Biden succeeds on the same issues Trump couldn’t (listed)


My wife is going to NYC this weekend to see some boy band numbskull sing (Harry Styles?). I was there for work a few weeks ago. Still great. Charlotte is where I live. Still great.
/——/ I worked daily in Manhattan and boroughs since 1971. It’s not as safe as it used to be. democrats ruined it and it’s no longer safe. Stay out of the subways.
So explain the 81 million votes for the worst candidate of the past 100 years who campaigned from his basement. You can't do it.
In our system, if you don't vote for either of the major political parties, you are essentially throwing away your vote. I imagine many of the votes for Biden were votes against your blob. Mine was actually for Biden. I liked professional politicians before your blob oozed into the White House. After 4 years of an amateur at the helm, I think many now agree that politics is a profession best left to the professionals.
I challenge anyone in the room to explain this alleged vote total which was six standard deviations over mathematical expectation. Odds: 1 in 3.4 billion.
I challenge you to prove there was sizable voter fraud. You can't. You won't.
I challenge anyone.
/——/ I worked daily in Manhattan and boroughs since 1971. It’s not as safe as it used to be. democrats ruined it and it’s no longer safe. Stay out of the subways.
I proved Biden has passed transformative legislation and Trump just told you he was doing a good job. POST ANY TRUMP LEGISLATION. ANY. ANY AT ALL.
/——-/ A president doesn’t pass legislation, Congress does. Please learn how our government works. It’s a shame public schools no longer teach civics.
In our system, if you don't vote for either of the major political parties, you are essentially throwing away your vote. I imagine many of the votes for Biden were votes against your blob. Mine was actually for Biden. I liked professional politicians before your blob oozed into the White House. After 4 years of an amateur at the helm, I think many now agree that politics is a profession best left to the professionals.

I challenge you to prove there was sizable voter fraud. You can't. You won't.

/———/ “ I liked professional politicians before your blob oozed into the White House.”
Just wondering is you voted for Obama who was promoted as an outsider with only minimal political experience.
Here’s the score card of your experienced politician you actually voted for. Nothing is built, nothing is back and nothing is better.
“Running shit is easy. “

/——/ How are we seeing progress on gas prices when Libtards lectured us for two years it’s all controlled by supply and demand? High gas prices were caused by a booming economy, so lower prices are caused by a worsening economy?
/——-/ A president doesn’t pass legislation, Congress does. Please learn how our government works. It’s a shame public schools no longer teach civics.
You’d give that fat dude a pass at everything. Here was his platform of legislation he promised:

  • Repeal and replace (legislation)
  • Simplify taxes (legislation)
  • End immigration aka Build a wall (legislation)
  • Infrastructure (legislation)
  • Stop Offshoring Act (legislation)
  • School choice act (legislation)
  • Affordable childcare and elderly act (legislation)
  • Community safety act (legislation)
  • Ethics and lobbying reform (legislation)
  • Family leave act (legislation)

He didn’t do any of it. None. Family leave he passed a bill that allows people to borrow from their future but not a real family leave. Wall he couldn’t pass so he stole from the military budget. Nothing else was close.

Have some pride and learn before you talk. You’d be a democrat if you took time to educate yourself.
You’d give that fat dude a pass at everything. Here was his platform of legislation he promised:

  • Repeal and replace (legislation)
  • Simplify taxes (legislation)
  • End immigration aka Build a wall (legislation)
  • Infrastructure (legislation)
  • Stop Offshoring Act (legislation)
  • School choice act (legislation)
  • Affordable childcare and elderly act (legislation)
  • Community safety act (legislation)
  • Ethics and lobbying reform (legislation)
  • Family leave act (legislation)

He didn’t do any of it. None. Family leave he passed a bill that allows people to borrow from their future but not a real family leave. Wall he couldn’t pass so he stole from the military budget. Nothing else was close.

Have some pride and learn before you talk. You’d be a democrat if you took time to educate yourself.
Trump was stopped by the obstructionist democrats. Partisan bullshit.
Trump didn’t do any of it plus all the baggage. Why you you vote for a loser do nothing?
This was all legislation right? Having congressional majority for youre party hEpps Presidents get ”things done”. Having one that won’t send anything to your desk makes it exceedingly difficult.
This was all legislation right? Having congressional majority for youre party hEpps Presidents get ”things done”. Having one that won’t send anything to your desk makes it exceedingly difficult.
Trump had a larger majority than Biden has. He had both Houses.
Can Trump supporters explain why he failed miserably yet Biden is succeeding? Was Trump lying about wanting to address these issues or did he just not have the experience and patience needed to get the job done?

“Trump tried and failed to deliver an infrastructure package, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to advance legislation to address gun violence, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump said he’d use Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to deliver record job growth, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump even endorsed penalties for stock buybacks, while Biden succeeded on the issue.”

