Biden to Restrict Travel From India

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. will restrict travel from India starting on May 4, the White House said Friday, citing a devastating rise in COVID-19 cases in the country and the emergence of potentially dangerous variants of the coronavirus.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Joe Biden’s administration made the determination on the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Trying to hide their racist tendencies behind Covid which is already in our country. Does it make any sense to restrict travel from India when the Dementia President is allowing people from South America to invade our country untested, and then bus them around the entire nation coast to coast? Obviously they don't care about any Covid spread, they are just racist against Indians.

Are you a moron or do you play one? It is not racist. It makes sense. You are the one who displays your racism.
Didn't Trump have a travel ban to China? and other travel ban's

So was it racist?
Chinese isn't a race, Dumbass. :laughing0301:

Really, did you just learn that. I am truly impressed. No I not. Just because Chinese isn't a race does not mean people will not make racist statements against the Chinese people. They may not want to over generalize but focus on ethnicity. The different races is just a general term to keep it simple for you. Believing that there are only the major races that you learned in school last week is just keeping it simple for you.

Racist statements against ones ethnicity will be taken as a sign of prejudice.

If a black person and white person have a child. What race is he or she? China's ethnic makeup will make your head spin. yet if you make a statement they make take it as racist. Even if it does not match what in the books.

take your pointed cap off on the way out as it is on to tight.
Glad I could educate you on that. I got bored with your incoherent rant after the third sentence.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. will restrict travel from India starting on May 4, the White House said Friday, citing a devastating rise in COVID-19 cases in the country and the emergence of potentially dangerous variants of the coronavirus.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Joe Biden’s administration made the determination on the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Trying to hide their racist tendencies behind Covid which is already in our country. Does it make any sense to restrict travel from India when the Dementia President is allowing people from South America to invade our country untested, and then bus them around the entire nation coast to coast? Obviously they don't care about any Covid spread, they are just racist against Indians.
Ssssslllooooooooowwww as a turtle calling for the halt, and all because it was more important to
"get at Trump" then stopping the spread and securing lives, when TRUMP halted China travel into the country. See, because Biden chimed in on that attack, he now was cornered in doing a travel ban himself, which is why the deadly long delay.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. will restrict travel from India starting on May 4, the White House said Friday, citing a devastating rise in COVID-19 cases in the country and the emergence of potentially dangerous variants of the coronavirus.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Joe Biden’s administration made the determination on the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Trying to hide their racist tendencies behind Covid which is already in our country. Does it make any sense to restrict travel from India when the Dementia President is allowing people from South America to invade our country untested, and then bus them around the entire nation coast to coast? Obviously they don't care about any Covid spread, they are just racist against Indians.
Why are ALL of you white wingers so gotdam stupid?

The problem woth Trump's travel restrictions is that he ignored the other, much more important and effective recommendations given to him at the same time. This showed the world he clearly was not instituting the travel bans for safety, but rather to appeal to his white nationalist base.

This is not true in Biden's case. He has wielded travel restrictions as a last resort crisis measure while following the other more important advice of the experts.

Now, i know this simple set of ideas is far too nuanced for the shallow, happily dumb cultists. But it bore repeating anyway.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. will restrict travel from India starting on May 4, the White House said Friday, citing a devastating rise in COVID-19 cases in the country and the emergence of potentially dangerous variants of the coronavirus.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Joe Biden’s administration made the determination on the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Trying to hide their racist tendencies behind Covid which is already in our country. Does it make any sense to restrict travel from India when the Dementia President is allowing people from South America to invade our country untested, and then bus them around the entire nation coast to coast? Obviously they don't care about any Covid spread, they are just racist against Indians.

Even Democrats called Biden a racist during their debates, remember?
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. will restrict travel from India starting on May 4, the White House said Friday, citing a devastating rise in COVID-19 cases in the country and the emergence of potentially dangerous variants of the coronavirus.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Joe Biden’s administration made the determination on the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Trying to hide their racist tendencies behind Covid which is already in our country. Does it make any sense to restrict travel from India when the Dementia President is allowing people from South America to invade our country untested, and then bus them around the entire nation coast to coast? Obviously they don't care about any Covid spread, they are just racist against Indians.

