Biden Regime defying court order to reinstate "Stay In Mexico Policy".

Shokin didnt investigate didly squat. Not burisma, not anything.
see here:

Shokin was appointed Prosecutor General of Ukraine on 10 February 2015
While visiting Kyiv in December 2015, then-U.S. Vice President Joe Biden
He wasn't even there for a year.........You guys investigated the Russian Hoax for 4 years......and didn't find shit.

Shokin claimed in May 2019 that he had been investigating Burisma Holdings.[33][42] This claim was supported by testimony Shokin provided on September 4, 2019 for an Austrian court.[43] Testifying in support of his prior claims of investigating Burisma Holdings, Shokin, in a sworn affidavit dated September 4, 2019[43] for a court in Austria, stated that "The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors.

The investigation into Burisma only pertained to events happening before[52] Joe Biden's son,

This is where you guys lie.......noone gives a fuck about Hunter Biden's role in the's about the Company going under and he lost his $50,000/month job which he was not qualified at all...he never even went to Ukraine....the guy had a job for $50,000 month and never physically saw his work place, Jesus you guys stupid.

Next thing you'll say is Joe Biden had nothing to do with his Son getting that job.
Why is our country like this now? It has built up over many years. AOC is either a plant or a retard.
AOC is the left's version of MTG.

Personally, I think we got here mostly due to fake news on the Internet, leading the two sides to distrust and attack each other.
Yeah, he doesn't make a conviction when you get him FIRED!!!!!!!!!!! DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love that line.....that's like when Trump kicked out Accosta from the briefings and you lefties had a coniption......well Acosta isn't reporting today from the White House........Gee I wonder why??""?????

Dumbfuck, he had 2 years on that case. And in the article YOU linked, it pointed out he hadn't prosecuted ANY high level cases. Zlochevsky was only prosecuted AFTER Shokin was sacked.

Still, he wasn't actively investigating Zlochevsky or Burisma when Biden had him removed. So your claim that Biden did that to protect the company where his son worked is absolute nonsense. Like I said, Trump mind fucked you good.

Shokin was appointed Prosecutor General of Ukraine on 10 February 2015
While visiting Kyiv in December 2015, then-U.S. Vice President Joe Biden
He wasn't even there for a year.........You guys investigated the Russian Hoax for 4 years......and didn't find shit.

Shokin claimed in May 2019 that he had been investigating Burisma Holdings.[33][42] This claim was supported by testimony Shokin provided on September 4, 2019 for an Austrian court.[43] Testifying in support of his prior claims of investigating Burisma Holdings, Shokin, in a sworn affidavit dated September 4, 2019[43] for a court in Austria, stated that "The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors.

The investigation into Burisma only pertained to events happening before[52] Joe Biden's son,

This is where you guys lie.......noone gives a fuck about Hunter Biden's role in the's about the Company going under and he lost his $50,000/month job which he was not qualified at all...he never even went to Ukraine....the guy had a job for $50,000 month and never physically saw his work place, Jesus you guys stupid.

Next thing you'll say is Joe Biden had nothing to do with his Son getting that job.
"You guys investigated the Russian Hoax for 4 years......and didn't find shit."

^^^ more lies.

"US guys" investigated that only until Comey was fired, which was about 10 months.
"You guys investigated the Russian Hoax for 4 years......and didn't find shit."

^^^ more lies.

"US guys" investigated that only until Comey was fired, which was about 10 months.
Ever heard the name Mueller, Dipshit?
"You guys investigated the Russian Hoax for 4 years......and didn't find shit."

^^^ more lies.

"US guys" investigated that only until Comey was fired, which was about 10 months.
What happened to Mueller? I thought he was "closing in", and the "walls were falling", and he was "going to put TRUMP! in prison" for sure.
Ever heard the name Mueller, Dipshit?

As always, you prove how retarded you are. Moron, "Mueller" was not "us guys," he was yours :eusa_doh:

Mueller was a Republican, appointed by a Republican who was filling in for a Republican Attorney General who recused himself, who was appointed by a Republican president.

And that investigation lasted only 2 years.

So no, my side did not investigate Trump collusion with Russia for 4 years.
What happened to Mueller? I thought he was "closing in", and the "walls were falling", and he was "going to put TRUMP! in prison" for sure.
Mueller determined Trump had not colluded or conspired with Russia; that's what happened.

Shokin was appointed Prosecutor General of Ukraine on 10 February 2015
While visiting Kyiv in December 2015, then-U.S. Vice President Joe Biden
He wasn't even there for a year.........You guys investigated the Russian Hoax for 4 years......and didn't find shit.

Shokin claimed in May 2019 that he had been investigating Burisma Holdings.[33][42] This claim was supported by testimony Shokin provided on September 4, 2019 for an Austrian court.[43] Testifying in support of his prior claims of investigating Burisma Holdings, Shokin, in a sworn affidavit dated September 4, 2019[43] for a court in Austria, stated that "The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors.

The investigation into Burisma only pertained to events happening before[52] Joe Biden's son,

This is where you guys lie.......noone gives a fuck about Hunter Biden's role in the's about the Company going under and he lost his $50,000/month job which he was not qualified at all...he never even went to Ukraine....the guy had a job for $50,000 month and never physically saw his work place, Jesus you guys stupid.

Next thing you'll say is Joe Biden had nothing to do with his Son getting that job.
yea, Ukraine opened an investigation from Shokin's testimony, and then...

They make money off it, would be my guess???
Possible or having to deal with thousands of migrants that stay in their country may not be appealing.
The whole asylum thing is a scam, you have Haitians from Brazil coming........Brazil is not persecuting's an excuse.