Biden succeeds again on an issue where Trump tried and failed

View attachment 684458
You and Trumpers have much in common. For one thing, you like to believe in fairy tales.
You’d give that fat dude a pass at everything. Here was his platform of legislation he promised:

  • Repeal and replace (legislation)
  • Simplify taxes (legislation)
  • End immigration aka Build a wall (legislation)
  • Infrastructure (legislation)
  • Stop Offshoring Act (legislation)
  • School choice act (legislation)
  • Affordable childcare and elderly act (legislation)
  • Community safety act (legislation)
  • Ethics and lobbying reform (legislation)
  • Family leave act (legislation)

He didn’t do any of it. None. Family leave he passed a bill that allows people to borrow from their future but not a real family leave. Wall he couldn’t pass so he stole from the military budget. Nothing else was close.

Have some pride and learn before you talk. You’d be a democrat if you took time to educate yourself.
/----/ Becuase he can't do any of that. It's all up tp Congress. GEEEEEZE are you playing stupiud just to get attention?
I see the expression the president supposes, and Congress imposes - is lost on you.
The Constitution explicitly assigns the president the power to sign or veto legislation, command the armed forces, ask for the written opinion of their Cabinet, convene or adjourn Congress, grant reprieves and pardons, and receive ambassadors. The president shall take care that the laws are faithfully executed and the president has the power to appoint and remove executive officers. The president may make treaties, which need to be ratified by two-thirds of the Senate, and is accorded those foreign-affairs functions not otherwise granted to Congress or shared with the Senate. Thus, the president can control the formation and communication of foreign policy and can direct the nation's diplomatic corps. The president may also appoint Article III judges and some officers with the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate. In the condition of a Senate recess, the president may make a temporary appointment.
/----/ Becuase he can't do any of that. It's all up tp Congress. GEEEEEZE are you playing stupiud just to get attention?
I see the expression the president supposes, and Congress imposes - is lost on you.
The Constitution explicitly assigns the president the power to sign or veto legislation, command the armed forces, ask for the written opinion of their Cabinet, convene or adjourn Congress, grant reprieves and pardons, and receive ambassadors. The president shall take care that the laws are faithfully executed and the president has the power to appoint and remove executive officers. The president may make treaties, which need to be ratified by two-thirds of the Senate, and is accorded those foreign-affairs functions not otherwise granted to Congress or shared with the Senate. Thus, the president can control the formation and communication of foreign policy and can direct the nation's diplomatic corps. The president may also appoint Article III judges and some officers with the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate. In the condition of a Senate recess, the president may make a temporary appointment.
Definition of failure. I give you props for not saying he was successful but you lose points by blaming it on others. Biden has less party support in congress than Trump had and still is killing it. Trump failed.
Biden has fulfilled more of Trump's campaign promises than Trump did.
Old news. Dems have been cleaning up since. Prepare your passport so you can leave the country when the blue wave takes over the senate and a red wave limps into the house.. barely. Try Colombia.
Trump's only concern was/is keeping the base happy. Speaking to them, exclusively, in their language, 24/7/365. That's it. Period.

He's a salesman, and he knew that as long as MAGA media was with him, he was fine. Until he was shellacked by 'ol Joe, of course.

Democrats pass bills that are written by corporate lobbyists & then falsely claim these bills are a “win” for the people.

Please wake up. You guys are mimincing Trumpers with your delusional support of dumb old Joe.
Which Republicans sponsored those bills that the Dems blocked?
I can not believe that you post as if you don't remember anything preceding 2020, unless of course it is in attack of Trump..

You full well know I am not going to spend the bulk of my Saturday chronologing the entirety of the Congress from 2016 to 2020 and beyond just to have you either ignore that body of work, or dismiss it with an insult...

If you can't be adult enough to even admit that we have never seen the kind of attack that Trump had to put up with during his 4 years as President, then we really don't have anything to talk about.
The definition of failure rears it’s ugly head again. His majority was larger than Biden’s yet Biden is killing it.
Partly agree with you.
If you recall the RINO Speaker (Ryan) opposed most of the Trump agenda.
The "China First" Chamber of Commerce called the shots in the House.
Those "bought and paid-for" Never-Trumpers were ousted.

Now China owns the Xidens, SSDD.
Biden has fulfilled more of Trump's campaign promises than Trump did.
Old news. Dems have been cleaning up since. Prepare your passport so you can leave the country when the blue wave takes over the senate and a red wave limps into the house.. barely. Try Colombia.
Trump's only concern was/is keeping the base happy. Speaking to them, exclusively, in their language, 24/7/365. That's it. Period.

He's a salesman, and he knew that as long as MAGA media was with him, he was fine. Until he was shellacked by 'ol Joe, of course.
Democrats don’t believe in peace when they just passed the biggest war budget in history of $840 billion per year. They believe in imperialism.

Democrats don’t believe in climate change when their new bill gives Big Oil 600 million acres to drill on. They believe in capitalism.

Please get your heads out of you ass.

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