Biden reverses decision on border wall.

What is your opinion behind this?

  • It's a farce, plain old electioneering.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • It's genuine because Dem mayors and Governors are screaming about the invasion.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • It could be a bit of both.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Avocado salad dressing in a new squeeze bottle.

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
You support this wall being built, right?
I'm not sure where it is. I've supported a wall being built for a while. What I balked at was the contention that it was going to stop illegal immigration. And of course the lies you told and continue to tell about Mexico paying for it; the silly antics of the right wing loons like yourself who go out of their way to be as hyper confrontational as possible. You guys royally suck and you make it easy to hate your guts. Its no surprise that so many do.

Anyway, this was from 2015.

I am all for building a wall across both the northern and southern borders. In this day and age, you can make a bomb in your area and drive it into my area. While it's true you could still do that with border checkpoints, at least we have a chance to interdict the device. So I say build walls. But I hope everyone understands that as long as there has been walls, there have been ways to get around them. It will not end illegal immigration. You say you think folks miss the big issue...I think Trump supporters miss the big issue. It's bewildering that so many are being lead to believe that if you build this wall, that will stop anything. It will stop nothing; only limit the payload. Think of the wall as one of those turnstiles they used to have where you could walk into or out of a store but not take the shopping cart with you.
Well, it looks like we're getting close to an election cycle, so naturally, Democrats line up to demand border security. Don't be fooled; this is all a farce. As soon as the election is over, it will be back to business as usual.

Trump says Biden sees the country being 'invaded,' warns of 'terrorists' already inside the US​

DHS cites ‘immediate need’ to waive regulations, build border wall in Texas as illegal migration surges​

The "Terrorists",suck degrading BS,were invading before trump became Potus. Remember the tune, "Mexico will pay the wall!"
Yes, the Democratic leadership is worried that Americans are very upset about the open border.

Seeing African Americans protesting in Chicago, for example, has scared the Dem leaders.

So they have decided to get some publicity about how they are going to build a wall. Of course, their heart is not in it, so the flow of migrants will continue.

They are hoping that the coming four convictions of President Trump will make Americans forget about the border.

(Of course, President Biden had nothing to do with this wall decision. The big boys simply told him to support it. And he reluctantly obeyed.)
Well, it looks like we're getting close to an election cycle, so naturally, Democrats line up to demand border security. Don't be fooled; this is all a farce. As soon as the election is over, it will be back to business as usual.

Trump says Biden sees the country being 'invaded,' warns of 'terrorists' already inside the US​

DHS cites ‘immediate need’ to waive regulations, build border wall in Texas as illegal migration surges​

And just like that it's no longer racist


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