But....but.....he said Trump was a xenophobe when he banned travel from China..called him a racist too......

Sooooo...we knew biden and the democrats are the actual racists....
Ssssslllooooooooowwww as a turtle calling for the halt, and all because it was more important to
"get at Trump" then stopping the spread and securing lives, when TRUMP halted China travel into the country. See, because Biden chimed in on that attack, he now was cornered in doing a travel ban himself, which is why the deadly long delay.

At least Trump was consistent. He wanted to keep terrorists out, the virus out, the illegals out. It makes no sense to have a ban on India and then allow tens of thousands of untested illegals to enter our country, a few of them that were caught were known middle-east terrorists, and then bus them all over the country.
But....but.....he said Trump was a xenophobe when he banned travel from China..called him a racist too......

Sooooo...we knew biden and the democrats are the actual racists....

His claim is that it's Covid, but that can't be true since he's allowing people with Covid from other countries to enter. So the only other thing is racism.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. will restrict travel from India starting on May 4, the White House said Friday, citing a devastating rise in COVID-19 cases in the country and the emergence of potentially dangerous variants of the coronavirus.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Joe Biden’s administration made the determination on the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Trying to hide their racist tendencies behind Covid which is already in our country. Does it make any sense to restrict travel from India when the Dementia President is allowing people from South America to invade our country untested, and then bus them around the entire nation coast to coast? Obviously they don't care about any Covid spread, they are just racist against Indians.
Ssssslllooooooooowwww as a turtle calling for the halt, and all because it was more important to
"get at Trump" then stopping the spread and securing lives, when TRUMP halted China travel into the country. See, because Biden chimed in on that attack, he now was cornered in doing a travel ban himself, which is why the deadly long delay.
View attachment 485927
The interesting thing about the scare coming out of India is that the mutations there may have made the virus immune to antibodies which is what the ” vacines” are supposed to produce.. So by Joe being so slow on the draw as you say he may have placed the citizens in the states in jeopardy.. Now I always thought that a strong immune system would attack and crush viruses of this nature and that antibodies are the last line of defence to mop up or clean up after your body has faught it not the first line of defence... I am not a medical doctor but surely Joe should be getting the best advise from the top guys in their fields... If they knew ahead of time before us then Joe could have easily shut travel down or at least mitigated it so the threat was not as severe..
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. will restrict travel from India starting on May 4, the White House said Friday, citing a devastating rise in COVID-19 cases in the country and the emergence of potentially dangerous variants of the coronavirus.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Joe Biden’s administration made the determination on the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Trying to hide their racist tendencies behind Covid which is already in our country. Does it make any sense to restrict travel from India when the Dementia President is allowing people from South America to invade our country untested, and then bus them around the entire nation coast to coast? Obviously they don't care about any Covid spread, they are just racist against Indians.
Ssssslllooooooooowwww as a turtle calling for the halt, and all because it was more important to
"get at Trump" then stopping the spread and securing lives, when TRUMP halted China travel into the country. See, because Biden chimed in on that attack, he now was cornered in doing a travel ban himself, which is why the deadly long delay.
View attachment 485927
The interesting thing about the scare coming out of India is that the mutations there may have made the virus immune to antibodies which is what the ” vacines” are supposed to produce.. So by Joe being so slow on the draw as you say he may have placed the citizens in the states in jeopardy.. Now I always thought that a strong immune system would attack and crush viruses of this nature and that antibodies are the last line of defence to mop up or clean up after your body has faught it not the first line of defence... I am not a medical doctor but surely Joe should be getting the best advise from the top guys in their fields... If they knew ahead of time before us then Joe could have easily shut travel down or at least mitigated it so the threat was not as severe..
