Biden takes out Trump with a larger boat parade turnout!

Indeed. It’s also been proven that natural immunity is 27 times more effective than the worthless concoctions they are trying to pander. At least Congress is taking up action about a bill backing science about natural immunity, finally, in this matter.

It is hard to argue with people who believe absolute garbage. The antibodies in the vaccine are much stronger and longer lasting than the natural ones and people who have the natural ones are being told by science to get vaccinated too. Everything you know is wrong for crying out loud. Do you know how to use Google or is that communist? Poor America.
Trump's Presidency ended in economic disaster and countless dead Americans. Nobody should have been surprised.

You're right. We knew the left had it out for Trump; we just underestimated how badly they wanted him gone. Being willing to shut down an entire country for a virus that has a 99.5% survival rate to hurt the economy and ensure Trump wasn't reelected was not something anyone on the right thought the left would do. Now we know they don't care how many people they hurt, just so they get their way.
It is hard to argue with people who believe absolute garbage. The antibodies in the vaccine are much stronger and longer lasting than the natural ones and people who have the natural ones are being told by science to get vaccinated too. Everything you know is wrong for crying out loud. Do you know how to use Google or is that communist? Poor America.
According to whom Frank n Beans? Stick with the medical journal analysis and avoid CNN and CNBC uninformed commentary passed off as news…they are biased and wrong.

I primarily follow medical journals and read daily articles soon after release. Anyone who makes a good effort to read factual data can avoid political posturing.

Give it a rest, unless you have a valid scientific article that states an oppositional position from all others currently out.

Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine—​

According to whom Frank n Beans? Stick with the medical journal analysis and avoid CNN and CNBC uninformed commentary passed off as news…they are biased and wrong.

I primarily follow medical journals and read daily articles soon after release. Anyone who makes a good effort to read factual data can avoid political posturing.

Give it a rest, unless you have a valid scientific article that states an oppositional position from all others currently out.

Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine—​

That Is 3 months old and has been superseded by many new studies. Even so your link says it is better to get vaccinated even if you already have antibodies from having the disease. Everyone agrees everyone should get vaccinated unless they have risk factors. And Republicans have been keeping this disease going in the United States with the worst pandemic reaction anywhere. Stupid.
You're right. We knew the left had it out for Trump; we just underestimated how badly they wanted him gone. Being willing to shut down an entire country for a virus that has a 99.5% survival rate to hurt the economy and ensure Trump wasn't reelected was not something anyone on the right thought the left would do. Now we know they don't care how many people they hurt, just so they get their way.
Yes Yes we have only had 700,000 people killed by your stupid orange clown. Okay maybe only $500,000 lol. And his crap goes around the world. We have the most conspiracy nuts anywhere but they are everywhere. Check out the Trump want to be in Brazil.
Indeed. It’s also been proven that natural immunity is 27 times more effective than the worthless concoctions they are trying to pander. At least Congress is taking up action about a bill backing science about natural immunity, finally, in this matter.

Total bologna. The vaccine gives you more antibodies than the disease and lasts longer. Everyone agrees even people with antibiotics should get vaccinated except for total liars and fools who listen to them. Like you try journalism. Instead of propaganda.
That Is 3 months old and has been superseded by many new studies. Even so your link says it is better to get vaccinated even if you already have antibodies from having the disease. Everyone agrees everyone should get vaccinated unless they have risk factors. And Republicans have been keeping this disease going in the United States with the worst pandemic reaction anywhere. Stupid.
Are you denying the argument at hand that natural immunity overrides and supersedes the current jabs? Are you aware that they should’ve targeted T cells instead of memory B cells, incorrectly going with a specific section of spike led to no chance for a creation of a true vaccine for this virus?

Do you think any study can come out now and go against the current dialogue? Not hardly. One American journal already added a new layer of screening prior to pre-prints so they would not be peer reviewed. The following source explains how funding is also biased and has been for years before the 5th coronavirus became an issue.

Do you know why the current virus was labeled COVID-19 when it is actually SARS2? The hype - they knew the public would freak more with a novel respiratory virus that sounded more dangerous than strictly labeling it, as it should have been, SARS2.

Do you realize NIH (National Institutes of Health- US govt health overseer)wants no part of what is being revealed? NIH and Dr. Fauci have messed up again. The connections to the same Wuhan bat lab and EcoHealth yet again as the grantee ( jump back 17 years) and another suspected coverup- same players! Good grief, big money surely can hide the facts.

