on with the nursing home murders, I will expect you to reply that I don't know any accountants or business owners until the press finally admits that Biden has all 3 levels of government take an additional bite out of my paychecks.

So I ask what tax is being imposed on the middle class to pay for loans... you call my question retarded and then admit that nobody knows what tax is being used. Great debating with you!

How will anybody know until Congress addresses the issue?
Grow up; you’re too concrete.

Well you seemed to know...You said it would be a tax on the middle class. Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation. That’s not middle class. Though I haven’t heard what Bidens plan is... thought you knew from your earlier comments. Guess not

Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation
With a 2,000 page plan.
Why don't you ask Sanders what the exact contents of that 2,000 plan will be after Congress gets done with it.
You see how it's impossible to mail anything down to details until it's done.

Yes I see how its impossible to nail anything down to details until it's done... which is why I questioned you making the claim that Biden would pay for student forgiveness loans by taxing the middle class.

Then start a Thread to question Sanders plan to tax corporations.
You live by double standards as you will never criticize what a Democrat says.
The money must be paid by someone.
If you invested in a federal government program expecting returns on your investment and you didn't get your money back, would you ever invest in that type of program ever again?
You won't ever admit that you wouldn't.

Im happy to criticize many things that Dems do and say, I lean more on the conservative side when it comes to fiscal policy... But thats not what this thread is about nor does it matter in the least what my ratio of outrage directed between parties is. Thats a silly critique you are making.

I can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what your Threads are about except to find a loophole for a D fuckup.
I'm waiting to see you criticize one thing the Ds have done.

Perhaps I'm trying to make R's better by challenging the lame arguments and talking points they throw out there... Regardless the balance of focus of my ops and comments makes zero difference in a practical debate. If I make a point you agree with then agree if you don't then make a counter argument. Its that simple

Which party votes to allow Trespassers, Business Visas and Off-Shoring to deprive these graduates of employment opportunities where they need their student loans forgiven?
I'll give you a hint...Both Parties.
Of course, I realize that you benefit from these 3 evils so you try to intellectualize the problem to some other areas of legislation.

What makes you think those "problems" effect me any different than they effect you?

Problems affect everyone the same way but some people love misery as long as it's coming from the Party with their favorite letter.
I know plenty of DBots and RBots.
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Debt is not cancelled, the payment is made by taxing the middle class.

Which tax?

The tax, retard, that will be created to pay back the investors who provided the money for the school loans.
Even if the loans came from tax money, the void in the payback will have to come from somewhere as public projects are financed years in advance.

Why am I a retard for asking a question that you can't even give a direct answer to... "The tax" is all you got? If you don't know which tax it is and can't give a real example then why is my question asking about it a retarded question?

Public projects are planned years in advance.
The payback of the loans was geared towards a general ledger entry meant as a future expenditure.

Right and this system has been in place for decades. You said the student loan payments are made by taxing the middle class. I was simply asking what specific tax that was, you still haven't answered that question.

Just like I knew about Cuomo's murder spree prior to any news coverage I also know many tax accountants and business owners.
Neither one of us knows the method by the city, state or fed will tax us to pay for those students education.
I realize that just as I did not know what was going on with the nursing home murders, I will expect you to reply that I don't know any accountants or business owners until the press finally admits that Biden has all 3 levels of government take an additional bite out of my paychecks.

So I ask what tax is being imposed on the middle class to pay for loans... you call my question retarded and then admit that nobody knows what tax is being used. Great debating with you!

How will anybody know until Congress addresses the issue?
Grow up; you’re too concrete.

Well you seemed to know...You said it would be a tax on the middle class. Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation. That’s not middle class. Though I haven’t heard what Bidens plan is... thought you knew from your earlier comments. Guess not

Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation
With a 2,000 page plan.
Why don't you ask Sanders what the exact contents of that 2,000 plan will be after Congress gets done with it.
You see how it's impossible to mail anything down to details until it's done.

Yes I see how its impossible to nail anything down to details until it's done... which is why I questioned you making the claim that Biden would pay for student forgiveness loans by taxing the middle class.

Then start a Thread to question Sanders plan to tax corporations.
You live by double standards as you will never criticize what a Democrat says.
The money must be paid by someone.
If you invested in a federal government program expecting returns on your investment and you didn't get your money back, would you ever invest in that type of program ever again?
You won't ever admit that you wouldn't.

