Biden Regime defying court order to reinstate "Stay In Mexico Policy".

He proved Manafort gave internal Trump polling and private data on the swing states to a Ukrainian Russian operative, but he could not establish, at the time, what that Russian operative did with that weekly data he was given by the Trump Campaign he could not charge the campaign manager with conspiracy....

Bull fucking shit.

Since then, (just a few weeks ago) they have established that the Ukrainian Russian Operative, passed off the inside campaign information to the Russian FSB, WHO WERE INTERFERING in our election....which was established.

You Nazis are desperately trying to revive your idiotic conspiracy theory in order to distract from what a fuckup Xi's man is.

You've "established" utterly nothing - you're just flinging shit in a desperate hope something will stick.

This too has fallen flat, as no one is buying your bullshit conspiracy theories.

The meeting with Russian operatives in Trump tower with Donny Jr, seeking to get help from the Russians in his fathers upcoming election and campaign... They couldn't establish what Donny Jr got....


Wow, you just keep floating the same fucking lies.

No moron, bigfoot isn't riding on the Loch Ness Monster.

Somebody colluded with Russia, and it wasn’t Donald Trump. Veselnitskaya and Akhmetshin were working to repeal the Magnitsky Act for the Kremlin with none other than Fusion GPS, the same opposition research firm the DNC and Clinton campaign had hired in April 2016 to dig up—or create—ties between Trump and Russia.

Fusion’s Glenn Simpson met with Veselnitskaya and Akhmetshin both before and after that Trump Tower meeting. Simpson told Congress he had no idea that the two Russians were meeting with the Trump team, but Fusion GPS even provided the materials and handouts for the meeting in question.

Three days after the June 9 Trump Tower meeting, the public learned the DNC had been breached. Around this same time, Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steele, a former British spook, specifically to tie Trump to Russia. Steele oversaw the creation of the still-unverified and salacious “dossier.” But Steele farmed out the responsibility for the dossier to Edward Baumgartner, a British national with ties to the Kremlin, who used Russians as sources who were likely current and former Russian intelligence officials.

Former CIA Director John Brennan took that dossier, full of what is likely Russian disinformation straight from the Kremlin, and shopped it around to Congress. Brennan also pushed the FBI to investigate Trump. The FBI’s Peter Strzok opened an investigation based on this Russian disinformation.}

Fucking retard.

I've slapped you down with this before, you just think that people have forgotten so you can trot our your long debunked fucking lies.

There was plenty of colluding with Russians by the Trump campaign.... Over 165 contacts between the Russians who were interfering on Trump's behalf and the Trump campaign, but they just could not establish a conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt, at the time.

What we know is that you're a shameless liar. You know that what you claim is false. Your lies have been utterly debunked. but you don't give a fuck - you repeat the lies full on know they are false.

You're a pile of shit, a fucking Nazi.
Bull fucking shit.

You Nazis are desperately trying to revive your idiotic conspiracy theory in order to distract from what a fuckup Xi's man is.

You've "established" utterly nothing - you're just flinging shit in a desperate hope something will stick.

This too has fallen flat, as no one is buying your bullshit conspiracy theories.


Wow, you just keep floating the same fucking lies.

No moron, bigfoot isn't riding on the Loch Ness Monster.

Somebody colluded with Russia, and it wasn’t Donald Trump. Veselnitskaya and Akhmetshin were working to repeal the Magnitsky Act for the Kremlin with none other than Fusion GPS, the same opposition research firm the DNC and Clinton campaign had hired in April 2016 to dig up—or create—ties between Trump and Russia.

Fusion’s Glenn Simpson met with Veselnitskaya and Akhmetshin both before and after that Trump Tower meeting. Simpson told Congress he had no idea that the two Russians were meeting with the Trump team, but Fusion GPS even provided the materials and handouts for the meeting in question.

Three days after the June 9 Trump Tower meeting, the public learned the DNC had been breached. Around this same time, Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steele, a former British spook, specifically to tie Trump to Russia. Steele oversaw the creation of the still-unverified and salacious “dossier.” But Steele farmed out the responsibility for the dossier to Edward Baumgartner, a British national with ties to the Kremlin, who used Russians as sources who were likely current and former Russian intelligence officials.