“Compared with nAbs, SARS-CoV-2-specific memory T cells are maintained for a relatively long time (Table 1). A recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2-specific memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses are sustained in COVID-19 convalescent individuals for 10 months regardless of disease severity8. The persistence of memory T cell responses to SARS-CoV for 17 years has been demonstrated9. Moreover, there is increasing evidence that SARS-CoV-2 VOCs rarely escape memory T cell responses elicited by SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination.”

If you say I read anything on Facebook or I must read lowly media sources you’d be wrong again.

My links are for all interested readers, and you can deny them F&B until your face turns red. In today’s world it takes more effort to uncover the truth. This should’ve never been a political issue.

Produce your studies that oppose this position. Here are a few good sources: Science,org., Science Magazine, Science Daily, Nature, NatureAsia, and Pubmed. Pubmed is a mixed bag depending on if they needed NIH funding.
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Manufacturing was back below 2009 levels before the pandemic hit. Manufacturing was already in a recession because of Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum.

In creating 40,000 jobs in the steel industry, trump cost the nation 200,000 jobs in manufacturing.

Added to which, offshoring continued unabated throughout Trump’s presidency. Your trade deficit, which Trump promised to eliminate, was higher in 2019 that it was in 2016 when Obama was in office.

There’s no possibility of Biden destroying the economy because it’s already been destroyed. There is no where to go but up.
you are so full of shit, I saw the best bonuses and 401k returns during the trump years. May manufacturers were coming back and building plants now empty shells of half finished projects sit all over the country. Biden is tearing this country apart and another civil war is coming if it doesn't get better in my opinion
Are you denying the argument at hand that natural immunity overrides and supersedes the current jabs? Are you aware that they should’ve targeted T cells instead of memory B cells, incorrectly going with a specific section of spike led to no chance for a creation of a true vaccine for this virus?

Do you think any study can come out now and go against the current dialogue? Not hardly. One American journal already added a new layer of screening prior to pre-prints so they would not be peer reviewed. The following source explains how funding is also biased and has been for years before the 5th coronavirus became an issue.

Do you know why the current virus was labeled COVID-19 when it is actually SARS2? The hype - they knew the public would freak more with a novel respiratory virus that sounded more dangerous than strictly labeling it, as it should have been, SARS2.

Do you realize NIH (National Institutes of Health- US govt health overseer)wants no part of what is being revealed? NIH and Dr. Fauci have messed up again. The connections to the same Wuhan bat lab and EcoHealth yet again as the grantee ( jump back 17 years) and another suspected coverup- same players! Good grief, big money surely can hide the facts.

“Compared with nAbs, SARS-CoV-2-specific memory T cells are maintained for a relatively long time (Table 1). A recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2-specific memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses are sustained in COVID-19 convalescent individuals for 10 months regardless of disease severity8. The persistence of memory T cell responses to SARS-CoV for 17 years has been demonstrated9. Moreover, there is increasing evidence that SARS-CoV-2 VOCs rarely escape memory T cell responses elicited by SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination.”

If you say I read anything on Facebook or I must read lowly media sources you’d be wrong again.

My links are for all interested readers, and you can deny them F&B until your face turns red. In today’s world it takes more effort to uncover the truth. This should’ve never been a political issue.

Produce your studies that oppose this position. Here are a few good sources: Science,org., Science Magazine, Science Daily, Nature, NatureAsia, and Pubmed. Pubmed is a mixed bag depending on if they needed NIH funding.
everyone agrees the vaccine makes you safer no matter what and most agree the vaccine has more antibodies than simple infection gives you. › articles
COVID Antibodies From Vaccination Are Almost 3 Times Higher Than ...
Jul 15, 2021 — "Vaccinated individuals had the highest antibody levels, nearly three times higher than that of convalescent individuals recovering from ...
you are so full of shit, I saw the best bonuses and 401k returns during the trump years. May manufacturers were coming back and building plants now empty shells of half finished projects sit all over the country. Biden is tearing this country apart and another civil war is coming if it doesn't get better in my opinion

YOU saw. 40% of American workers saw NOTHING from the Trump economy, but higher prices due to the tariffs. Just the fact that you HAVE a 401K demonstrates that you're in a privileged class of worker because only 32% of workers have access to 401K's.

But I find it difficult to believe that your 401K did better under Trump than Obama. Obama doubled the DOW market in his first term, and tripled it in the second. The DOW went up less than 50% during Trump's term, even with the double goosing of tax cuts and spending that would make a drunken sailor blush.

No manufacturers were coming back. GM closed more plants. The highly publicized plant constructions all collapsed, and manufacturing jobs were at 2009 levels BEFORE than pandemic.

everyone agrees the vaccine makes you safer no matter what and most agree the vaccine has more antibodies than simple infection gives you. › articles
COVID Antibodies From Vaccination Are Almost 3 Times Higher Than ...
Jul 15, 2021 — "Vaccinated individuals had the highest antibody levels, nearly three times higher than that of convalescent individuals recovering from ...
You provided me with the left-leaning political analysis and as I mentioned this health issue should have never been made a political issue. But because I am flexible and you provided me a left-leaning, here’s a slightly right-leaning source that will explain the why and what.