Im happy to criticize many things that Dems do and say, I lean more on the conservative side when it comes to fiscal policy... But thats not what this thread is about nor does it matter in the least what my ratio of outrage directed between parties is. Thats a silly critique you are making.

I can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what your Threads are about except to find a loophole for a D fuckup.
I'm waiting to see you criticize one thing the Ds have done.

Haha, that last comment of yours just hit me... You can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what my Threads are about?! hahahahaha... No you can't honestly say that because there is no way of you knowing how 99% of users here feel. You just shoot your objectivity in the foot when you say easily false hyperbolic statements like that. If you want to be taken seriously then tone down the partisan hyperbole and try and act like an intelligent adult.

It seems you don't read other people's comments.
For instance, your love affair with D Andrew Cuomo.

I don't read other peoples comments? Love affair with Cuomo?! haha, whats wrong with you? Come back to reality and we can talk. You aren't making any sense

The fact that you have been defending Cuomo shows where your mind is.
Go ahead and blame whoever you want but reality is Congress, with the exception of Newt, has consistently failed to hold the line on the budget and went crazy with new spending.
Nah, that's the LAST place i will look. Our spending as %of GDP is right in the middle, for developed nations. Our tax revenue as %of GDP is stupidly low. I.E., the Republican way. It doesn't take a genius....

Our spending is too high. I don’t care much about how much quasi-Socialist governments spend. The people don’t have the same opportunities afforded to us in the US. You also don’t mention waste. In case you haven’t noticed, our government is woefully inefficient. We could cut 1/3 of our spending and couple it with more efficiency and still be in the black as compared to where we are now. Raising taxes is NOT the answer.
waste is an interesting notion when talking about government spending. Can you give a specific example? More specifically what spending would you consider wasteful and who was receiving the payments.

Entire books could be written on the subject, but below is just a small list totaling 230 million in 2019.

As far as receiving payments for pet projects and the like, congressman don’t become multi-millionaires from their reported incomes. You do the math.

Here Are The Most Wasteful Government Projects In 2019
its waste if the person calling it waste doesn't like it. Ironically, the two largest items on the first page were books for afghan kids and DC (federal) city transportation. LOL Perhaps you should find a better source than Randian Paul
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Debt is not cancelled, the payment is made by taxing the middle class.

Which tax?

The tax, retard, that will be created to pay back the investors who provided the money for the school loans.
Even if the loans came from tax money, the void in the payback will have to come from somewhere as public projects are financed years in advance.

Why am I a retard for asking a question that you can't even give a direct answer to... "The tax" is all you got? If you don't know which tax it is and can't give a real example then why is my question asking about it a retarded question?

Public projects are planned years in advance.
The payback of the loans was geared towards a general ledger entry meant as a future expenditure.

Right and this system has been in place for decades. You said the student loan payments are made by taxing the middle class. I was simply asking what specific tax that was, you still haven't answered that question.

Just like I knew about Cuomo's murder spree prior to any news coverage I also know many tax accountants and business owners.
Neither one of us knows the method by the city, state or fed will tax us to pay for those students education.
I realize that just as I did not know what was going on with the nursing home murders, I will expect you to reply that I don't know any accountants or business owners until the press finally admits that Biden has all 3 levels of government take an additional bite out of my paychecks.

So I ask what tax is being imposed on the middle class to pay for loans... you call my question retarded and then admit that nobody knows what tax is being used. Great debating with you!

How will anybody know until Congress addresses the issue?
Grow up; you’re too concrete.

Well you seemed to know...You said it would be a tax on the middle class. Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation. That’s not middle class. Though I haven’t heard what Bidens plan is... thought you knew from your earlier comments. Guess not

Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation
With a 2,000 page plan.
Why don't you ask Sanders what the exact contents of that 2,000 plan will be after Congress gets done with it.
You see how it's impossible to mail anything down to details until it's done.

Yes I see how its impossible to nail anything down to details until it's done... which is why I questioned you making the claim that Biden would pay for student forgiveness loans by taxing the middle class.

I would say that even if it is a wild ass guess it would be pretty spot on with the past.

The wealthy use tax shelters for their money - they never pay an increased share without making an increased profit. The politicians always tell us that someone else is going to pay the tax - they always end up wrong.

Well in that case it should be stated that its a wild ass guess based on past policies and not stated as a fact of the matter
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Debt is not cancelled, the payment is made by taxing the middle class.

Which tax?

The tax, retard, that will be created to pay back the investors who provided the money for the school loans.
Even if the loans came from tax money, the void in the payback will have to come from somewhere as public projects are financed years in advance.

