Biden succeeds on the same issues Trump couldn’t (listed)

I miss sub-$3 gas. Do you?
I miss small grocery bills. Do you?
I miss a world at peace. Do you?
I miss a coherent mind at the helm. Do you?
War machine keeps growing.
Wars continue unabated.
Corporatism rules the day.
No HC for Americans.
No college tuition for Americans.
Homelessness continues unabated.
Tax benefits for corporations and billionaires continues unabated.
Police state continues unabated.
Influx of illegal immigrants continues unabated.
I already did. Unless you believe Biden hit the 3.4 billion odds. The other is the fact that Trump won 18 of 19 bellwether counties nationwide and still 'lost'. Also miniscule odds.

So let's hear your explanation of this magic.

You won't offer any, because you can't. And neither could the leftwing or its media. That's why they banned any discussion of the stolen election results and were instructed to preface any reference to it with adjectives like "false" or "unproven".
Name the bellwether counties.
I already did. Unless you believe Biden hit the 3.4 billion odds. The other is the fact that Trump won 18 of 19 bellwether counties nationwide and still 'lost'. Also miniscule odds.

So let's hear your explanation of this magic.

You won't offer any, because you can't. And neither could the leftwing or its media. That's why they banned any discussion of the stolen election results and were instructed to preface any reference to it with adjectives like "false" or "unproven".
So you have no proof of massive voter fraud, correct?
War machine keeps growing.
Wars continue unabated.
The world was much more peaceful with a real leader at the helm.
Corporatism rules the day.
Money runs shit. That's nothing new.
No HC for Americans.
No college tuition for Americans.
Homelessness continues unabated.
It's not the government's job to subsidize free adults.
Tax benefits for corporations and billionaires continues unabated.
Lower taxes are a good thing, regardless of who receives them.
Police state continues unabated.
Influx of illegal immigrants continues unabated.
You prefer the levels under Biden?
  • Thanks
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Can Trump supporters explain why he failed miserably yet Biden is succeeding? Was Trump lying about wanting to address these issues or did he just not have the experience and patience needed to get the job done?

“Trump tried and failed to deliver an infrastructure package, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to advance legislation to address gun violence, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump said he’d use Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to deliver record job growth, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump even endorsed penalties for stock buybacks, while Biden succeeded on the issue.”

Biden succeeds again on an issue where Trump tried and failed

View attachment 684458

You can spin all you want, but the country was fine under Trump and Biden has been a disaster. But if you want to look at Godzilla destroying Tokyo and just admire his dentures, you are certainly free to do that. Oh yeah, you did ...
All your cheerleading aside, Biden is a disaster and Trump, while not being perfect, was a far better man for the job. I know it, you know it, and the world knows it.
Ok. So list me out the legislation he marshaled through congress. I listed Biden’s in the OP. Here are Trumps failures. He did nothing except make people who felt powerless feel powerful and then they tried to overthrow the election. They are powerless cuz they 1) are stupid 2) have terrible ideas 3)are way to fool.

Here are Trumps failures

  • Repeal and replace (legislation)
  • Simplify taxes (legislation)
  • End immigration aka Build a wall (legislation)
  • Infrastructure (legislation)
  • Stop Offshoring Act (legislation)
  • School choice act (legislation)
  • Affordable childcare and elderly act (legislation)
  • Community safety act (legislation)
  • Ethics and lobbying reform (legislation)
  • Family leave act (legislation)
Can Trump supporters explain why he failed miserably yet Biden is succeeding? Was Trump lying about wanting to address these issues or did he just not have the experience and patience needed to get the job done?

“Trump tried and failed to deliver an infrastructure package, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to advance legislation to address gun violence, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump said he’d use Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to deliver record job growth, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump even endorsed penalties for stock buybacks, while Biden succeeded on the issue.”

Biden succeeds again on an issue where Trump tried and failed

View attachment 684458

Biden got Mexico to pay for the wall

So you have no proof of massive voter fraud, correct?

I do, I asked Hillary how to get it since she had proof of voter fraud when she said for four years the election was stolen from her. I also asked Nancy Pelosi how she got the proof that Trump was owned by Russia since she said that through his four year term and she explained it to me. I have a call in asking her how she got it wrong since that turned out to be disinformation. She hasn't called me back yet. She will, I am in fact holding my breath.

Oh wait ... they didn't ... and you didn't care ...