IF you read the above article, try to leave your own biases on your front doorstep. Pay close attention to the timing of specific definitional changes made by CDC regarding herd immunity, intentions of FDA to keep facts muted from public awareness, and similar public stunts sourced in the article.
You provided me with the left-leaning political analysis and as I mentioned this health issue should have never been made a political issue. But because I am flexible and you provided me a left-leaning, here’s a slightly right-leaning source that will explain the why and what.

IF you read the above article, try to leave your own biases on your front doorstep. Pay close attention to the timing of specific definitional changes made by CDC regarding herd immunity, intentions of FDA to keep facts muted from public awareness, and similar public stunts sourced in the article.
No no matter what you say, everyone agrees that everyone should be vaccinated. It is better than an infection antibody situation. And makes the antibodies situation better also and is much better understood and last longer. Just makes you safer to get vaccinated. You're obsession with one stupid survey is noted. Even the people you site have changed their minds.
No no matter what you say, everyone agrees that everyone should be vaccinated. It is better than an infection antibody situation. And makes the antibodies situation better also and is much better understood and last longer. Just makes you safer to get vaccinated. You're obsession with one stupid survey is noted. Even the people you site have changed their minds.

A vaccine prevents the spread of infection and protects a person from infection. The currently available rushed products do neither. There are over 200 pharmaceuticals working on true prevention and protection.
In Hindsight: they should’ve targeted T cells instead of partial section of spike hoping for memory B cells to produce enough antibodies that would last longer than a few months. They failed.
Every single vaccinated person will get and spread the virus if they are exposed to enough of it. The left just refuse to admit it. Yes, the vaccinated do have a lot less chance of being hospitalized or dying from the virus but they all get it and spread it. Therefore, vaccine mandates are not needed because both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated spread Delta and it is up to individuals to decide what risks they are willing to take either with the virus or the vaccine.
If haven't had the virus yet, then it might be considered better to get vaxed in order to survive it, otherwise if the odds are possibly against you because you just don't know how your immune system will react.

If had the virus, and gained natural immunity from it, then I'd be willing to say that most will be ok if survived it once, and they are no threat to anyone afterwards. In fact they have been super beneficial to saving lives by donating their blood.
No no matter what you say, everyone agrees that everyone should be vaccinated. It is better than an infection antibody situation. And makes the antibodies situation better also and is much better understood and last longer. Just makes you safer to get vaccinated. You're obsession with one stupid survey is noted. Even the people you site have changed their minds.
You are saying things that you have no hard data on, so it is that you are now politicizing the situation, and that only leads to distrust, and leads to a rebellion of the shot (if were considered at all by anyone here or elsewhere after you continually pull your bullcrap), and it's all because of your bullcrap.
You're right. We knew the left had it out for Trump; we just underestimated how badly they wanted him gone. Being willing to shut down an entire country for a virus that has a 99.5% survival rate to hurt the economy and ensure Trump wasn't reelected was not something anyone on the right thought the left would do. Now we know they don't care how many people they hurt, just so they get their way.
I agree with this sadly enough.
You are saying things that you have no hard data on, so it is that you are now politicizing the situation, and that only leads to distrust, and leads to a rebellion of the shot (if were considered at all by anyone here or elsewhere after you continually pull your bullcrap), and it's all because of your bullcrap.
Just just Google the vaccine is better than an infection and shut the hell up for crying out loud. It's what the CDC says and everyone else including your Israeli clinic. Poor America
Just just Google the vaccine is better than an infection and shut the hell up for crying out loud. It's what the CDC says and everyone else including your Israeli clinic. Poor America
Everyone knows that it helps if infected, but that's not the issue. The issue is Biden playing dictator with issues that doesn't need a dictator, and yet has chief dumb dumb involved.
I agree with this sadly enough.
You're both wacky then. Every case like that has been thrown out of every court laughed out of every court in the country. No evidence nothing but scumbags repeating it endlessly on the GOP propaganda channel and internet idiots.
Everyone knows that it helps if infected, but that's not the issue. The issue is Biden playing dictator with issues that doesn't need a dictator, and yet has chief dumb dumb involved.
You just proved that mandates are probably necessary. The GOP base are the only people in the world that aren't ready to take vaccines. And a few other conspiracy nuts who listen to them. Trump lovers omg a disaster absolutely.

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