Biden stares into space after speech

Rescued by wife.

Time for the media to recognize....'the emperor has no clothes'

Plain Ol' Johnny Graz on Twitter
Have you been watching Fat Donnie at the daily talks on TV? Watch him when he walks away. He has his head down because he knows all he can do is disrupt any semblance of a 3rd rate group of his own picking. It is his own demise. He sucks and should stay away. It's not a fucking rally.
Rescued by wife.

Time for the media to recognize....'the emperor has no clothes'

Plain Ol' Johnny Graz on Twitter

Jill wants it a lot more than Plugs. She's giving stage directions...."joe......JOE!!!"

and that's at his fucking house! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

He'll be in shock collar soon.

It's actually very sad. Only the Leftists in this nation are actually heartless enough to put an old man CLEARLY suffering from dementia up there and expect him to perform.
Biden is obviously failing mentally. He needs to go to the home, rest and self quarantine. Then he needs to stay there, and RETIRE for his good and ours.
It's actually very sad. Only the Leftists in this nation are actually heartless enough to put an old man CLEARLY suffering from dementia up there and expect him to perform.
Only someone whose life was turned upside down on Super(black) Tuesday would turn to childish insults. Burisma and Joe`s alleged quid pro quo died on them and this is all they have left. Wait until they find out that Biden`s dog crapped in the neighbor`s yard. :)
After she wakes him up he still stands there staring around like he doesn't know where he is..
How compassionate was it to shove everyone aside for Biden?

There's no way he's the nominee!

Soros and the ChiComs will make him drop out and have Hillary or Diane Feinstein as their nominee
It's actually very sad. Only the Leftists in this nation are actually heartless enough to put an old man CLEARLY suffering from dementia up there and expect him to perform.

Kinda like how Trump looks when he's standing to the side of one of the daily virus press conference briefings. The camera pans in close enough to see the stark contrast between his orange dusted face and the absolute lily white area around his eyes. It's distracting. He just stares straight ahead like a zombie.

Seriously, if this is your guy and you're going all in on him after the debacle of the last few weeks, I'll take the guy that the righties want to make fake videos about.

I can't wait for November.
You do realize his lack of mental facilities is exactly why he relates so well with the Democratic Party base, right? They can identify with him completely and he seems perfectly normal to them.
It's actually very sad. Only the Leftists in this nation are actually heartless enough to put an old man CLEARLY suffering from dementia up there and expect him to perform.

They'll toss him aside and present Michelle, Hillary or DiFi as their real candidate
It's actually very sad. Only the Leftists in this nation are actually heartless enough to put an old man CLEARLY suffering from dementia up there and expect him to perform.

It's all about who gets the VP choice. He's going to appoint someone no one wants to vote for if they were running for Prez, and then if he wins he will resign and the VP will take over. Whoever bribes his kid with the most bucks wins the VP slot and ends up in the White House. There's a reason he went to Red China with his doper son in tow.
It's actually very sad. Only the Leftists in this nation are actually heartless enough to put an old man CLEARLY suffering from dementia up there and expect him to perform.

They'll toss him aside and present Michelle, Hillary or DiFi as their real candidate

My first guess is Michelle. DiFi is way too old. Hillary could be an option but she will lose easily, and I think they know she will lose.

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