Biden succeeds on the same issues Trump couldn’t (listed)

Biden has fulfilled more of Trump's campaign promises than Trump did.
Old news. Dems have been cleaning up since. Prepare your passport so you can leave the country when the blue wave takes over the senate and a red wave limps into the house.. barely. Try Colombia.
Trump's only concern was/is keeping the base happy. Speaking to them, exclusively, in their language, 24/7/365. That's it. Period.

He's a salesman, and he knew that as long as MAGA media was with him, he was fine. Until he was shellacked by 'ol Joe, of course.
Democrats don’t believe in democracy when they sue to kick third parties off ballots and suppress voters from having a real choice on election day. They believe in oligarchy.

So stop being bamboozled by this corrupt anti-democratic party that fights against the progress we need.

Have I made any progress? Or are you guys like Trumpers, immune to the truth?
The definition of failure rears it’s ugly head again. His majority was larger than Biden’s yet Biden is killing it.
The definition of obstruction does. America has become what overseas nations do. Only we have not had the mass warfare on our territory....yet. We waste so much and have wasted much over the years. We will learn that we were foolish to do that at some point. I know who I want killed. And that will not change at this point.
In our system, if you don't vote for either of the major political parties, you are essentially throwing away your vote. I imagine many of the votes for Biden were votes against your blob. Mine was actually for Biden. I liked professional politicians before your blob oozed into the White House. After 4 years of an amateur at the helm, I think many now agree that politics is a profession best left to the professionals.

I challenge you to prove there was sizable voter fraud. You can't. You won't.

I already did. Unless you believe Biden hit the 3.4 billion odds. The other is the fact that Trump won 18 of 19 bellwether counties nationwide and still 'lost'. Also miniscule odds.

So let's hear your explanation of this magic.

You won't offer any, because you can't. And neither could the leftwing or its media. That's why they banned any discussion of the stolen election results and were instructed to preface any reference to it with adjectives like "false" or "unproven".
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I can not believe that you post as if you don't remember anything preceding 2020, unless of course it is in attack of Trump..

You full well know I am not going to spend the bulk of my Saturday chronologing the entirety of the Congress from 2016 to 2020 and beyond just to have you either ignore that body of work, or dismiss it with an insult...

If you can't be adult enough to even admit that we have never seen the kind of attack that Trump had to put up with during his 4 years as President, then we really don't have anything to talk about.
So you know but just won’t say?
Got it.
Can Trump supporters explain why he failed miserably yet Biden is succeeding? Was Trump lying about wanting to address these issues or did he just not have the experience and patience needed to get the job done?

“Trump tried and failed to deliver an infrastructure package, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to advance legislation to address gun violence, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump said he’d use Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to deliver record job growth, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump even endorsed penalties for stock buybacks, while Biden succeeded on the issue.”

Biden succeeds again on an issue where Trump tried and failed

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He sounds awesome!

Be sure to run him again in 2024 . . .
Democrats pass bills that are written by corporate lobbyists & then falsely claim these bills are a “win” for the people.

Please wake up. You guys are mimincing Trumpers with your delusional support of dumb old Joe.
What are you an anarchist? Everyone everywhere sucks isn’t particularly helpful. What in the world could you have against a bipartisan infrastructure bill or a bill that lets Medicare negotiate prices which is decades late?
Democrats don’t believe in democracy when they sue to kick third parties off ballots and suppress voters from having a real choice on election day. They believe in oligarchy
What in the world are you talking about? Democrats work for increased access. They do take advantage of the bad rules in place to offset republicans … it’s not like there are no democratic gerrymandered areas but Dems would support a law against gerrymandering in a heartbeat.

What exactly is your gripe?
So you know but just won’t say?
Got it.
No, just take a look at your reactions to what I post...Your laughing it off...And you ask a good question, but I am not going to waste the time to dig deeper into it with you because I do not believe you are a serious enough person for me to waste my time with homework on....Is that clear enough for you?
What are you an anarchist? Everyone everywhere sucks isn’t particularly helpful. What in the world could you have against a bipartisan infrastructure bill or a bill that lets Medicare negotiate prices which is decades late?
When something sucks, it sucks.

Too bad you are exactly like a Trumper, but don’t know it.
No, just take a look at your reactions to what I post...Your laughing it off...And you ask a good question, but I am not going to waste the time to dig deeper into it with you because I do not believe you are a serious enough person for me to waste my time with homework on....Is that clear enough for you?
I’m laughing at your sad deflections.
What in the world are you talking about? Democrats work for increased access. They do take advantage of the bad rules in place to offset republicans … it’s not like there are no democratic gerrymandered areas but Dems would support a law against gerrymandering in a heartbeat.

What exactly is your gripe?
No doubt you agree with the following statement, but only if dumb Don is potus. No doubt you disagree, now that dumb old Joe is potus. Proving me right about you.

There is a disturbing trend where the politicians (both Democrat and Republican) who sold out our communities at every turn are criminalizing homelessness instead of providing public housing & healthcare. They’re criminalizing the problems that their corporatist policies created.
Can Trump supporters explain why he failed miserably yet Biden is succeeding? Was Trump lying about wanting to address these issues or did he just not have the experience and patience needed to get the job done?

“Trump tried and failed to deliver an infrastructure package, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to advance legislation to address gun violence, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump said he’d use Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to deliver record job growth, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump even endorsed penalties for stock buybacks, while Biden succeeded on the issue.”

Biden succeeds again on an issue where Trump tried and failed

View attachment 684458
All your cheerleading aside, Biden is a disaster and Trump, while not being perfect, was a far better man for the job. I know it, you know it, and the world knows it.
All your cheerleading aside, Biden is a disaster and Trump, while not being perfect, was a far better man for the job. I know it, you know it, and the world knows it.
Anyone who lived through 2020 isn’t wishing for it back anytime soon.

Trump was an ineffectual leader and accomplished little other than running news cycles.
All your cheerleading aside, Biden is a disaster and Trump, while not being perfect, was a far better man for the job. I know it, you know it, and the world knows it.
I don’t know it. I think they both suck in almost exactly the same way.
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No doubt you agree with the following statement, but only if dumb Don is potus. No doubt you disagree, now that dumb old Joe is potus. Proving me right about you.

There is a disturbing trend where the politicians (both Democrat and Republican) who sold out our communities at every turn are criminalizing homelessness instead of providing public housing & healthcare. They’re criminalizing the problems that their corporatist policies created.
I would love to see you go into depth and explain how a world without corporations, and government giveaways would work out for the US....I'd wager it sounds a whole lot like communism.
I don’t know it. I think they both suck in always exactly the same way.
I miss sub-$3 gas. Do you?
I miss small grocery bills. Do you?
I miss a world at peace. Do you?
I miss a coherent mind at the helm. Do you?
I would love to see you go into depth and explain how a world without corporations, and government giveaways would work out for the US....I'd wager it sounds a whole lot like communism.
Lol. Where have I stated I want a world without corporations and government programs?

Why have you jumped to ridiculous conclusions?

Oh COMMUNISM!!! Not the dumb con bogie word. Hide under your bed!
Can Trump supporters explain why he failed miserably yet Biden is succeeding? Was Trump lying about wanting to address these issues or did he just not have the experience and patience needed to get the job done?

“Trump tried and failed to deliver an infrastructure package, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to advance legislation to address gun violence, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump said he’d use Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to deliver record job growth, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump even endorsed penalties for stock buybacks, while Biden succeeded on the issue.”

Biden succeeds again on an issue where Trump tried and failed

View attachment 684458

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