As always, you prove how retarded you are. Moron, "Mueller" was not "us guys," he was yours :eusa_doh:

Mueller was a Republican, appointed by a Republican who was filling in for a Republican Attorney General who recused himself, who was appointed by a Republican president.

And that investigation lasted only 2 years.

So no, my side did not investigate Trump collusion with Russia for 4 years.
And yet you clowns kept telling us for years "Just wait.............MUELLER!" Until he exonerated Trump of any Russian collusion. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
And yet you clowns kept telling us for years "Just wait.............MUELLER!" Until he exonerated Trump of any Russian collusion. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
So? "We" still didn't investigate it forv4 years. Which destroys buckeye45_73, bullshit claim, "You guys investigated the Russian Hoax for 4 years......and didn't find shit."
Mueller determined Trump had not colluded or conspired with Russia; that's what happened.
He concluded he didn't have enough indict. He had evidence, but not enough to establish a charge.
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He concluded he didn't have enough indict. He had evidence, but not enough to charge anyone.

In fact he had ZERO evidence of any involvement with the Russians.

You keep telling the same lies, they remain lies, and you remain a whackadoodle conspiracy theory spouting Nazi.

{The Office considered in particular whether contacts between Trump Campaign officials and Russia-linked individuals could trigger liability for the crime of conspiracy-either under statutes that have their own conspiracy language (e.g. , 18 U.S.C. §§ 1349, 195l(a)), or under the general conspiracy statute (18 U.S.C. § 371). The investigation did not establish that the contacts described in Volume I, Section IV, supra, amounted to an agreement to commit any substantive violation of federal criminal law- including foreign-fnfluence and campaign-finance laws, both of which are discussed further below. The Office therefore did not charge any individual associated with the Trump Campaign with conspiracy to commit a federal offense arising from Russia contacts, either under a specific statute or under Section 371 's offenses clause. The Office also did not charge any campaign official or associate with a conspiracy under Section 371 's defraud clause. That clause criminalizes participating in an agreement to obstruct a lawful function of the U.S. government or its agencies through deceitful or dishonest means. See Dennis v. United States, 384 U.S. 855, 861 (1966); Hammerschmidt v. United States, 265 U.S. 182, 188 (1924); see also United States v. Concord Mgmt. & Consulting LLC, 34 7 F. Supp. 3d 38, 46 (D.D.C.2018). The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officialsor between such officials and Russia-linked individuals-to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume I, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume I, Section II, supra. Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other U.S. person with conspiracy}
In fact he had ZERO evidence of any involvement with the Russians.

You keep telling the same lies, they remain lies, and you remain a whackadoodle conspiracy theory spouting Nazi.

{The Office considered in particular whether contacts between Trump Campaign officials and Russia-linked individuals could trigger liability for the crime of conspiracy-either under statutes that have their own conspiracy language (e.g. , 18 U.S.C. §§ 1349, 195l(a)), or under the general conspiracy statute (18 U.S.C. § 371). The investigation did not establish that the contacts described in Volume I, Section IV, supra, amounted to an agreement to commit any substantive violation of federal criminal law- including foreign-fnfluence and campaign-finance laws, both of which are discussed further below. The Office therefore did not charge any individual associated with the Trump Campaign with conspiracy to commit a federal offense arising from Russia contacts, either under a specific statute or under Section 371 's offenses clause. The Office also did not charge any campaign official or associate with a conspiracy under Section 371 's defraud clause. That clause criminalizes participating in an agreement to obstruct a lawful function of the U.S. government or its agencies through deceitful or dishonest means. See Dennis v. United States, 384 U.S. 855, 861 (1966); Hammerschmidt v. United States, 265 U.S. 182, 188 (1924); see also United States v. Concord Mgmt. & Consulting LLC, 34 7 F. Supp. 3d 38, 46 (D.D.C.2018). The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officialsor between such officials and Russia-linked individuals-to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume I, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume I, Section II, supra. Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other U.S. person with conspiracy}
He proved Manafort gave internal Trump polling and private data on the swing states to a Ukrainian Russian operative, but he could not establish, at the time, what that Russian operative did with that weekly data he was given by the Trump Campaign he could not charge the campaign manager with conspiracy....

Since then, (just a few weeks ago) they have established that the Ukrainian Russian Operative, passed off the inside campaign information to the Russian FSB, WHO WERE INTERFERING in our election....which was established.

The meeting with Russian operatives in Trump tower with Donny Jr, seeking to get help from the Russians in his fathers upcoming election and campaign... They couldn't establish what Donny Jr got....

There was plenty of colluding with Russians by the Trump campaign.... Over 165 contacts between the Russians who were interfering on Trump's behalf and the Trump campaign, but they just could not establish a conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt, at the time.
He concluded he didn't have enough indict. He had evidence, but not enough to charge anyone.
Mueller actually had this to say about it....

The former FBI director had said in his report he never reached a decision on whether Trump could or should be charged with obstruction because of the OLC guidance.

In Mueller's opening statement that came later before the House Intelligence Committee, the former special counsel said he wanted to "correct the record" on his exchange with Lieu.

"That's not the correct way to say it," Mueller said. "We did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime."
Republicans haven't even bothered to push daily resolutions to impeach the criminal pile of shit.
First, I agree with you, however, it would just be 5 mins. of useless daily theater if they did. Piglosi would just gavel it down and it would be democrat business as usual. The media would bill it as obstructionist and make hay out of it. Now if the house turns over in 22, that should be exactly what the right should do.

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