Why am I a retard for asking a question that you can't even give a direct answer to... "The tax" is all you got? If you don't know which tax it is and can't give a real example then why is my question asking about it a retarded question?

Public projects are planned years in advance.
The payback of the loans was geared towards a general ledger entry meant as a future expenditure.

Right and this system has been in place for decades. You said the student loan payments are made by taxing the middle class. I was simply asking what specific tax that was, you still haven't answered that question.

Just like I knew about Cuomo's murder spree prior to any news coverage I also know many tax accountants and business owners.
Neither one of us knows the method by the city, state or fed will tax us to pay for those students education.
I realize that just as I did not know what was going on with the nursing home murders, I will expect you to reply that I don't know any accountants or business owners until the press finally admits that Biden has all 3 levels of government take an additional bite out of my paychecks.

So I ask what tax is being imposed on the middle class to pay for loans... you call my question retarded and then admit that nobody knows what tax is being used. Great debating with you!

How will anybody know until Congress addresses the issue?
Grow up; you’re too concrete.

Well you seemed to know...You said it would be a tax on the middle class. Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation. That’s not middle class. Though I haven’t heard what Bidens plan is... thought you knew from your earlier comments. Guess not

Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation
With a 2,000 page plan.
Why don't you ask Sanders what the exact contents of that 2,000 plan will be after Congress gets done with it.
You see how it's impossible to mail anything down to details until it's done.

Yes I see how its impossible to nail anything down to details until it's done... which is why I questioned you making the claim that Biden would pay for student forgiveness loans by taxing the middle class.

Then start a Thread to question Sanders plan to tax corporations.
You live by double standards as you will never criticize what a Democrat says.
The money must be paid by someone.
If you invested in a federal government program expecting returns on your investment and you didn't get your money back, would you ever invest in that type of program ever again?
You won't ever admit that you wouldn't.

Im happy to criticize many things that Dems do and say, I lean more on the conservative side when it comes to fiscal policy... But thats not what this thread is about nor does it matter in the least what my ratio of outrage directed between parties is. Thats a silly critique you are making.

I can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what your Threads are about except to find a loophole for a D fuckup.
I'm waiting to see you criticize one thing the Ds have done.

Haha, that last comment of yours just hit me... You can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what my Threads are about?! hahahahaha... No you can't honestly say that because there is no way of you knowing how 99% of users here feel. You just shoot your objectivity in the foot when you say easily false hyperbolic statements like that. If you want to be taken seriously then tone down the partisan hyperbole and try and act like an intelligent adult.

It seems you don't read other people's comments.
For instance, your love affair with D Andrew Cuomo.

I don't read other peoples comments? Love affair with Cuomo?! haha, whats wrong with you? Come back to reality and we can talk. You aren't making any sense

The fact that you have been defending Cuomo shows where your mind is.

Yet again I'll make the point. Where my mind is has ZERO relevance to the issues we are discussing. It seems that most every debate turns into a personal feelz argument which is a copout. If you can't stay on the topic and discuss the subject matter then you aren't carrying on a smart debate. Nobody gives a shit about my ratios of support nor do they matter to the validity or invalidity of the points I make.
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Debt is not cancelled, the payment is made by taxing the middle class.

Which tax?

The tax, retard, that will be created to pay back the investors who provided the money for the school loans.
Even if the loans came from tax money, the void in the payback will have to come from somewhere as public projects are financed years in advance.

Why am I a retard for asking a question that you can't even give a direct answer to... "The tax" is all you got? If you don't know which tax it is and can't give a real example then why is my question asking about it a retarded question?

Public projects are planned years in advance.
The payback of the loans was geared towards a general ledger entry meant as a future expenditure.

Right and this system has been in place for decades. You said the student loan payments are made by taxing the middle class. I was simply asking what specific tax that was, you still haven't answered that question.

Just like I knew about Cuomo's murder spree prior to any news coverage I also know many tax accountants and business owners.
Neither one of us knows the method by the city, state or fed will tax us to pay for those students education.
I realize that just as I did not know what was going on with the nursing home murders, I will expect you to reply that I don't know any accountants or business owners until the press finally admits that Biden has all 3 levels of government take an additional bite out of my paychecks.

So I ask what tax is being imposed on the middle class to pay for loans... you call my question retarded and then admit that nobody knows what tax is being used. Great debating with you!

How will anybody know until Congress addresses the issue?
Grow up; you’re too concrete.

