Biden Sells Our Oil

There's still a shortfall in production.

The only shortfall in the US is refining capacity.

When you are exporting production, because refining capacity can't handle what level of production you do have, it's not oil production that's the problem.

It's the same circular argument for the last 50 years.

The only solution is more refining capacity to handle the production you have capability for.

Enough Americans now understand that fact, so the oil companies, and their apologists are no longer winning that argument.

There is plenty of production. There is a shortfall of refined product.

Drill baby drill helps the oil companies. It does not help consumers at the pump.

All of the major auto makers have even grown tired of this scam, and is the reason why all of their production will be EV's by 2035.

Much to the chagrin of the oil companies and their apologists.
Joe is just doing what Master Xi has instructed. He is such a good little Chinese puppet, Master Xi is most pleased.
Either that or he's trying to soften the impact if Europe decides to go full sanctions on Putin oil. Problem is that it is a ridiculous effort that won't bring any positive results, other than screwing us over in his proxy war against Putin.
His policy to get out of Afghanistan.

Though he did fuck up the process, it was still the right thing to do
Nope it was the wrong thing to do, because we didn't win that war when we could have. Playing with countries like we've done has gotten million's killed over the year's.
Nope it was the wrong thing to do, because we didn't win that war when we could have. Playing with countries like we've done has gotten million's killed over the year's.

Nope, it was the right thing to do. 20 years, more than a trillion dollars and more than 4000 American service members lost is more than enough time.

Whether we left in 2010, 2020 or 2040 the end result would have been the same.

It was way past time to stop throwing away American money and lives on that shithole of a country
Nope, Trump did it because our oil companies were losing money and we could not have that happen. The price of il was too low.

By the way, if we actually had oil independence then the global price of oil would not impact our companies ...yet it always does....busting the myth of oil independence
We could be there with oil and gas in this county. But in order to do so we need to throw the globalist and you into Ocean so you can take your sorry ass to China where you belong.

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