Former CIA Director John Brennan took that dossier, full of what is likely Russian disinformation straight from the Kremlin, and shopped it around to Congress. Brennan also pushed the FBI to investigate Trump. The FBI’s Peter Strzok opened an investigation based on this Russian disinformation.}

Fucking retard.

I've slapped you down with this before, you just think that people have forgotten so you can trot our your long debunked fucking lies.

What we know is that you're a shameless liar. You know that what you claim is false. Your lies have been utterly debunked. but you don't give a fuck - you repeat the lies full on know they are false.

You're a pile of shit, a fucking Nazi.
You weren't supposed to notice all that. You were just supposed to go along with the narrative that Orange Man Bad means you can accuse him of anything and blame him for everything and all the trained seals will clap their flippers, bark and honk their horns in approval.
Xiden and his dembot cult think they are above the law.

clear impeachable offense.

Remember Xiden as a Senator worker tirelessly to stop the enforcement of Brown v Board of Education…obviously had he been president he would have ignored desegration…
Because the Mexican camps holding them for us until their court dates ....are overflowing and have become overwhelming for the Mexican gvt. And inhumane for the asylum seekers, is my best guess.
but that’s not true. Mexico had/has no problem keeping them. It was a fantastic partnership Trump was able to work out with the Mexican Govt

Xiden comes in, undoes it, invites illegals in and now the Mexican govt is beside themselves dealing with cartels and caravans. yet another country who’s relationship with our nation has been harmed by the xiden dembot cults policies
Xiden and his dembot cult think they are above the law.

clear impeachable offense.

Remember Xiden as a Senator worker tirelessly to stop the enforcement of Brown v Board of Education…obviously had he been president he would have ignored desegration…

They are above the law.

There is no law in America. The Reich does as it pleases and makes up "law" as it pleases. We have no rights and there is no Constitution - only the whim of the Reich at any given second.
Immigration laws weren’t dealing with the commie virus that has eaten 700,000 Americans. POSPOTUS JoeXi is a saliently arrogant Washington fungal growth.
but that’s not true. Mexico had/has no problem keeping them. It was a fantastic partnership Trump was able to work out with the Mexican Govt

Xiden comes in, undoes it, invites illegals in and now the Mexican govt is beside themselves dealing with cartels and caravans. yet another country who’s relationship with our nation has been harmed by the xiden dembot cults policies
Did they have room for an additional 16,000 Haitians that all showed up, in one spot at our border in only about a week?
Did they have room for an additional16000 Haitians that all showed up, in one spot at our border in only about a week?
They wouldn't have been there if No Border Joe didn't invite them.
Did they have room for an additional 16,000 Haitians that all showed up, in one spot at our border in only about a week?
sure…xiden had undid the policy day 1, so he’s been letting folks in, and spreading the infected illegals them all over the country…there was plenty of empty space at the mexican holding centers
sure…xiden had undid the policy day 1, so he’s been letting folks in, and spreading the infected illegals them all over the country…there was plenty of empty space at the mexican holding centers
to what? read the OP it discusses how they undid the policy and are continuing to defy the Court Order to reinstate it
That one never bothers to get educated on a topic by reading the OP. Just shows up to regurgitate the Dimwnger talking points her handlers feed her.
Biden apparently thinks he is a dictator and doesn't need to follow the Constitution and court orders.

Aw gee. Did you complain about Trump being a dictator when he decided that the USA should defy the law and not admit refugees in accordance with the law?
to what? read the OP it discusses how they undid the policy and are continuing to defy the Court Order to reinstate it

The "policy" was illegal to begin with. You have LAWS about admitting refugees. What Trump was doing was both immoral and illegal, but you cheer it.
The "policy" was illegal to begin with. You have LAWS about admitting refugees. What Trump was doing was both immoral and illegal, but you cheer it.
ah the Court said it was legal and in fact told the Xiden admin they had to enforce it

and there is nothing immoral about making refugees wait to be processed outside of our border, to be processed before coming in…especially during a global pandemic

just stop already…you are wrong on both counts
ah the Court said it was legal and in fact told the Xiden admin they had to enforce it

and there is nothing immoral about making refugees wait to be processed outside of our border, to be processed before coming in…especially during a global pandemic

just stop already…you are wrong on both counts

ChiComlady is a pathological liar.

She either makes shit up or repeats lies from the Fascist hate sites.

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