Well you seemed to know...You said it would be a tax on the middle class. Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation. That’s not middle class. Though I haven’t heard what Bidens plan is... thought you knew from your earlier comments. Guess not

Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation
With a 2,000 page plan.
Why don't you ask Sanders what the exact contents of that 2,000 plan will be after Congress gets done with it.
You see how it's impossible to mail anything down to details until it's done.

Yes I see how its impossible to nail anything down to details until it's done... which is why I questioned you making the claim that Biden would pay for student forgiveness loans by taxing the middle class.

Then start a Thread to question Sanders plan to tax corporations.
You live by double standards as you will never criticize what a Democrat says.
The money must be paid by someone.
If you invested in a federal government program expecting returns on your investment and you didn't get your money back, would you ever invest in that type of program ever again?
You won't ever admit that you wouldn't.

Im happy to criticize many things that Dems do and say, I lean more on the conservative side when it comes to fiscal policy... But thats not what this thread is about nor does it matter in the least what my ratio of outrage directed between parties is. Thats a silly critique you are making.

I can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what your Threads are about except to find a loophole for a D fuckup.
I'm waiting to see you criticize one thing the Ds have done.

Haha, that last comment of yours just hit me... You can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what my Threads are about?! hahahahaha... No you can't honestly say that because there is no way of you knowing how 99% of users here feel. You just shoot your objectivity in the foot when you say easily false hyperbolic statements like that. If you want to be taken seriously then tone down the partisan hyperbole and try and act like an intelligent adult.

It seems you don't read other people's comments.
For instance, your love affair with D Andrew Cuomo.

I don't read other peoples comments? Love affair with Cuomo?! haha, whats wrong with you? Come back to reality and we can talk. You aren't making any sense

The fact that you have been defending Cuomo shows where your mind is.

Yet again I'll make the point. Where my mind is has ZERO relevance to the issues we are discussing. It seems that most every debate turns into a personal feelz argument which is a copout. If you can't stay on the topic and discuss the subject matter then you aren't carrying on a smart debate. Nobody gives a shit about my ratios of support nor do they matter to the validity or invalidity of the points I make.

Your brain requires a Link to a piece of legislation that does not exist because Biden ain't going to bail them out.
Never ever attempt to use history in any of your posts because you seem to never learn from it.
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Debt is not cancelled, the payment is made by taxing the middle class.

Which tax?

The tax, retard, that will be created to pay back the investors who provided the money for the school loans.
Even if the loans came from tax money, the void in the payback will have to come from somewhere as public projects are financed years in advance.

Why am I a retard for asking a question that you can't even give a direct answer to... "The tax" is all you got? If you don't know which tax it is and can't give a real example then why is my question asking about it a retarded question?

Public projects are planned years in advance.
The payback of the loans was geared towards a general ledger entry meant as a future expenditure.

Right and this system has been in place for decades. You said the student loan payments are made by taxing the middle class. I was simply asking what specific tax that was, you still haven't answered that question.

Just like I knew about Cuomo's murder spree prior to any news coverage I also know many tax accountants and business owners.
Neither one of us knows the method by the city, state or fed will tax us to pay for those students education.
I realize that just as I did not know what was going on with the nursing home murders, I will expect you to reply that I don't know any accountants or business owners until the press finally admits that Biden has all 3 levels of government take an additional bite out of my paychecks.

So I ask what tax is being imposed on the middle class to pay for loans... you call my question retarded and then admit that nobody knows what tax is being used. Great debating with you!

How will anybody know until Congress addresses the issue?
Grow up; you’re too concrete.

Well you seemed to know...You said it would be a tax on the middle class. Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation. That’s not middle class. Though I haven’t heard what Bidens plan is... thought you knew from your earlier comments. Guess not

Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation
With a 2,000 page plan.
Why don't you ask Sanders what the exact contents of that 2,000 plan will be after Congress gets done with it.
You see how it's impossible to mail anything down to details until it's done.

Yes I see how its impossible to nail anything down to details until it's done... which is why I questioned you making the claim that Biden would pay for student forgiveness loans by taxing the middle class.

I would say that even if it is a wild ass guess it would be pretty spot on with the past.

The wealthy use tax shelters for their money - they never pay an increased share without making an increased profit. The politicians always tell us that someone else is going to pay the tax - they always end up wrong.

Well in that case it should be stated that its a wild ass guess based on past policies and not stated as a fact of the matter

I had to leave for a day to work remotely (we are shut down due to weather) and wondered what Cuomo has to do with anything. LOL
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Debt is not cancelled, the payment is made by taxing the middle class.

