Biden signs EO’s on immigration, climate change, and COVID

1. The wall is NOT GONE. Its finished at 420 miles instead of 516, but its working. You're welcome.
2. No deportation means fewer jobs and less pay. Way to go Joe!
3. Joe ended enhanced vetting. When will the next Allah Akbar event happen?
4. DACA is unconstitutional, period. See #2 above, fewer jobs for citizens.

1. Paris Accord, costs the US $trillions for nothing
2. Joe killed the Keystone XL Pipeline and the thousands of jobs with it, now we can buy ME oil, duh.

1. Joe is rejoining the lying WHO, duh
2. Wear masks, even though only N95 masks are effective, duh

ECONOMY- Both are okay, good job Joe

CENSUS: Joe wants to count Mexicans too? WTF?
There was 45 miles of new wall built according to the Blob's white house.
Mexico didn't pay for an inch of it.
On Biden's first day, he does NOTHING but fuck Americans right up the ass.


Remember that when bullets fly.

That he did. He want to unify the country yet his EO's tell a different story. There is a list on this board and man its a doozy.

The American tax payer better get ready for four years of misery with the Biden/Harris shit show.

I'm going to sit back and watch the lefty loons on this board defend that jack ass. And just think. The OP is the first.

Hope they enjoy cause I sure as hell will.
1. The wall is NOT GONE. Its finished at 420 miles instead of 516, but its working. You're welcome.
2. No deportation means fewer jobs and less pay. Way to go Joe!
3. Joe ended enhanced vetting. When will the next Allah Akbar event happen?
4. DACA is unconstitutional, period. See #2 above, fewer jobs for citizens.

1. Paris Accord, costs the US $trillions for nothing
2. Joe killed the Keystone XL Pipeline and the thousands of jobs with it, now we can buy ME oil, duh.

1. Joe is rejoining the lying WHO, duh
2. Wear masks, even though only N95 masks are effective, duh

ECONOMY- Both are okay, good job Joe

CENSUS: Joe wants to count Mexicans too? WTF?
There was 45 miles of new wall built according to the Blob's white house.
Mexico didn't pay for an inch of it.
1. Liar. No one in the WH said only 45 miles of new wall was built. Link please. About 420 miles of new wall was built replacing old ineffective wall:

2. Mexico could have paid for the wall if congress got off its fat ass and passed a "Remittance Tax" on all money sent out of the US. Maybe Xiden wants a quick $150b?
President Biden (gawd, that is a good thing to say for the soul) has signed and is signing no less than 17, SEVENTEEN, executive orders within the next hour, or so. Nine of them directly roll back some of the most damaging and embarrassing Trump directives.

Trump is gone, and Obamacare is still the law of the land. I've been waiting to say that for 4 years.
I hope you will need Obamacare one day very soon
Our President has a lot of work to do undoing the damage of the Trump era
On Biden's first day, he does NOTHING but fuck Americans right up the ass.


Remember that when bullets fly.

That he did. He want to unify the country yet his EO's tell a different story. There is a list on this board and man its a doozy.

The American tax payer better get ready for four years of misery with the Biden/Harris shit show.

I'm going to sit back and watch the lefty loons on this board defend that jack ass. And just think. The OP is the first.

Hope they enjoy cause I sure as hell will.
How were the EO’s a representation of division?
On Biden's first day, he does NOTHING but fuck Americans right up the ass.


Remember that when bullets fly.

That he did. He want to unify the country yet his EO's tell a different story. There is a list on this board and man its a doozy.

The American tax payer better get ready for four years of misery with the Biden/Harris shit show.

I'm going to sit back and watch the lefty loons on this board defend that jack ass. And just think. The OP is the first.

Hope they enjoy cause I sure as hell will.
How were the EO’s a representation of division?

They sure weren't unifiers.
Pres. Biden is off to a very good start. He was right to reverse those Trump EOs.

Leadership at last.
It looks like President Joe benefitted by not having a credible opponent. The time saved was spent forming a strategy that will save millions of Americans.

Leadership at last.
It looks like President Joe benefitted by not having a credible opponent. The time saved was spent forming a strategy that will save millions of Americans.

The "Book" for Pandemics is going to be followed now, a year too late. We are getting ready to see what our Grands did to stop the Spanish Flu in it's tracks after it was allowed to get out of control. The Adults are in charge now, children.

Leadership at last.
It looks like President Joe benefitted by not having a credible opponent. The time saved was spent forming a strategy that will save millions of Americans.
President Trump already delivered the vaccine. Xiden is going to ride his coattails as much as possible and try to take credit for it.

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