Biden says Russia likely to invade Ukraine

German generals in WW2 were taught at military school that invading Russia was a really bad idea and they knew how it would turn out. Hitler didn`t attend military school obviously.


While I sincerely doubt Biden would be dumb enough to put US troops in the Ukraine (outside of Air or Sea power--I oppose that too by the way)...I wouldn't be stunned if he did it. One good thing Trump did was not start any new wars; he did so because he didn't have the stomach to tell anyone bad news--not because there was some generalship going on--but the net result was no new wars. Net positive regardless of the reasons.
There was a report out of Ukraine today that the Soviets Russians had moved several field hospitals to their eastern border, a pretty strong sign of go time.

One such field hospital in 2020.



Yep. The Russians have a history of messing with the Ukraine. They took a millions of lives of Ukrainians in WWII when Russia was certain nobody was looking.
A little review of the occasion: Remember Stalin’s Gulag

Here's a map of potential entrance points as Russia goes after they destroyed Russia's breadbasket once before:



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No, not directly. Did not O talk Ukraine into giving up their nuclear arms in exchange for nato protection?


For me, the main reason is that Putin is using Ukraine to distract Russians from internal problems (high inflation, death from covid, corruption, etc.)

Souds very plausible if not an outright truth. Isn't that exactly what Joey Xi Bai Dung is doing to Americans? Fear mongering the go to tool of Democrats and Commies...

Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances​

It was signed in 1994

I don't expect Xiden however to live up to the agreement, he's Putin's puppet
From your link:

"The Budapest Memorandum was negotiated at political level, but it is not entirely clear whether the instrument is devoid entirely of legal provisions. It refers to assurances, but it does not impose a legal obligation of military assistance on its parties.[1][19]"

There is nothing to "live up to"....

But let me ask...would you want to send your son or daughter to fight Russians in Ukraine? A simple yes or no please.
I don't know what all involves NATO protection but Im pretty much an isolationist. We should have never been involved with ukraine.
Wow, an uncontrollable karom into sanity by a blob supporter.

Its not even in our own hemisphere but we did give our word for their protection.
No we didn't. We do have an agreement for assistance.
From your link:

"The Budapest Memorandum was negotiated at political level, but it is not entirely clear whether the instrument is devoid entirely of legal provisions. It refers to assurances, but it does not impose a legal obligation of military assistance on its parties.[1][19]"

There is nothing to "live up to"....

But let me ask...would you want to send your son or daughter to fight Russians in Ukraine? A simple yes or no please.
of course, yes.

You Just Can’t Make This Up…

Joe Biden Starts Spouting Off About Russia Invading Ukraine’s Sacred Border Again

16 Fen 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Border agents captured a record 178,840 illegal border crossers in December. This is more illegals than the previous three Decembers combined under President Trump.
In Joe Biden’s first year a record two million illegals were captured and released into the US interior.
This is an invasion. But the Biden regime is worried about Ukraine’s border being breached!
On Tuesday Joe Biden started spouting off about Russia invading Ukraine’s border.
For some reason Ukrainians deserve stable borders but Americans don’t under the uniparty.

After one year, America's citizens are being told that Ukraine's border is sacred, but America's borders are not.
Just like giving the Taliban $80 billion dollars of US military equipment was the right thing to do.
What next?
Will Biden let Chinese troops occupy the US?
Did the American people really vote and elect Joseph Robinette Biden to destroy America while he seeks to protect other nations?
Unfortunately, A majority of the America's voting population could not care less what the corrupt, senile tyrant does or says. On the international side, Biden is a source of amusement and sign of American decline.
Meanwhile, not only has the Biden-Harris administration allowed millions to illegals cross our border. They've gladly distributed them throughout the U.S. To add insult to this national injury, they have not addressed the ten-fold increase of narcotics crossing the same border that they refuse to control causing the deaths of more than 100,000 American deaths by narcotic overdoses of Fentanyl.
If anything, that dead dog Joe recently spoke about has been left on the doorstep of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and its stench is becoming overwhelming to the People.


Biden says Russia likely to invade Ukraine

19 Jan 2022 ~~ By Ivana Saric

President Biden addressed the brewing conflict between Russia and Ukraine during a press briefing Wednesday, saying of Russian President Vladimir Putin, "my guess is he will move in."
Biden said that Russia will be "held accountable if it invades" but added that "it depends on what it does."
"It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do, et cetera."
Biden's suggestion that there may not be devastating sanctions over a "minor incursion" by Russia is sure to spark alarm in Ukraine, where top officials have been pleading with the U.S. to impose sanctions now to avoid that very scenario.

Putin has so much blackmail on the Biden family with their millions of dollars in bribes laundered through Hunter amd James Biden to the Big Guy Dementia Patient.
Brandon Biden will do whatever Putin tells him to do.
While Mexico and its Cartels are currently invading the U.S. with nearly 2 million illegal aliens in the first 11 months of Joey's presidency. The possible invasion of the Ukraine has suddenly become "the Cause Celebre' of this 46th president while ignoring our own borders and those Islamic terrorists entering our country.
A little “Wag the Dog” to take attention off the most egregious failures of the REST of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie agenda. Being suddenly confronted with a new international crisis, it is no time to be criticizing our “Fearless (or “Feckless) Leader”. (Sarc)
Is history repeating itself again in less than 100 years? Has Joseph Robinette Biden become the reincarnation of Neville Chamberlain? Will we have another pseudo "Peace in Our Times", followed by another World War while our country falls around us?
Its amazing the lengths you go to to hate Biden.
Admit it. You're rooting for the communists and haven't the guts to say it.
How patriotic.

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