So called "Experts" are only as good as the info they have access to and if we have an orchestrated 1 voice media that parrots each other and restricts info and unique solutions (especially medical ones) & they restrict variety of views (ways of looking at problems and solving them) and restrict and limit sources of info, then the experts are kept in the dark- deaf dumb and blind to what remedies are out there that work, and many ideas on solutions to prevent things like what's happening in India. For all we know, the varient might have been tailored to them by China who have ccp ops working there.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. will restrict travel from India starting on May 4, the White House said Friday, citing a devastating rise in COVID-19 cases in the country and the emergence of potentially dangerous variants of the coronavirus.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Joe Biden’s administration made the determination on the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Trying to hide their racist tendencies behind Covid which is already in our country. Does it make any sense to restrict travel from India when the Dementia President is allowing people from South America to invade our country untested, and then bus them around the entire nation coast to coast? Obviously they don't care about any Covid spread, they are just racist against Indians.
Ssssslllooooooooowwww as a turtle calling for the halt, and all because it was more important to
"get at Trump" then stopping the spread and securing lives, when TRUMP halted China travel into the country. See, because Biden chimed in on that attack, he now was cornered in doing a travel ban himself, which is why the deadly long delay.
View attachment 485927
The interesting thing about the scare coming out of India is that the mutations there may have made the virus immune to antibodies which is what the ” vacines” are supposed to produce.. So by Joe being so slow on the draw as you say he may have placed the citizens in the states in jeopardy.. Now I always thought that a strong immune system would attack and crush viruses of this nature and that antibodies are the last line of defence to mop up or clean up after your body has faught it not the first line of defence... I am not a medical doctor but surely Joe should be getting the best advise from the top guys in their fields... If they knew ahead of time before us then Joe could have easily shut travel down or at least mitigated it so the threat was not as severe..
So called "Experts" are only as good as the info they have access to and if we have an orchestrated 1 voice media that parrots each other and restricts info and unique solutions (especially medical ones) & they restrict variety of views (ways of looking at problems and solving them) and restrict and limit sources of info, then the experts are kept in the dark- deaf dumb and blind to what remedies are out there that work, and many ideas on solutions to prevent things like what's happening in India. For all we know, the varient might have been tailored to them by China who have ccp ops working there.
This just proves your point in spades about needing a “ platform” like a rebuilt temple to get across another “ untainted” point of view that people can compare and see which holds truth and knowledge ( which is light) and which holds darkness( which is lies and folly)..In today’s age there is only one voice and if they have their way that is all there ever will be...The illusion of choice where there really isn’t one..
The interesting thing about the scare coming out of India is that the mutations there may have made the virus immune to antibodies which is what the ” vacines” are supposed to produce.. So by Joe being so slow on the draw as you say he may have placed the citizens in the states in jeopardy.. Now I always thought that a strong immune system would attack and crush viruses of this nature and that antibodies are the last line of defence to mop up or clean up after your body has faught it not the first line of defence... I am not a medical doctor but surely Joe should be getting the best advise from the top guys in their fields... If they knew ahead of time before us then Joe could have easily shut travel down or at least mitigated it so the threat was not as severe..

Joe can't walk up a flight of stairs without hurting himself yet alone come up with strategies to stop a virus. This is a guy who's been fully vaccinated and wears a mask outside.
Joe can't walk up a flight of stairs without hurting himself yet alone come up with strategies to stop a virus. This is a guy who's been fully vaccinated and wears a mask outside.

Cut him some slack!

He just forgot he was wearing it and nobody would tell him 'cause it was soaking up the drool that had made the floors so damn slippery.
Didn't Trump have a travel ban to China? and other travel ban's

So was it racist?
According to you, it was. Now, somehow, Xiden does exactly the same thing and it is OK. Hypocrite.
sorry I never said it was racist, my complaint was that it didn't work because of how it was done.

What was wrong with the way it was done? Don't paint yourself into a corner like that!

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