Biden succeeds on the same issues Trump couldn’t (listed)

Funny how you say that while you're hiding from me to back up the lie that Trump told people to drink bleach. You're a Democrat propagandist and a liar and obviously a total hypocrite
Already debunked your bs bitch. Try again loser.
Can Trump supporters explain why he failed miserably yet Biden is succeeding? Was Trump lying about wanting to address these issues or did he just not have the experience and patience needed to get the job done?

“Trump tried and failed to deliver an infrastructure package, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to advance legislation to address gun violence, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump said he’d use Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to deliver record job growth, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump even endorsed penalties for stock buybacks, while Biden succeeded on the issue.”

Biden succeeds again on an issue where Trump tried and failed
Biden "succeeded" in running up the cost of gas at the pump, creating a recession, creating massive inflation, allowing million of Illegals to flood across the border and fucking up the withdrawal from Afghanistan, just to name a few.

Of course his biggest "success" is being so incompentent so much that the Democrats will be kicked out of Congress in the mid terms and it will be decades before America elected another worthless incompetent Leftet Democrat as President.
Biden has nothing to do with gas prices you grotesque ignoramus; Why Blaming Joe Biden for High Gas Prices Is Completely and Utterly Absurd
And the D Party expanded it.
If they had expanded it, they would have voted with the Republicans when they voted themselves a $2 trillion dollar tax cut that ballooned the deficit. They didn't.
Spin what? 2020 was horseshit. I don’t want anything like that ever again.

Even before then, we had escalating instances of violence. People running protestors over. Shootings at demonstrations. No one had any idea what the government was actually doing. Kids being separated from parents at the border.

One would have to be a moron to consider gas prices as the only relevant factor. The country’s health is suffering on so many levels
Are we in a time in history when mostly left wingers think a spending spree during a time of inflation is a success story while the Country is falling apart?
And your quote is???

Showing a video that shows what we all heard and you lied about doesn't establish anything. Quote Trump. That means write it down verbatim with quote marks. You can't because you are a lying bitch
You can't see and hear what Trump said? Are you blind, deaf, and dumb?
Are we in a time in history when mostly left wingers think a spending spree during a time of inflation is a success story while the Country is falling apart?
Falling apart is on the Right? No one forced them to try and destroy Democracy for no good reason.
Not at all. Where did this rich class take root; View attachment 685015

You're so stupid you crack me up.

You responded to my post with a non-sequitur. When I mocked you for it, you addressed your tangent still not grasping or addressing the point I made and you responded to.

I like you, you're funny
Already debunked your bs bitch. Try again loser.

You gave a link that says you are wrong. That's why you're still hiding from providing the quote. He didn't say that. Democrats all do the dodge you did when they lie like you lied. They give a link claiming it shows they are right when like yours, it proved you wrong to anyone who watches it who isn't a moron like you are

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