Which tax?

The tax, retard, that will be created to pay back the investors who provided the money for the school loans.
Even if the loans came from tax money, the void in the payback will have to come from somewhere as public projects are financed years in advance.

Why am I a retard for asking a question that you can't even give a direct answer to... "The tax" is all you got? If you don't know which tax it is and can't give a real example then why is my question asking about it a retarded question?

Public projects are planned years in advance.
The payback of the loans was geared towards a general ledger entry meant as a future expenditure.

Right and this system has been in place for decades. You said the student loan payments are made by taxing the middle class. I was simply asking what specific tax that was, you still haven't answered that question.

Just like I knew about Cuomo's murder spree prior to any news coverage I also know many tax accountants and business owners.
Neither one of us knows the method by the city, state or fed will tax us to pay for those students education.
I realize that just as I did not know what was going on with the nursing home murders, I will expect you to reply that I don't know any accountants or business owners until the press finally admits that Biden has all 3 levels of government take an additional bite out of my paychecks.

So I ask what tax is being imposed on the middle class to pay for loans... you call my question retarded and then admit that nobody knows what tax is being used. Great debating with you!

How will anybody know until Congress addresses the issue?
Grow up; you’re too concrete.

Well you seemed to know...You said it would be a tax on the middle class. Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation. That’s not middle class. Though I haven’t heard what Bidens plan is... thought you knew from your earlier comments. Guess not

Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation
With a 2,000 page plan.
Why don't you ask Sanders what the exact contents of that 2,000 plan will be after Congress gets done with it.
You see how it's impossible to mail anything down to details until it's done.

Yes I see how its impossible to nail anything down to details until it's done... which is why I questioned you making the claim that Biden would pay for student forgiveness loans by taxing the middle class.

Then start a Thread to question Sanders plan to tax corporations.
You live by double standards as you will never criticize what a Democrat says.
The money must be paid by someone.
If you invested in a federal government program expecting returns on your investment and you didn't get your money back, would you ever invest in that type of program ever again?
You won't ever admit that you wouldn't.

Im happy to criticize many things that Dems do and say, I lean more on the conservative side when it comes to fiscal policy... But thats not what this thread is about nor does it matter in the least what my ratio of outrage directed between parties is. Thats a silly critique you are making.

I can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what your Threads are about except to find a loophole for a D fuckup.
I'm waiting to see you criticize one thing the Ds have done.

Haha, that last comment of yours just hit me... You can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what my Threads are about?! hahahahaha... No you can't honestly say that because there is no way of you knowing how 99% of users here feel. You just shoot your objectivity in the foot when you say easily false hyperbolic statements like that. If you want to be taken seriously then tone down the partisan hyperbole and try and act like an intelligent adult.

It seems you don't read other people's comments.
For instance, your love affair with D Andrew Cuomo.

I don't read other peoples comments? Love affair with Cuomo?! haha, whats wrong with you? Come back to reality and we can talk. You aren't making any sense

The fact that you have been defending Cuomo shows where your mind is.

Yet again I'll make the point. Where my mind is has ZERO relevance to the issues we are discussing. It seems that most every debate turns into a personal feelz argument which is a copout. If you can't stay on the topic and discuss the subject matter then you aren't carrying on a smart debate. Nobody gives a shit about my ratios of support nor do they matter to the validity or invalidity of the points I make.

Your brain requires a Link to a piece of legislation that does not exist because Biden ain't going to bail them out.
Never ever attempt to use history in any of your posts because you seem to never learn from it.

It’s fine to use history. Just don’t pretend like he is doing something without any evidence showing that’s what he is doing. It’s disingenuous. You think he will tax the middle class if he does student loan relief... that’s it nothing more
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Debt is not cancelled, the payment is made by taxing the middle class.

Which tax?

The tax, retard, that will be created to pay back the investors who provided the money for the school loans.
Even if the loans came from tax money, the void in the payback will have to come from somewhere as public projects are financed years in advance.

Why am I a retard for asking a question that you can't even give a direct answer to... "The tax" is all you got? If you don't know which tax it is and can't give a real example then why is my question asking about it a retarded question?

Public projects are planned years in advance.
The payback of the loans was geared towards a general ledger entry meant as a future expenditure.

Right and this system has been in place for decades. You said the student loan payments are made by taxing the middle class. I was simply asking what specific tax that was, you still haven't answered that question.

