Biden Thinks There’s A 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate Named ‘Cisneros’

Some reporter will trigger him about Hunter and Ukraine
and his eye will pop out soon I bet.
Good. The stress and strain of possibly going to prison is starting to get to him.

Yes, Biden and his son are corrupt, and both should be in jail.

But that's true for a lot of people in Washington, and the Demo-controlled Media can cover up Biden Fraud easily---by pretending it's a mere delusion perpetrated on the rubes in the Heartland by Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. That's what they do---tell people educated in public schools in rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century that they are smart....and that anyone south and west of the Washington Suburbs is just a character from the movie Deliverance.

But, declining Mental Acuity, especially in a near Idiot by birth, is harder to hide.

Biden has been a Fool for a long time, but that hasn't heretofore distinguished him from other Democrats.

Now, he is an Old Fool. A corrupt Old Fool. A corrupt Old White Man Fool.

That won't do. He will not be the nominee. There are enough people in the Democratic Party who are merely Corrupt, and not just Fools, to realize this. Obama is one of those. He won't indorse the Senile Old White Man Fool who has no redeeming qualities. He's not even Muslim or Homosexual!

So the money is being cut off.

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