Biden takes revenge on Red states

Depriving people of antibody treatment is akin to killing them. (Basis of this thread)

1. There’s more people who need the treatment than can get it.

2. People who get vaccinated have less likelihood of needing treatment.

Therefore, people who chose not to get vaccinated use more treatment and deprive others who need it despite getting vaccinated.

So I guess people who don’t get vaccinated are killing others.
Depriving people of antibody treatment is akin to killing them. (Basis of this thread)

1. There’s more people who need the treatment than can get it.

2. People who get vaccinated have less likelihood of needing treatment.

Therefore, people who chose not to get vaccinated use more treatment and deprive others who need it despite getting vaccinated.

So I guess people who don’t get vaccinated are killing others.
Why do you hate black people?
So I guess people who don’t get vaccinated are killing others.
You guess wrongly.

People who have natural immunity, like those who have recovered from COVID, do not need the vaccine. They aren't killing anyone.
You guess wrongly.

People who have natural immunity, like those who have recovered from COVID, do not need the vaccine. They aren't killing anyone.
But those who get COVID now are using doses of the antibody treatment.

And by using doses of the antibody treatment, they are depriving others of getting it.

And depriving someone of getting it is akin to killing them.
People who have natural immunity, like those who have recovered from COVID, do not need the vaccine
"Like those who have had..."

That is literally HOW you get natural immunity. As far as i know the ONLY way you get it
I see the microphones being turned off every time Biden speaks. Yesterday was crazy. He was in the middle of a sentence and they turned off the microphone and dimmed the lights. It was weird
Not making shit up. I have first hand accounts. I'm up here in a state that doesn't have rampant COVID, maybe because we are actually reasonable people who take our health seriously. Who knows?

But that doesn't mean we don't have any cases of COVID. We do. There are lots of people out there in the country who have underlying conditions and even though they've been vaccinated, they didn't respond because they're on immune suppressing medications and can't form an antibody response.

I've had some of these people get COVID and the first thing I want to do is get them Regeneron. But you know what? A bunch of states down south have been taking the lion's share of the supply. It's a limited resource. There's more people who need it than can have it and as a result, people in other areas are not able to get it who truly do need it, who are truly at a very high risk of bad outcomes.

You tell me who needs it more? My patient who is a transplant recipient who's immune system didn't respond to a vaccine and is high risk for bad outcomes from COVID or...

...Joe Rogan, someone who purports to be a healthy individual who has a low risk of bad outcomes and decided not to get vaccinated.

Who needs it more?
Who needs it more would depend on the specific treatment outcomes expected from both patients. Your sob story is irrelevant as has already been established with a thousand other examples.

The fact is you have not cited a single shortfall anywhere. You can parrot that 70 percent of the meds are going to one place all you want, at one point 100 percent of the federal resources available were going to NY because they are the ones that needed it at that point. Cutting it back because of 'equity' would have been wrong then. It is wrong now.
President Donald Trump agreed Monday to allow the U.S. Navy’s 1,000-bed hospital ship Comfort to be used to treat patients with the coronavirus to relieve pressure on New York City’s strained hospital system

“We don’t need the Comfort for non-COVID cases, we need it for COVID,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said at a press conference in Albany, N.Y. earlier Monday, when he announced he would ask Trump to let the ship take that role.

At Monday evening’s coronavirus task force briefing, Trump said the ship would be used to treat patients from New York and New Jersey.

“It is set for COVID … hopefully that will be very helpful to both states,” Trump said.

The Comfort, which is docked on Manhattan’s West Side, previously was deployed to the Big Apple with the understand that it would not treat patients with coronavirus.

The ship until now has been used to treat just a handful of patients without COVID-19, leading to criticism that the ship has been of little or no help with the hospital crisis in New York. The state is is the epicenter of the pandemic in the United States.

In a phone interview on MSNBC, Cuomo said that he spoke with Trump after his own press conference and that the president granted permission for Comfort to accept COVID-19 patients.

Those patients will first go to an area hospital and then will be moved as needed to the Comfort.

The ship was send to NYC without authorization to treat COVID patients UNTIL Gov. Guomo asked.

So, the fucking off would be you.
So, NY asked for treatment options. Trump delivered.

FL orders treatments, is told they are coming, then Biden changes his mind and shortfalls them because 'equity.'

The problem with the example is pretty glaring in relation to the OP...
But those who get COVID now are using doses of the antibody treatment.

And by using doses of the antibody treatment, they are depriving others of getting it.

And depriving someone of getting it is akin to killing them.
That is an illogical argument for taking access to the mAb medicines away from states rather than increasing allotment of it to every state that needs it.

The same is true also of the vaccines that are being provided for 'free' by mother government...using taxpayer monies to buy them.

That is, if you take a dose of the COVID vaccine, you are denying someone else THAT particular dose of it. The same applies to any medicine that is controlled by the government.

What Biden takes away from any one state will be sent to another state. Assuming that the medicine is not being misapplied, the states that need more should get more.

What he is doing is choosing who gets those free doses.

I hope DeSantis is successful in finding other sources and buying sufficient quantities on his own.

Fuck Joe Biden.
I see the microphones being turned off every time Biden speaks. Yesterday was crazy. He was in the middle of a sentence and they turned off the microphone and dimmed the lights. It was weird
That's a euphemistic way for his handlers to say, "STFU, Joe!"
That is an illogical argument for taking access to the mAb medicines away from states rather than increasing allotment of it to every state that needs it.

The same is true also of the vaccines that are being provided for 'free' by mother government...using taxpayer monies to buy them.

That is, if you take a dose of the COVID vaccine, you are denying someone else THAT particular dose of it. The same applies to any medicine that is controlled by the government.