Just like I knew about Cuomo's murder spree prior to any news coverage I also know many tax accountants and business owners.
Neither one of us knows the method by the city, state or fed will tax us to pay for those students education.
I realize that just as I did not know what was going on with the nursing home murders, I will expect you to reply that I don't know any accountants or business owners until the press finally admits that Biden has all 3 levels of government take an additional bite out of my paychecks.

So I ask what tax is being imposed on the middle class to pay for loans... you call my question retarded and then admit that nobody knows what tax is being used. Great debating with you!

How will anybody know until Congress addresses the issue?
Grow up; you’re too concrete.

Well you seemed to know...You said it would be a tax on the middle class. Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation. That’s not middle class. Though I haven’t heard what Bidens plan is... thought you knew from your earlier comments. Guess not

Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation
With a 2,000 page plan.
Why don't you ask Sanders what the exact contents of that 2,000 plan will be after Congress gets done with it.
You see how it's impossible to mail anything down to details until it's done.

Yes I see how its impossible to nail anything down to details until it's done... which is why I questioned you making the claim that Biden would pay for student forgiveness loans by taxing the middle class.

Then start a Thread to question Sanders plan to tax corporations.
You live by double standards as you will never criticize what a Democrat says.
The money must be paid by someone.
If you invested in a federal government program expecting returns on your investment and you didn't get your money back, would you ever invest in that type of program ever again?
You won't ever admit that you wouldn't.

Im happy to criticize many things that Dems do and say, I lean more on the conservative side when it comes to fiscal policy... But thats not what this thread is about nor does it matter in the least what my ratio of outrage directed between parties is. Thats a silly critique you are making.

I can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what your Threads are about except to find a loophole for a D fuckup.
I'm waiting to see you criticize one thing the Ds have done.

Haha, that last comment of yours just hit me... You can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what my Threads are about?! hahahahaha... No you can't honestly say that because there is no way of you knowing how 99% of users here feel. You just shoot your objectivity in the foot when you say easily false hyperbolic statements like that. If you want to be taken seriously then tone down the partisan hyperbole and try and act like an intelligent adult.

It seems you don't read other people's comments.
For instance, your love affair with D Andrew Cuomo.

I don't read other peoples comments? Love affair with Cuomo?! haha, whats wrong with you? Come back to reality and we can talk. You aren't making any sense

The fact that you have been defending Cuomo shows where your mind is.

Yet again I'll make the point. Where my mind is has ZERO relevance to the issues we are discussing. It seems that most every debate turns into a personal feelz argument which is a copout. If you can't stay on the topic and discuss the subject matter then you aren't carrying on a smart debate. Nobody gives a shit about my ratios of support nor do they matter to the validity or invalidity of the points I make.

Your brain requires a Link to a piece of legislation that does not exist because Biden ain't going to bail them out.
Never ever attempt to use history in any of your posts because you seem to never learn from it.

It’s fine to use history. Just don’t pretend like he is doing something without any evidence showing that’s what he is doing. It’s disingenuous. You think he will tax the middle class if he does student loan relief... that’s it nothing more

Nice try...
Based on your reasoning, there is no argument for anything until the Legislation or EO is signed into law aka History has zero to offer.
So economists were responsible for the economic boom of the 80's and 90's? Good to know.

Yes, and the increases in government jobs and spending were responsible. Also good to know.

And Reaganomics is responsible for the sad trend of the next 3+ decades. Also good to know.
So economists were responsible for the economic boom of the 80's and 90's? Good to know.

Yes, and the huge increases in government jobs and spending was responsible. Also good to know.

And Reaganomics is responsible for the sad trend of the next 3+ decades. Also good to know.

I will assume you just forgot to mention these two things.
Let's see if we have this straight. You claim that economists created Reaganomics because Reagan didn't know anything about economics (you know, those people around him). You then claim that economists created the economic boom in the '80's and '90's (conveniently forgetting about the cell phone and .com explosion. Also conveniently forgetting that Reaganomics was in full swing.). Then, just when you begin to sound consistent, you also claim that economists were responsible for "the sad trend of the next 3+ decades". Or are you going to attempt a slice and dice and say that "other people" were responsible for the good stuff while Reagan was responsible for the bad stuff? Because that's what I'd expect from poor quality debaters.
You claim that economists created Reaganomics because Reagan didn't know anything about economics (you know, those people around him).
Well, that's poorly stated and ambiguous in its syntax. But both statements you adjoined are true, yes.

