Biden 'On Vacation' As Afghanistan Govt Falls, His 'Saigon' Unfolds

Irrelevant. What it shows is what you people are doing today is what you have always done, and that is shift blame to the Republicans regardless how long they've been out of power.
Sorry if you don’t want to be clear eyed about the situation. The right is pouncing on this to blame Biden which he does own blame but many pointing fingers right now are also to blame. So instead of making this a partisan pissing match perhaps we can just be honest and say both sides own blame and need to do better
Yeah, grabbing a female Intern by the pu$$y does not make him a 'rapist'...just a sexual assault-committing sexual predator.
Something he said. He wasn't in any public office and was with a couple of jocks. Have you never lied with a bunch of guys horsing around?

Our railroads were built mostly by the end of the 1850's.
That's 160 years ago, not over just a hundred.
You're a poorly educated sloth!
That's it.....skip the point I made and insult to me. Very convincing .

You must have attended the Soupnazi630 online debate instructional seminar..
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Something he said. He wasn't in any public office and was with a couple of jocks. Have you never lied with a bunch of guys horsing around?

Ummm....his victim, the woman whose pu$$y he grabbed, begs to differ& wants to know why Joe asked Cuomo to step down but won't do the same...
Sorry if you don’t want to be clear eyed about the situation. The right is pouncing on this to blame Biden which he does own blame but many pointing fingers right now are also to blame. So instead of making this a partisan pissing match perhaps we can just be honest and say both sides own blame and need to do better

No we can't because Republicans have no power in our federal government today and haven't since the beginning of the year. No power in the House, no power in the Senate, and no power in the White House. This is Dementia's call, it's Dementia's responsibility.
No we can't because Republicans have no power in our federal government today and haven't since the beginning of the year. No power in the House, no power in the Senate, and no power in the White House. This is Dementia's call, it's Dementia's responsibility.
Yup. And they royally fucked up by not reversing Trumps royal fuck up that initiated this whole thing. Why can’t you just admit what’s obvious that both sides fucked this thing up?
So answer the question. Who is responsible for the 5000 Taliban prisoners Trump released against the advice of the Pentagon, and the Afghan government, and the UN Security Council?
This isn’t about your TDS. It’s about Xiden’s failures in Afghanistan (now Talibanistan).

This isn’t about your TDS. It’s about Xiden’s failures in Afghanistan (now Talibanistan).

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Trump: I take no responsibility at all.

Biden: I’m President, the buck stops with me.

That’s the difference between a real President and a twice impeached, one term loser.

But you are a child, so I wouldn’t expect you to know the difference.
Twenty years isn’t enough? We should take the people that helped us, but the Afghanis are going to have to sort this out themselves. Now maybe, if we’d stuck to the plan and not invaded…
Twenty years is enough. The problem is the poor planning involving the withdrawal. The mightiest nation in the world should be able to handle something like pulling our forces and our foreign allies out of a nation without creating a total humiliating fiasco.

Somebody had their head square up their ass. For some reason I suspect it was Joe Biden.

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