Biden says he will “never” accept “aggressive” Russia’s Ukraine annexation

What the fuck is talking about? He continues to stand with them against it? Senile old doddering idiot.
The nearly landlocked Russians wanted the port desperately and I wonder if we just sat back and let them take it.
The Russians have owned that port since the 1800’s.
Boris Nemstov was assassinated on this day by Putin in 2015 in Moscow. can Sleepy Joe end this madness?

All these tales about neo-Nazis in power strongly resemble Russian propaganda of 2014-2015 years. The members of Svoboda party were present in the first Yatseniuk's government, indeed. But afterwards, they lost all seats in the government as well as in the Ukrainian parliament.
They were under extreme pressure from the kleptocrats in the Obama administration.
Total fantasy. I ignored the rest. The most pressure he faced was from Putin and from his own citizens, who did not intend to elect a leader that would roll back Ukraine's clock 30 years and start its descent back to being a russian puppet state.

LOL, “kinda”? The Ukrainian President fled the country because he would had been killed by insurgent thugs.
Nonsense. He was never in personal danger. His country convulsed when he tried to steer Ukraine back to being a Soviet Bloc puppet state. Now, it may have eventually reached that state of affairs, but it wasn't there yet, when he fled. And the parliament voted him out of office. Basically, impeached.
All these tales about neo-Nazis in power strongly resemble Russian propaganda of 2014-2015 years. The members of Svoboda party were present in the first Yatseniuk's government, indeed. But afterwards, they lost all seats in the government as well as in the Ukrainian parliament.
That's the talking point used by people all over the spectrum to bash Biden: "Biden armed neonazis in Ukraine".

Completely untrue. In fact, the big criticism of the Obama administration was that they weren't sending deadly weapons to Ukraine to protect it from Russia. And we see our GOP dead-enders having it both ways: complained that Obama didn't send weapons, then also complain that Obama armed neonazis. They are incoherent talking points.
I'm not saying that I like how Russia moved into Crimea, but it's not like we would have had much local support had we tried to mount a counteroffensive.
A military solution is not the only one always available. We should do what we did do...sanction Russia and
make the land gobbling of Putin hurt and arm Ukraine to discourage further illegal incursions by a real
monster. Joe Biden however is no Trump and he is more amenable to Putin than people would like to
believe and like Joe's latest weak equivocations he intends on doing nothing to make Putin pay.
I remember the kenyan lawn jockey telling us he scolded the Russians and told them to "cut it out!!"....

The courage displayed by that dog-eating homo muzzie was awe-inspiring....
Somewhat better than sucking Putin off like tRump did though, as I'm sure you'll agree.
What exactly can be done in a situation like that? Crimea is predominantly ethnically Russian. Stalin made sure of that a long time ago. By the time that Russia occupied the area, they had already been somewhat autonomous in authority. The majority there already seemed to have more loyalty to Russia than to Ukraine.

It's similar to when we supported Kosovo's bid for independence. Over time, Kosovo became predominantly Albanian. It eventually reached the point that they wanted independence due to their difference in loyalties and culture from the rest of Serbia.

I'm not saying that I like how Russia moved into Crimea, but it's not like we would have had much local support had we tried to mount a counteroffensive.
I was never really sure about how the people in Crimea felt about it. There are lots of ethnic Russians who don't want to live under an autocratic system like Putin's. There was talk it wasn't an honest vote. The nearly landlocked Russians wanted the port desperately and I wonder if we just sat back and let them take it.

But it's just a question. I never trust the Russian version of events though.
I would agree that the vote had legitimate questions regarding accuracy and intimidation, but even before occupation, there were signs that the majority of people in Crimea didn't trust the Ukrainian government.

Crimea was very supportive of Yanukovych and there were protests for Crimea to secede from Ukraine shortly after he was ousted.
I'm not saying that I like how Russia moved into Crimea, but it's not like we would have had much local support had we tried to mount a counteroffensive.
A military solution is not the only one always available. We should do what we did do...sanction Russia and
make the land gobbling of Putin hurt and arm Ukraine to discourage further illegal incursions by a real
monster. Joe Biden however is no Trump and he is more amenable to Putin than people would like to
believe and like Joe's latest weak equivocations he intends on doing nothing to make Putin pay.
Perhaps, but I'd be more worried about Biden's dealings with Ukraine. Given what we found out regarding his son, it sounds like he's more likely to be compromised by Ukrainian corruption.

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