You then claim that economists created the economic boom in the '80's and '90's (conveniently forgetting about the cell phone and .com explosion. Also conveniently forgetting that Reaganomics was in full swing.).
They were partly responsible, absolutely. As was increased government employment and spending.

I didnt ignore the .com boom. We have had other booms since. The trend to which i refer is the wealth and income gap. Which should be obvious to anyine following the thread and to you.

You are kind of exhausting. My language is clear, yet your only effort and intent seems to be to attempt to wrangle something out of my statements i did not state or imply in order to give yourself some lazy, low hanging fruit to pick. So, i think i will leave you to it at this point. Go pester someone else with your silly strawmen and non sequiturs for a while. I will be back later.
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Debt is not cancelled, the payment is made by taxing the middle class.

Which tax?

The tax, retard, that will be created to pay back the investors who provided the money for the school loans.
Even if the loans came from tax money, the void in the payback will have to come from somewhere as public projects are financed years in advance.

Why am I a retard for asking a question that you can't even give a direct answer to... "The tax" is all you got? If you don't know which tax it is and can't give a real example then why is my question asking about it a retarded question?

Public projects are planned years in advance.
The payback of the loans was geared towards a general ledger entry meant as a future expenditure.

Right and this system has been in place for decades. You said the student loan payments are made by taxing the middle class. I was simply asking what specific tax that was, you still haven't answered that question.

Just like I knew about Cuomo's murder spree prior to any news coverage I also know many tax accountants and business owners.
Neither one of us knows the method by the city, state or fed will tax us to pay for those students education.
I realize that just as I did not know what was going on with the nursing home murders, I will expect you to reply that I don't know any accountants or business owners until the press finally admits that Biden has all 3 levels of government take an additional bite out of my paychecks.

So I ask what tax is being imposed on the middle class to pay for loans... you call my question retarded and then admit that nobody knows what tax is being used. Great debating with you!

How will anybody know until Congress addresses the issue?
Grow up; you’re too concrete.

Well you seemed to know...You said it would be a tax on the middle class. Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation. That’s not middle class. Though I haven’t heard what Bidens plan is... thought you knew from your earlier comments. Guess not

Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation
With a 2,000 page plan.
Why don't you ask Sanders what the exact contents of that 2,000 plan will be after Congress gets done with it.
You see how it's impossible to mail anything down to details until it's done.

Yes I see how its impossible to nail anything down to details until it's done... which is why I questioned you making the claim that Biden would pay for student forgiveness loans by taxing the middle class.

Then start a Thread to question Sanders plan to tax corporations.
You live by double standards as you will never criticize what a Democrat says.
The money must be paid by someone.
If you invested in a federal government program expecting returns on your investment and you didn't get your money back, would you ever invest in that type of program ever again?
You won't ever admit that you wouldn't.

Im happy to criticize many things that Dems do and say, I lean more on the conservative side when it comes to fiscal policy... But thats not what this thread is about nor does it matter in the least what my ratio of outrage directed between parties is. Thats a silly critique you are making.

I can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what your Threads are about except to find a loophole for a D fuckup.
I'm waiting to see you criticize one thing the Ds have done.

Haha, that last comment of yours just hit me... You can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what my Threads are about?! hahahahaha... No you can't honestly say that because there is no way of you knowing how 99% of users here feel. You just shoot your objectivity in the foot when you say easily false hyperbolic statements like that. If you want to be taken seriously then tone down the partisan hyperbole and try and act like an intelligent adult.

It seems you don't read other people's comments.
For instance, your love affair with D Andrew Cuomo.

I don't read other peoples comments? Love affair with Cuomo?! haha, whats wrong with you? Come back to reality and we can talk. You aren't making any sense

The fact that you have been defending Cuomo shows where your mind is.

Yet again I'll make the point. Where my mind is has ZERO relevance to the issues we are discussing. It seems that most every debate turns into a personal feelz argument which is a copout. If you can't stay on the topic and discuss the subject matter then you aren't carrying on a smart debate. Nobody gives a shit about my ratios of support nor do they matter to the validity or invalidity of the points I make.

Your brain requires a Link to a piece of legislation that does not exist because Biden ain't going to bail them out.
Never ever attempt to use history in any of your posts because you seem to never learn from it.

It’s fine to use history. Just don’t pretend like he is doing something without any evidence showing that’s what he is doing. It’s disingenuous. You think he will tax the middle class if he does student loan relief... that’s it nothing more

Nice try...
Based on your reasoning, there is no argument for anything until the Legislation or EO is signed into law aka History has zero to offer.