Typical Democrat hypocritical liar
Lefties have to be aware that Trump had to deal with a hostile democrat majority in congress, a hostile media and even a hostile FBI and CIA. It's relatively easy for Biden to throw money at a problem but how is the "infrastructure" actually doing? Foreign policy is a mess, domestic security is laughable, stores are looted and the crime rate is so high that businesses are leaving democrat controlled cities. Parents who take an interest in their kids education are labeled "terrorists" and drugs, brought across the border by millions of illegal aliens, are killing American kids. Inflation is steadily rising despite the bill that democrats laughably called "the inflation fighter".
You can spin all you want, but the country was fine under Trump and Biden has been a disaster. But if you want to look at Godzilla destroying Tokyo and just admire his dentures, you are certainly free to do that. Oh yeah, you did ...
We were locked in our houses with Trump telling people to drink Clorox and shove light bulbs up their asses. That’s a bit of an exaggeration but close. Unemployment was high. GDP was crashed. It was a disaster. Biden is picking up the pieces. You give Trump a break for breaking it and think Biden is to blame for not fixing everything on day one. We are 1 1/2 year into Biden and he has put through historic legislation that helps you even if you don’t want it cuz “team red” didn’t do it. Employment is GREAT. Economy is coughing but heeling. Everything is trending well except sickos who hate America but loves fucking MaroLaga. Kill me.
We were locked in our houses with Trump telling people to drink Clorox

I stopped at your first lie. Which was in your first sentence. Trump never said that, ever, you are a liar. He was talking about medical research, you stupid lying fuck
We were locked in our houses with Trump telling people to drink Clorox and shove light bulbs up their asses. That’s a bit of an exaggeration but close. Unemployment was high. GDP was crashed. It was a disaster. Biden is picking up the pieces. You give Trump a break for breaking it and think Biden is to blame for not fixing everything on day one. We are 1 1/2 year into Biden and he has put through historic legislation that helps you even if you don’t want it cuz “team red” didn’t do it. Employment is GREAT. Economy is coughing but heeling. Everything is trending well except sickos who hate America but loves fucking MaroLaga. Kill me.

Oh, and lying fuck, Trump didn't cause covid. You are just a liar and a propagandist
Ok. So list me out the legislation he marshaled through congress. I listed Biden’s in the OP. Here are Trumps failures. He did nothing except make people who felt powerless feel powerful and then they tried to overthrow the election. They are powerless cuz they 1) are stupid 2) have terrible ideas 3)are way to fool.

Here are Trumps failures

  • Repeal and replace (legislation)
  • Simplify taxes (legislation)
  • End immigration aka Build a wall (legislation)
  • Infrastructure (legislation)
  • Stop Offshoring Act (legislation)
  • School choice act (legislation)
  • Affordable childcare and elderly act (legislation)
  • Community safety act (legislation)
  • Ethics and lobbying reform (legislation)
  • Family leave act (legislation)
Your spin-cycle lists don't mean shit.
Biden is a senile disaster.
I know it, you know it, and the world knows it.
I stopped at your first lie. Which was in your first sentence. Trump never said that, ever, you are a liar. He was talking about medical research, you stupid lying fuck
He's on video saying it. You're the fucking liar ass hole.
Biden has fulfilled more of Trump's campaign promises than Trump did.
Old news. Dems have been cleaning up since. Prepare your passport so you can leave the country when the blue wave takes over the senate and a red wave limps into the house.. barely. Try Colombia.
Trump's only concern was/is keeping the base happy. Speaking to them, exclusively, in their language, 24/7/365. That's it. Period.

He's a salesman, and he knew that as long as MAGA media was with him, he was fine. Until he was shellacked by 'ol Joe, of course.


U.S. under Biden & Democrat-led Congress:

✅ Passed biggest military budget in history of $840 billion/year

✅ Passed a fake Climate Bill that expands fossil fuels

✅ Provoking war with China & Russia

The party is a well-oiled propaganda machine for capitalism & imperialism.
So, if these were issues that you libs supported, then the only reason you wouldn’t vote for them before was Trump? What a bunch of petty children you libs are…

Or, was it because even though you say so, Trumps efforts didn’t have the America destroying provisions in with them?
But there were none. Libs didn't support tax cuts going to the wealthy that did shit for us.
He's on video saying it. You're the fucking liar ass hole.

Note you don't have a link to that claim. Provide the video that says people should take it, liar. Obviously you can't.

The Democrat Party is now the party of the rich. They manipulate fools like you both in that you believe their propaganda while you gurgle propaganda on their behalf. I'd say it's sad if you were only hurting yourself with your brainless bull

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