What Biden takes away from any one state will be sent to another state. Assuming that the medicine is not being misapplied, the states that need more should get more.

What he is doing is choosing who gets those free doses.

I hope DeSantis is successful in finding other sources and buying sufficient quantities on his own.

Fuck Joe Biden.
Not illogical at all. For starters, you can't wave a magic wand and create more of the antibody treatment. It's a limited resource now. You can't get out of your conundrum by inventing impossible solutions.

The vaccine is no longer a limited resource.

What you're not understanding is that every state needs this medication. There's an unfilled need everywhere. If you blame Joe Biden for taking doses from people who "need it", then why wouldn't you also blame the people who take the doses that wouldn't have needed it if they had been vaccinated?
Who needs it more would depend on the specific treatment outcomes expected from both patients. Your sob story is irrelevant as has already been established with a thousand other examples.

The fact is you have not cited a single shortfall anywhere. You can parrot that 70 percent of the meds are going to one place all you want, at one point 100 percent of the federal resources available were going to NY because they are the ones that needed it at that point. Cutting it back because of 'equity' would have been wrong then. It is wrong now.
My "sob story" isn't "irrelevant", it's inconvenient for you.

There's a need for this medication everywhere. There's more need than product. If you can't see that, then you're not being honest.
Premiums for lower income individuals were subsidized by federal dollars, not by other people's premiums.

Please don't pretend to understand how the ACA works if you really don't have a clue.

Where do you think federal dollars come from? Why did higher income individuals pay more? It is pretty obvious that they were paying more to subsidize those that paid less. They can spin it all they would like and play the shell game and tell you the “government”, was paying for it, but ultimately the goverment was using the higher premuims and deductatbles for higher wage eaners to pay for those that didn’t pay anything or very little.
Depriving people of antibody treatment is akin to killing them. (Basis of this thread)

1. There’s more people who need the treatment than can get it.

2. People who get vaccinated have less likelihood of needing treatment.

Therefore, people who chose not to get vaccinated use more treatment and deprive others who need it despite getting vaccinated.

So I guess people who don’t get vaccinated are killing others.

What about the long wait times at the ER on weekends due to the number of drug and alcohol overdoses by those that are not insured? Are they using more resources? They aren’t even paying for the care and the responsible, tax paying, insurance holder who chose not to do drugs has to wait in line. I don’t every hear lefties crying about that.
You guess wrongly.

People who have natural immunity, like those who have recovered from COVID, do not need the vaccine. They aren't killing anyone.

Yeah and I can bet you that a VERY large percentage of the population is in this boat. Many people had COVID and never knew it and were never tested, thus never show up on the COVID statistics.
Who needs it more would depend on the specific treatment outcomes expected from both patients. Your sob story is irrelevant as has already been established with a thousand other examples.

The fact is you have not cited a single shortfall anywhere. You can parrot that 70 percent of the meds are going to one place all you want, at one point 100 percent of the federal resources available were going to NY because they are the ones that needed it at that point. Cutting it back because of 'equity' would have been wrong then. It is wrong now.
A. That’s not true. Never were 100% of resources going to NY

B. At that time there was little infection in most states and no need for ventilators.

That’s not the case here.
Hey Bozo, I'm very happy living here in the SF BAY AREA. Your ignorance as to the definition of fascism is ludicrous. I bet you don't know the difference between Fascism and fascism; or the 14 points of both.
That explains it all.....
So you love
1) Criminals running rampant
2) Poop on the streets
3) Homeless and drug users everwhere

And soon you won't have any stores, because it's just a place thugs can just take shit.............hahaha lets see it in 10 years.........oh and I'm sure you don't want police either, correct?
Where do you think federal dollars come from? Why did higher income individuals pay more? It is pretty obvious that they were paying more to subsidize those that paid less. They can spin it all they would like and play the shell game and tell you the “government”, was paying for it, but ultimately the goverment was using the higher premuims and deductatbles for higher wage eaners to pay for those that didn’t pay anything or very little.
That doesn’t really make sense.

The government wasn’t using “higher premiums”. Premiums go to the insurer and the insurer sets their premiums based on the medical risk of the group. The government was subsidizing those premiums for low wage earners. The tax dollars subsidized there low earners, not the premiums.

Federal tax dollars come from all people. Ask your friend where their taxes were increased as a result of the ACA and you have an argument but if you know the provisions of the ACA (doesn’t seem likely based on your posting) then you’d know that a below average earners faced no tax increase.

Therefore, your friend got misinformation from you based on your ignorance of the law. That’s something the ACA suffered plenty from. Remember death panels?
That explains it all.....
So you love
1) Criminals running rampant
2) Poop on the streets
3) Homeless and drug users everwhere

And soon you won't have any stores, because it's just a place thugs can just take shit.............hahaha lets see it in 10 years.........oh and I'm sure you don't want police either, correct?
Did you get lost and decided to take a shit on this thread?
That doesn’t really make sense.

The government wasn’t using “higher premiums”. Premiums go to the insurer and the insurer sets their premiums based on the medical risk of the group. The government was subsidizing those premiums for low wage earners. The tax dollars subsidized there low earners, not the premiums.

Federal tax dollars come from all people. Ask your friend where their taxes were increased as a result of the ACA and you have an argument but if you know the provisions of the ACA (doesn’t seem likely based on your posting) then you’d know that a below average earners faced no tax increase.

Therefore, your friend got misinformation from you based on your ignorance of the law. That’s something the ACA suffered plenty from. Remember death panels?
Wait...we never actually HAD death panels?

That a a huge right wing lie?

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