Wrong, that is how you are framing my argument... its not how I framed it. I literally just said it is fine to use history, now you're lying about what I've been saying. You're not a very honest debater... tough to take you seriously now.
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Debt is not cancelled, the payment is made by taxing the middle class.

Which tax?

The tax, retard, that will be created to pay back the investors who provided the money for the school loans.
Even if the loans came from tax money, the void in the payback will have to come from somewhere as public projects are financed years in advance.

Why am I a retard for asking a question that you can't even give a direct answer to... "The tax" is all you got? If you don't know which tax it is and can't give a real example then why is my question asking about it a retarded question?

Public projects are planned years in advance.
The payback of the loans was geared towards a general ledger entry meant as a future expenditure.

Right and this system has been in place for decades. You said the student loan payments are made by taxing the middle class. I was simply asking what specific tax that was, you still haven't answered that question.

Just like I knew about Cuomo's murder spree prior to any news coverage I also know many tax accountants and business owners.
Neither one of us knows the method by the city, state or fed will tax us to pay for those students education.
I realize that just as I did not know what was going on with the nursing home murders, I will expect you to reply that I don't know any accountants or business owners until the press finally admits that Biden has all 3 levels of government take an additional bite out of my paychecks.

So I ask what tax is being imposed on the middle class to pay for loans... you call my question retarded and then admit that nobody knows what tax is being used. Great debating with you!

How will anybody know until Congress addresses the issue?
Grow up; you’re too concrete.

Well you seemed to know...You said it would be a tax on the middle class. Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation. That’s not middle class. Though I haven’t heard what Bidens plan is... thought you knew from your earlier comments. Guess not

Sanders was gonna pay for his plan by taxing Wall Street speculation
With a 2,000 page plan.
Why don't you ask Sanders what the exact contents of that 2,000 plan will be after Congress gets done with it.
You see how it's impossible to mail anything down to details until it's done.

Yes I see how its impossible to nail anything down to details until it's done... which is why I questioned you making the claim that Biden would pay for student forgiveness loans by taxing the middle class.

Then start a Thread to question Sanders plan to tax corporations.
You live by double standards as you will never criticize what a Democrat says.
The money must be paid by someone.
If you invested in a federal government program expecting returns on your investment and you didn't get your money back, would you ever invest in that type of program ever again?
You won't ever admit that you wouldn't.

Im happy to criticize many things that Dems do and say, I lean more on the conservative side when it comes to fiscal policy... But thats not what this thread is about nor does it matter in the least what my ratio of outrage directed between parties is. Thats a silly critique you are making.

I can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what your Threads are about except to find a loophole for a D fuckup.
I'm waiting to see you criticize one thing the Ds have done.

Haha, that last comment of yours just hit me... You can honestly say that 99% of the users here never really know what my Threads are about?! hahahahaha... No you can't honestly say that because there is no way of you knowing how 99% of users here feel. You just shoot your objectivity in the foot when you say easily false hyperbolic statements like that. If you want to be taken seriously then tone down the partisan hyperbole and try and act like an intelligent adult.

It seems you don't read other people's comments.
For instance, your love affair with D Andrew Cuomo.

I don't read other peoples comments? Love affair with Cuomo?! haha, whats wrong with you? Come back to reality and we can talk. You aren't making any sense

The fact that you have been defending Cuomo shows where your mind is.

Yet again I'll make the point. Where my mind is has ZERO relevance to the issues we are discussing. It seems that most every debate turns into a personal feelz argument which is a copout. If you can't stay on the topic and discuss the subject matter then you aren't carrying on a smart debate. Nobody gives a shit about my ratios of support nor do they matter to the validity or invalidity of the points I make.

Your brain requires a Link to a piece of legislation that does not exist because Biden ain't going to bail them out.
Never ever attempt to use history in any of your posts because you seem to never learn from it.

It’s fine to use history. Just don’t pretend like he is doing something without any evidence showing that’s what he is doing. It’s disingenuous. You think he will tax the middle class if he does student loan relief... that’s it nothing more

Nice try...
Based on your reasoning, there is no argument for anything until the Legislation or EO is signed into law aka History has zero to offer.

Wrong, that is how you are framing my argument... its not how I framed it. I literally just said it is fine to use history, now you're lying about what I've been saying. You're not a very honest debater... tough to take you seriously now.

Uh huh

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