Biden Regime defying court order to reinstate "Stay In Mexico Policy".

It is clear that Biden and the Democrats do not care about America or our national security. The red states should unite and send all their national guards to Texas to help block the border invasion.
He's not worried about impeachment and the media never calls a particular political Party out, so what are they afraid of?

Turn on MSNBC or CNN and they will STILL be talking about Trump. Shouldn't they be concerned of the leadership and challenges facing America today?
Trump derangement was a huge cash cow for MSNBC and CNN. They know if they give it up they will go bankrupt . It’s all they have keeping them on air :)
Xi's man has repeatedly defied the courts and the United States Constitution. He does view himself as dictator.

What really angers me isn't that Quid Pro, a Nazi fuck, would do this, but that the Republicans haven't even bothered to push daily resolutions to impeach the criminal pile of shit. Quid Pro pissed on the Constitution when he violated the SCOTUS ruling on the eviction moratorium.

The Republicans are worthless slugs if they can't do their Constitutional duty and impeach this fucking scumbag.
Republicans never do shit. They rarely even call this crap out.
So why is Mexico requesting we reinstate it?
Could it be since Biden invited all the illegals to come to the US Mexico has been overrun by people from over 100 countries?
What abuse? You are so full of shit.....Biden did his son hooked up with some fat contracts and threatened the guy investigating to drop them or else.....that is ABUSE......Trump asked for dirt.....I know the Puritan democrats never do that.......but if asking for dirt by a politician is a crime and impeachable.....we can get rid of the entire Democrat Party as they did nothing for 4 years but look for dirt on Trump............fucking hypocrite.
What abuse??

I see Trump mind fucked you good.

Trying to get a foreign leader to look for dirt on a political rival is an abuse of power. That's what Trump did when he solicited Zelensky to investigate Biden.
What abuse??

I see Trump mind fucked you good.

Trying to get a foreign leader to look for dirt on a political rival is an abuse of power. That's what Trump did when he solicited Zelensky to investigate Biden.
Threatening another Countries Investigators that are looking into a company his son makes money with.........well color me are a tool and a moron........where have you been?
Why is the US interested in another countries investigation of corruption.......that's their business, not ours......
Threatening another Countries Investigators that are looking into a company his son makes money with.........well color me are a tool and a moron........where have you been?
Why is the US interested in another countries investigation of corruption.......that's their business, not ours......
Sadly, you've been mind fucked so bad, you probably really do believe Shokin, who spent two years shielding Zlochevsky from prosecution, was actively investigating Burisma Holdings.

Sadly, you've been mind fucked so bad, you probably really do believe Shokin, who spent two years shielding Zlochevsky from prosecution, was actively investigating Burisma Holdings.


WASHINGTON—Two Obama administration officials raised concerns to the White House in 2015 about Hunter Biden serving on the board of a Ukrainian natural-gas company while his father, then Vice President Joe Biden, led U.S. policy efforts toward the country, a Senate investigation by Republicans concluded.

Yep, why was Biden doing this......why not the ambassador.........

WASHINGTON—Two Obama administration officials raised concerns to the White House in 2015 about Hunter Biden serving on the board of a Ukrainian natural-gas company while his father, then Vice President Joe Biden, led U.S. policy efforts toward the country, a Senate investigation by Republicans concluded.

Yep, why was Biden doing this......why not the ambassador.........
Where does that state Shokin was actively investigating Burisma?
Where does that state Shokin was actively investigating Burisma?
Why were the Obama officials concerned?

Oh wait

On Friday, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, Ukraine's newly appointed chief prosecutor, told reporters his office will review all investigations shelved by his predecessors, including those involving Burisma and Zlochevsky. Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014.
What abuse??

I see Trump mind fucked you good.

Trying to get a foreign leader to look for dirt on a political rival is an abuse of power. That's what Trump did when he solicited Zelensky to investigate Biden.
Why is our country like this now? It has built up over many years. AOC is either a plant or a retard.
Wrong. Biden has a Constitutional duty to secure our borders. Defying a court order to do so is unconstitutional.
He did it once and no one stopped him. President Biden's extension of the eviction moratorium is unconstitutional and he knows it

Why wouldn't he do it again?

It goes without saying if Trump ignored SCOTUS and implied they should go pound sand by ignoring them, the left would go insane with frothing, teeth gnashing rage.

But This is Scranton Joe Biden. If he doesn't feel like stopping the tens of thousands of illegals at our border
he'll just continue to move large groups of them inland while giving the finger to the law and
his Constitutional duty.
Why were the Obama officials concerned?

Oh wait

On Friday, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, Ukraine's newly appointed chief prosecutor, told reporters his office will review all investigations shelved by his predecessors, including those involving Burisma and Zlochevsky. Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014.

You should read your articles before you post them. That one confirmed what I said and proved you wrong...

In fact, Burisma and its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, did not get any exceptional treatment. The prosecutor Biden singled out in 2016, Viktor Shokin, failed to make any high-level corruption convictions — as did Yuriy Lutsenko, his successor. At the time, Ukrainian anti-corruption activists and other Western governments joined Biden in his criticism of Shokin, and Ukrainian prosecutors have said there is no indication that Hunter Biden did anything wrong.
That would be Mexico's problem.
That was the deal Trump made with Mexico.... But they are filled to the rim with our refugees waiting to get in to our courts, who are snail walking. That's not Mexico's problem. We need to speed up the courts and move them through quicker...if we can.

Maybe they can add additional camps in Mexico? I think we are paying Mexico, to hold our asylum seekers?

You should read your articles before you post them. That one confirmed what I said and proved you wrong...

In fact, Burisma and its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, did not get any exceptional treatment. The prosecutor Biden singled out in 2016, Viktor Shokin, failed to make any high-level corruption convictions — as did Yuriy Lutsenko, his successor. At the time, Ukrainian anti-corruption activists and other Western governments joined Biden in his criticism of Shokin, and Ukrainian prosecutors have said there is no indication that Hunter Biden did anything wrong.
Yeah, he doesn't make a conviction when you get him FIRED!!!!!!!!!!! DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love that line.....that's like when Trump kicked out Accosta from the briefings and you lefties had a coniption......well Acosta isn't reporting today from the White House........Gee I wonder why??""?????
That was the deal Trump made with Mexico.... But they are filled to the rim with our refugees waiting to get in to our courts, who are snail walking. That's not Mexico's problem. We need to speed up the courts and move them through quicker...if we can.

Maybe they can add additional camps in Mexico? I think we are paying Mexico, to hold our asylum seekers?
Why is Mexico wanting the policy reinstated?
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Why were the Obama officials concerned?

Oh wait

On Friday, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, Ukraine's newly appointed chief prosecutor, told reporters his office will review all investigations shelved by his predecessors, including those involving Burisma and Zlochevsky. Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014.
Shokin didnt investigate didly squat. Not burisma, not anything.
see here:


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